Is 98 Unlimited a Scam? Or, is it Legit? Let’s Find Out…

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Is 98 Unlimited a scam? Or is it legit? For today’s topic, I’ll help you determine whether they’re a good investment or should you avoid them?

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The COVID-19 pandemic has made a huge impact on the global economy. Many businesses were forced to shut down because no profits were coming in, and they were unable to maintain some of their operating expenses.

As a consequence, many lost their jobs and turn to other income opportunities. And due to specific health protocols, our activities are limited at the confinement of our home. Such an instance has led to a dramatic surge in eCommerce in the process.

Many scammers have seen this event as an opportunity to take advantage of people’s vulnerability.

For today’s topic, I will be particularly talking about a program called 98 Unlimited. They were founded during the peak of the pandemic, which pretty much explained their marketing strategies as seen in their sales pitch.

Despite the obvious red flags in the sales video, the program might have caught your attention for some reason.

And if you want to know more about how the program works and in need of answers, whether they’re a scam or legitimate, this article is specially made just for you!

But before I begin, let me disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of 98 Unlimited and in NO way promoting their programs. The article’s content is my honest and unbiased opinion about the program based on my thorough research.

So is 98 Unlimited a scam? Or, is their system a legitimate source of income online?

Without further delays, let’s begin…

Who are the founder and owners of 98 Unlimited?

Before you can resume with their program, you have to provide them your name and email address.

After doing so, you will be greeted with another sales pitch video. In it, the narrator introduced himself as Frank and the owner of 98 Unlimited. In addition, he explained that he was a former representative of a failed MLM company. However, he didn’t mention what company it was.

He also claimed that the photo below is him and his wife, Laura—

98 Unlimited Fake Owner

However, the image looks suspiciously like a stock photo. Thus, I reverse image search the photo and found out that it was used many times in various websites and LinkedIn profiles—

98 Unlimited Fake Owner II
98 Unlimited Fake Owner III

Yup, the identity of its so-called founders is an apparent lie.

I also reviewed similar programs in the past that fakes the identity of the business. You can check them out if you like—MYIGGA, Auto Income Sites, and The Secret Code System, just to name a few.

What is 98 Unlimited?

98 Unlimited advertises itself as a direct selling company. However, this is not the case, and they are more of a pseudo affiliate marketing over anything else.

Although there are similarities between affiliate marketing and direct selling, there are apparent differences as well.

For one thing, most affiliate programs are free to join and won’t ask you for any startup cost. Apparently, the narrator in the video asks for a registration fee of $98 in order for anyone to have the rights to promote their program.

In general, companies will only require you to have an online presence with an ample number of followers.

Also, the creators of 98 Unlimited didn’t provide any relevant information about the company.

Other than their fake accounts and misleading business structure, they claim that the business has been around since July 2020—

98 Unlimited misleading business structure

However, their domain age suggests otherwise. It indicates that the company was only created about three months ago—

98 Unlimited Domain age

Based on websites’ IP Address, their geolocation places them in Pennsylvania—

98 Unlimited IP address

However, I wouldn’t trust this information because I also found that they are using a VPN, as shown below—

98 Unlimited VPN

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is reasonable if a person is using it for private use. However, it won’t make sense if you’re a business providing goods and services to consumers.

Some may argue corporate confidentiality. But this won’t always be the proper thing to do, especially if you’re concealing and even faking the most basic of information like founders, owners, CEOs, the base of operation, etc.

How can I trust anyone with my time and money if they can’t even share such essential information? Does it make sense?

With this being said—is 98 Unlimited a scam? Let’s continue and find out more…

How 98 Unlimited works?

The term 98 Unlimited was used because the signup fee is $98 as well. The narrator also claims that you earn unlimited commissions of $98 every time someone purchases the products.

Their system is commission-based, which means that you can only earn income if someone purchases the system and their upsells.

Although direct selling and affiliate marketing are two different business models, they don’t guarantee any form of success or a specific amount of income.

Unlimited income in affiliate marketing is possible. In fact, many people today are relying on this eCommerce method. But you have to remember that genuine affiliate marketers are promoting various brands, and they are not limited to just one branding.

98 Unlimited markets only one product, and that is their own. And the problem in this setting is it gets easily saturated as more people get access to the program. If you think about it, it is not unlimited $98 daily at all.

The way they advertise their system seems to be that they have discovered a strategy that will change the world.

Well, it’s not! This is obviously misleading and just trying to hype you!

Also, their commissions and compensation structure appear to be suspiciously more like a Ponzi scheme because of the false hope of high returns through their system.

They’ll also show you books that they claim to possess the basics of online marketing. But I assure you that they are irrelevant and were made by a hired writer on Fiverr. If they were able to lie about their identities, how much more with their contents?

If you’re looking for a legitimate way of earning significant and reliable income online, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation!

Is 98 Unlimited a scam? Here are some red flags!

