Is Mary’s System legit? Or is it Just Another Scam Site in 2022?

Is Mary’s system a scam? Or is it legitimate? For today’s topic, I’ll help you decide if it is a good investment or if you should avoid them.

Marys system FRONTPAGE

Is Mary’s System a scam? Or, is it a good income opportunity to invest in?

If you’re here to know if the program is legitimate or not, then you definitely have come to the right place!

But before I begin, let me disclose first that I am NOT an affiliate or representative of the Mary System program. Also, I am in NO way marketing any of their upsells.

This article is my unbiased take on the program and whether they’re really a scam or a legitimate opportunity after all.

So without further delays, let’s get right into it…

Mary's system IMAGE 1

Who Created Mary’s System?

The identity of the so-called founder of the system is highly suspicious right off the bat. The person that poses to be the program’s creator is one that only goes by the name of “Mary”—no credible entrepreneurial background or even a last name.

The internet also offers no help in checking any information about Mary or her company. Such an instance is very problematic, which tells me that Mary is likely a paid actress from freelancing sites such as Fiverr or Upwork.

In addition, they’ve not disclosed any background information about the business that they’re operating. Again, their unwillingness to share them with the public makes them even more suspicious.

Without any relevant material online, I used their website domain to gather data about them.

For example, I found out that the site is only 2 months old and was established on August 09, 2021—

Mary's system IMAGE 2

Also, the site is headquartered in San Francisco, California, according to the results generated below—

Mary's system IMAGE 1

However, I wouldn’t trust the data gathered if I were you because they are using a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

I believe that this technology would make perfect sense if you are a private individual. It basically allows you to protect your identity as you browse the internet.

However, this wouldn’t be exactly the case if you’re a business selling products to the public.

Of course, you may have to conceal some parts of the business to protect the interest of the corporation. But do you even have to conceal the basic information like its true founders, current owners, headquarters, and date of inception?

So does this mean—is Mary’s System a scam?

Let’s resume and find more answers…

What is Mary’s System?

Like many scams around, the presenter in the sales video did not mention “what” their supposed amazing opportunity is.

All you’ll hear in the sales pitch is how their program could help anyone become financially independent in just a few short periods. She goes on and even touts that her system can deliver $3,000 per day.

How can anyone earn that kind of money in a day? Also, how can we believe her if she doesn’t even have the guts to tell you what is the program that could give you financial independence without any skills?

First off, such exaggerated claims should raise your alarm bells!

Remember that old adage that says if something is too good to be true, then it’s most likely not true?

Well, this is the case with Mary’s System.

The marketing tactics that they are employing are something that I have seen many times before. What they’re essentially doing is hype you and take advantage of the individuals’ financial desperation.

So what are they offering?

As mentioned, I’ve seen this scheme before. Once you’ve registered, they’ll likely tell you that you’re going to earn commissions from affiliate marketing by promoting their program on your social media or online posts.

But this isn’t how affiliate marketing works! If you’re promoting just their program, then it’s more of a referral than anything else!

In affiliate marketing, you can freely promote the products that you want to represent.

Let me also add that such an operation makes them more like a Ponzi Scheme because it lures you into buying the program for a promise of high returns.

Although you earn from the investment of incoming members, it isn’t sustainable, and it’ll eventually collapse as soon as the flow of new referrals is gone.

Here is a video review of the system:

How Much is Mary’s System?

Mary’s System isn’t worth your while, although it is only $47 and has a 60-day money-back guarantee as indicated.

As I discussed, it is likely a Ponzi Scheme. And its strategy and sales pitch are very similar to other scams that I’ve reviewed in the past, such as Infinity Processing, 3K per Day, and, just to name a few of them.

Or, you can visit our site to see the full list of reviews here and see whether you’ve been approached by any of these programs.

But if you’re looking for a legitimate eComm platform that can truly help you earn income over the Internet, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation.

The best method

Is Mary’s System a Scam? Here are some of the Red Flags You have to Take Note Of…

Yes. Absolutely! Mary’s System is definitively a scam that you have to avoid at all costs!

The following are some of the red flags you have to consider—

Hyped Claims!

One of the telltale signs of a scam is its exaggerated claims.

Right from the start of the program, you’ll immediately observe how they will try to hype you into believing that their bogus system could provide financial abundance.

Fake Scarcity

Another dirty tactic by many greedy online marketers is that they use fake scarcity to lure their individuals.

For example, once you are on the checkout page of Mary’s System, you will notice a countdown timer and a statement that says “2 slots left.” In reality, they’re just staged and faked to make you feel that the opportunity for the program is running out.

In fact, try refreshing the page, and you’ll find out that the countdown clock goes back to six minutes.


Based on my previous experience with these types of programs, it comes along with a series of upsells.