Failed to disclose basic corporate information

The creators of the program concealed even the most basic of information which is a huge red flag.

They even lied about the true foundation date of their company, as explained earlier.

If I’m prospecting for an investment or online course, the first thing I look for is the business’ credentials. How can I validate the legitimacy of the business without them? So do they want us to rely on their shady claims? No way!

Fake founders

As mentioned earlier, the photo that the narrator presented as himself and his wife are apparently stock images—faking an identity is a scam in my book.

Misleading claims and false hopes

98 Unlimited False Hope

98 Unlimited claims that you will get paid the following compensations immediately—

98 Unlimited Fake Compensation

However, take note that the figures indicated above don’t prove anything.

In fact, you can easily makeup numbers and generate a bogus statement through an image editing software like Adobe Photoshop.


I didn’t found any positives about the company that would lead me to recommend them.

With so many red flags, I believe that it would be best for you to avoid them at all costs and search for a more legitimate program that can truly help you earn income online.

If you’re looking for a legitimate way of earning significant and reliable income online, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation!


Failed to disclose the company’s identity

Fake founder

False hope—all hype

Misleading claims

Final thoughts

I hope this review has provided you the answer to the all-important question—is 98 Unlimited a scam?

And yes, the company is definitely a scam. There’s no question about it.

How can you even trust a company that’s unwilling to share its true credentials?

Let’s continue to the last section, and I will show you a better way to earn income online…

How I earn income online…

Affiliate marketing is among the hottest trend in eCommerce today. And it is rightfully so for many apparent reasons, and it includes the following—

  • It is suitable for all levels of experiences
  • It is free of any risk!
  • No upsells!
  • It is a reliable source of income
  • Most importantly, it is a significant source of income because you can essentially promote as many brands as you like

Yes, your main task as an affiliate marketer is to promote a business’s products or services through your website and/or social media account.

Of course, your success in this type of business model heavily relies on the quality of traffic being driven into your site.

If you’re a complete newbie to the entire concept of affiliate marketing and have no idea where to begin, or if you’re a struggling affiliate marketer that wants to turn your business around, then you no longer have to worry any further!

I got your back!

Slightly tickle the description below, and I will teach you how to create a stunning site that’s attracting a lot of traffic from scratch—


And just for being on my website, let me offer you my FREE e-book. In it, I explain the 4 step method that has made me a successful affiliate marketer!

The 4 step method

Just click on the button below:

Get your Free Guide here

As always, if you have any comments, please feel free to use the comment section below.

6 thoughts on “Is 98 Unlimited a Scam? Or, is it Legit? Let’s Find Out…”

  1. Hi, in no way am I wanting to argue about your report on 98 unlimited. The things you said may all be correct, but just wanted to send this link to you and if / when you get time, maybe you’d like to take a look, especially the first video where he started the program and had to shut down and restart it.

    From the way he talks, he seems genuine, he doesn’t sound too sales-ey and he gets pissed off at times, like in the second video where he talks about the auto-responder.

    As far as the picture not being him, I’m thinking maybe he’s so butt ugly he doesn’t want to show his face so he uses a stock picture which I find no big deal. Maybe the income claims are fake, I don’t know, and the products themselves which have resell rights, whether they are real or just pictures, don’t know that either, I’m not a member, so I’m pretty much unbiased.

    I take it that wealthy affiliate has worked out good for you, and that’s good if it has, but there are a bunch of complaints online about it too. I guess no make money online program will be able to escape critics.

    • Hello Rod

      Thank you for sending me the link and giving your opinion. So let me tell you what I have noticed here and explain a few things, even if you are not a member of 98Unlimited.

      I watched all of the videos from the link and frankly, he (whoever this “Frank” is) seems genuine yes.

      His short videos do explain how the system works and this is where I say that it’s not as he says it is.

      I have seen in the videos that he uses his own account to explain stuff. Well, the money he made according to his “dashboard” is not that impressive. He is NOT making multiple $98 daily himself! One of the videos shows he made $111 in 24 hours, which is not bad, but the other one shows that he made $490 total for the month of May 2021. A little calculation here: $490/98=5 a total of 5 for the whole month. I don’t know about you, but I say that this is not enough to survive in today’s society.

      And we haven’t talked about the cost yet. In the videos, he says that you must be “getting people to the capture page” and he suggests solo ads as one of the methods. Well, I don’t know how many solo ads he bought to get those 5 paying customers but I know this: Solo ads are expensive! The average cost ranges between $0.40 to $0.70 per click. So, you can kiss that $490 goodbye in about 700 clicks, which is NOT a lot.

      Take into consideration the conversion rate of about 3% I have seen in of his screenshots from his videos and that would only give you 21 opt-ins (not paying customers but people who clicked on the ad) and how many from the 21 would actually pay? Well, maybe 1 if you are lucky… So you see that it’s not all unicorns and rainbows here.