Although it’s only priced at $47, you’ll end up paying more money because of the following upsells.

It’s likely a Ponzi Scheme.

Allow me to reiterate again that they are not an affiliate marketing program. They are more of a referral program that allows you to earn income by promoting one single product through invites.

And what makes Mary’s System scammy or more like a Ponzi is that they exaggerate their claims and make their audience believe that they can earn $3,000 a day.

Again, the only way you earn commissions from this program is when someone enters the system. Such a setup is unreliable and may collapse as soon as the flow of new referrals runs dry.

Shady Checkout Counter

The interface of Mary’s System’s checkout counter is very similar to scam programs I have reviewed in the past.

And to check whether the site is trustworthy, I used an application to analyze the legitimacy of the checkout counter.

Mary's system IMAGE 4

If I were you, I wouldn’t entrust my bank info to them.

What are the Positive Things about Mary’s System? If there are any…

None! As I said, Mary’s System is a scam.

If you’re looking for a legit program that can help you earn income online, then you have to check out my best work-from-recommendation!

The best method

Final Thoughts

I hope my review for today has provided you with the definitive answer to this all-important question—is Mary’s System a scam?

I give this system a big fat 0 out of 10 stars. JUST STAY AWAY!

Mary's system 0 stars

They’re misrepresenting affiliate marketing. And to show you how affiliate marketing truly works, then let’s proceed to the last section of the article…

How I Earn Income Online

Affiliate marketing is probably the most popular trend today in regard to income opportunities online. This is rightfully so for many apparent factors, such as the following—

  • 100% legitimate
  • No upsells
  • Cost-effective
  • No need to manage inventories and parcel deliveries
  • Low risks
  • Your potential profit is the sky’s the limit because you can basically market as many brands as you like

As you might have already surmised, your main responsibility is to promote products through your online publications.

And then, you earn commissions anytime someone engages your personalized links and uses them to avail the items eventually.

However, it isn’t as easy as it sounds.

In order to succeed in affiliate marketing, your content should be able to generate quality leads and convert them into sales.

If it’s your first time in the business, and you have no idea where to begin, then I have something for you to help you get started.

Discover how you can create posts that are generating tons of traffic from scratch.

Create a Free starter membership Today

And to show my appreciation to you just by being here, I am also giving away my eBook to help you kickstart your business.

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Signature 2022

16 thoughts on “Is Mary’s System legit? Or is it Just Another Scam Site in 2022?”

  1. Thank you for this very good report, and warning, or alert to us. I use to sign up in all types of business who pop up in my e-mails for more than twenty years in hope to make money at home, before and after I was involved on accident in 2003, in my job as a mechanic technician, but I never get even my money back in no one of them who I did signed up, after paid, and always lost the initial payment who always starts in small amount, and after gave all my information for cred card an address and pay the first amount they ask to take the chance to pay another amount for promotions fee, and after pay they offer again to pay more for adds, and again to pay for a web site, and again after pay that, need pay for hosted web site, and pay for web site maintenance, and goes on and on and never ends the payments whos varies consecutively one after an other progressively in this order, like in between $ 7, or 19, or 29, 39, 47, 49, 79, 129 or $ 179.00 Dollars. Always spending more than $ 540.00 and the supports on email or phones, don’t answer the phone, or if answer they say they fill up the complain to give the money back, or give an other number to call, who never answer, and never happens any solutions for the case, and we ends up with the lost anthill forget about and fall again with another add and promotions for an other scam over and over again and again. THAT’S IS MY EXPERIMENTS I HAVE HAD, for the las 20 years in more than 50 scams who I bought until today. Aptensiouslly: GERVASIN NETO.

  2. Thank you so much for this helpful info I wish I would of done this before I gave my bank info how do I put a stop to them taking more money or how do I complain to get my money back any clues?

    • Sorry, Heather, I guess your only method to try and stop them from taking money is calling your bank and making a stop payment on them.

    • Hello Linda,

      Thanks for the nice words! I’ve been reviewing these kinds of systems for years now and letting people know when it’s a good one and when to stay away (like Mary’s system). There are so many out there that my work is never finished… So when I get encouraging words like yours, it keeps me going to the next one 🙂

      Have a great day and stay safe!

  3. I got scammed by another work from home or online job so I did some research 1st on Mary’s.
    Thanks for your insight!

  4. In this time when persons are desperately in need of work from home jobs, I truly appreciate your time to provide these details. Please continue to provide these unbiased reviews.

  5. So glad I’m a sceptic! I watched the videos for Mary’s system. I always do my homework before I decide to “just click the button below”. Thanks for this in depth review. You are providing a very valuable service to keep people from being duped of their hard earned money.

    • I will quote a sentence I have in my article” Yes. Absolutely! Mary’s System is definitively a scam that you have to avoid at all costs!

      I hope this answers your question!


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