      Another thing I saw is that they use Wave accounting to send out payments. They are a third-party software link. I looked them up and found that they have a lot of complaints and that their BBB rating is 1.81/5. Not really impressive…

      All of this to say that this system may not be a scam since you do get some kind of an automated system for the money you pay. But it also tells me that the only one who seems to be making very little “revenue” (Not profit) is the owner and I am not impressed either.

      Now to get to your comment about Wealthy Affiliate. Yes, I am doing very well with this platform. It has changed my life. I went from a complete newbie to an experienced affiliate marketer. Now I get up in the morning and check my emails to see how much money I have made while sleeping. That being said, Wealthy Affiliate is not for everybody. People joining must be prepared to put in the effort to make this work. It is not promoted or advertised as a get-rich-quick method, and it really isn’t.

      When someone starts a brick-and-mortar business, they must put in the time and effort to make things work, well the same principle applies when starting an online business. You will not earn money in a week or even a month (actually it depends on the niche and the amount of work you put in).

      It takes time and effort to create something worthwhile, and this is the biggest reason people complain about Wealthy Affiliate. They come in, they say they are willing to put in the necessary effort, but they just don’t do it and then complain that it doesn’t work. So yeah, as you say, every online program has its flaws and nobody’s perfect.

      One last thing, if you decide to join Wealthy Affiliate, please be prepared to work you a$$ off.

      There are NO free rides online, and the systems that say that you can get rich overnight are just plain liars.

      Have a great day!

  2. I think it’s funny that every time I find a review about a good company it’s always a Wealthy Affiliate person cutting it down LoL.
    Just goes to show that your company is the company that is a scam.
    Especially if you have to resort to that kind of tactics to try and make your company look good!
    This proves your company is really the loser.
    Everything you said is untrue especially about the owner and the products
    The owner is real and the products are legitimate and they provide training on multiple things about marketing online.
    But I’m sure that you’re such a loser that you won’t even put my comment up because you know you will lose customers if they find out the real truth about Wealthy Affiliate.
    There are people that are making more in one month than you probably make in a year.
    Wealthy Affiliate Loser give it up and quit cutting down businesses that are better than what you have!!
    Get a Life LoL!!

    • Dear John,

      First, I would like to say that I wrote this review based on facts found on the Internet and available to anyone who wants to know about the company and can find out for themselves.

      That being said, I want to reiterate what I said in this review about this system. First is the fact that the owner(s) are not divulged! That right there tells me that they are not willing to put their face up and tell it like it is, and I have provided proof of this in my article!

      I am not here to “cut down” a good company. I simply provide the facts and tell it as it is.

      You say “the owner is real, and the products are legitimate”. OK the product does exist, and someone has created it, I can’t argue that fact. But they are NOT Frank and Laura! And I have proof to back me up. With my research, I found who the real owner is, but I did not divulge it here either for his/her privacy reasons.

      They may in fact “provide training on multiple things about marketing online” with some video training that is maybe worth the $98 investment, but the fact remains that they are using fake names and misleading people into thinking that they are going to make multiple $98 payments daily when the real fact is that even the owner is not even breaking $500 in a full month in his own video training. That is 5 x $98 for a month, NOT daily as they claim that this system will provide to anyone who purchases the system.

      Now, to address your frustrations and calling me a loser and Wealthy Affiliate being a scam, let me just say this: I am sorry that you are feeling this way.

      I’m actually far from a loser, I have a very wealthy life and earn a lot more than you might think! I owe my online marketing education and experience to Wealthy Affiliate and its wonderful community! They are as legit as they can be! They don’t pretend that people are going to be rich in a week. It takes hard work and determination (just like a brick-and-mortar business) to succeed and that is what they teach.

      I stand behind what I publish online. I do my research before I say and write anything about any system.

      I have published hundreds of reviews and a lot of them are legit and merit a high note, but when I see a system that takes advantage of people, I call it as it is.

      My last words to you are that I hope you can find the same kind of community that will help and support you as Wealthy Affiliate did with me.

      I do have a great life!

  3. Wealth Affiliate is pure SHIT! All they do is teach their low tier affiliates to slander other companies in which they themselves never joined. This is a stupid practice that will hurt you long term. And their low grade replicated web sites are nothing more than one big blue of sameness.

    • Hi Alex,

      Thank you for sharing your opinion. You are absolutely entitled to express your thoughts, and I respect that.

      To clarify, my review of 98 Unlimited is based on facts and personal research. I’m not here to slander any company—I’m simply providing honest information based on what I discovered about a product that raised some red flags. Transparency is important to me, and I believe that everyone should have access to accurate information before making any decisions.

      I’ve been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2016, and in my experience, it has been an excellent platform for learning the correct and ethical way to do affiliate marketing. It has helped many people, including myself, build legitimate businesses online. But, like anything, it may not be the right fit for everyone.

      I understand your frustration, but my goal is to present the facts and let readers make informed choices.

      Thanks again for your input, and I wish you the best on your journey.

      Best regards,


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