Kindle Cash Flow Review: Is it a Good Value for Money?

Welcome to my Kindle Cash Flow review! For today’s review, I’ll help you decide whether to avail of the training program or not.

Kindle Cash Flow FRONTPAGE

Welcome to My Kindle Cash Flow review!

In today’s generation, publishing your works of art isn’t as complicated as it used to be, unlike in the old days where you needed the aid of an agent or publishing house.

You can conveniently upload them to social media sites or use platforms like Amazon Kindle as the medium between you and your audience.

If publishing books is what you have in mind, then there’s a good chance that you might have come across a training program called Kindle Cash Flow.

In this article, I will provide an analysis of the course and then help you decide whether it is a good value for your money or should you search for other programs.

But before I start today’s presentation, allow me to have the privilege first to disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of Ty Cohen or Anik Singal and in NO way promoting any of his digital products. This review is my honest opinion about the program.

So without any further delays, let’s begin…

Let’s Meet the Creators of Kindle Cash Flow

The following are the digital entrepreneurs responsible for the establishment of Kindle Cash Flow—

Ty Cohen

There’s not much information about Ty Cohen on the internet. The only thing I could gather is the ones stated on his personal website. However, it is a little challenging to verify any of his claims since there’s not much about him, as I mentioned.

Anyway, it is said that he started with digital entrepreneurship over a decade ago when he quit his corporate job. It was a major gamble, as he puts it, but he managed to get through and achieved online success.

He aims to help others as well who are having difficulties starting their own business. Thus, he began personal development coaching endeavors and published books.

When you search his name in Google, you’ll also find that he has authored several books in the early and mid-2000s. Some of them include The Music Business, Secrets to Setting Successful Goals, The New Music Industry, and 117 Ways to Market, Promote, and Sell Your Music Online.

Anik Singal

On the other hand, Anik Singal is an online entrepreneur and founder of Lurn. It is a platform that sells a wide database of online courses from various authors like Ty Cohen, Kevin David, Laura Noel, Zane Baker, Fred Lam, and even Robert Kiyosaki just to name a few.

He is also a well know author and published several books on affiliate marketing. Here are a few of them that you will find on Amazon (and of course in a Kindle version as well as a printed version): The circle of Profit, Passion to Profit, and eSCAPE. So he has a lot of experience and knowledge on the subject.

Aside from Kindle Cash Flow, he is also known for other training programs like the Inbox Blueprint. The course is all about the foundations of setting up your affiliate marketing business.

Let’s continue with my Kindle Cash Flow review and find out how the program works…

What is Kindle Cash Flow?

As the name suggests, Kindle Cash Flow is a training course that focuses on self-publishing your literature on Amazon. Among the number of eComm platforms around, self-publishing online isn’t the best option if you are looking for a reliable source of income.

The path of a writing career possesses a lot of challenges that you may have to go through, especially if you are just beginning.

Probably the biggest con of self-publishing is visibility or publicity. Since you don’t have the prestige of the marketing function of a publishing house, you have to promote your literature on your own.

You need to have a good strategy to gain some level of success in this business. You also need the patience to continuously modify your plans if the first ones don’t meet your expectations.

In addition, the operation cost for self-publishing is higher compared to a traditional publishing house. And some of the expenses that you have to consider are design, editing, and other related service fees.

Now, this is the reason why I can’t suggest the program, especially if the goal of the individual is to earn a reliable income that can somehow support your monthly expenses.

You can try my best work-from-home recommendation if you’re looking for a better source of income online.

But if your goal is to publish your own book someday, then you may try the program for yourself.

I’ve also published reviews taking on similar programs in the past. You can check them out, which includes the following—Kindle Publishing Income, Fiction Profits Academy, and Publisher Supremacy.

What’s Inside the Program?

Kindle Cash Flow IMAGE 3

Once you have paid for the training course, you’ll get access to the following modules—

  • First Module – Introduction to Making Money on Amazon
  • Second Module – How to Ensure You Get Results As Fast as Possible
  • Third Module – How to Outsource Your Tasks
  • Fourth Module – How to Write a Book
  • Fifth Module – How to Sell Your Book
  • Sixth Module – How to Attract Customers
  • Seventh Module – How to Make Sales Offline

The contents of the modules are pretty much self-explanatory. It also appears to me that they’re very basic, and the high price of the program doesn’t seem to justify the lessons they have relayed in there.

As I said, there are more affordable programs around like the ones I mentioned above. Or, you can try other eComm platforms like affiliate marketing which is low risk and highly profitable once the business is managed effectively.

Also, in addition to the core training course, the member is also offered courses that are supposed to further help them with their goals.

However, the programs that are later offered to the member feel more like an upsell to me.

How Much is the Program?

If the premise of Kindle Cash Flow has caught your attention and you wanted to try the program, you have to take note that you’d also be offered other programs the founders established.

These other training courses are supposed to complement their main offering, which is Kindle Cash Flow

Below is the pricelist of the programs they offer—

  • Kindle Cash Flow (primary training course) costs $697
  • Authors Inner Circle requires $67 per month to gain access
  • Black Box Club requires the member to settle $47 to gain access to the program
  • Publishing Template Set is priced at $97
  • Romance Reader Profits costs $97

Yes, Kindle Cash Flow is a bit expensive!

If you want a more affordable program that can help you achieve financial independence at the comfort of your home, you need to check out my top work-from-home recommendation!

Is Kindle Cash Flow a Scam?

Although there’s little information about the program’s creator, I didn’t find any reason to believe that they are committing any fraudulent practice.

Kindle Cash Flow is a legitimate program that can aid your self-publishing endeavor.

If you’re planning on venturing into the business of publishing digital content on Kindle, then the Kindle Cash Flow program should help you with your plans.

What I LIKE about Kindle Cash Flow

I list some of the positive traits of Kindle Cash Flow—

Good training

Although it may not be for everybody, the material contained in this course (and the experience of the creators) should enable someone determined to self-publish a book to be somewhat successful.

Refund Policy

They have a good refund policy. It gives its clients a 60-day money-back guarantee whenever they are not satisfied with what Kindle Cash Flow offers.

What I DON’T LIKE about Kindle Cash Flow

Here are some of the considerations why you shouldn’t even consider Kindle Cash Flow—

It is a bit Expensive!

As I pointed out, some of the lessons relayed in the program are pretty basic, and I feel that $697 is expensive. You could source these topics over the internet for free, but they wouldn’t be organized in a course like this one.

If you want a more budget-friendly source of income online, then you better check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

This Type of Business Model May Not Be as Profitable

Self-publishing isn’t for people who are looking to earn reliable income at the comfort of their homes.

If publishing your own work is indeed your plan, you have to embrace the difficulties that go along with the platform.

Kindle Cash Flow IMAGE 4

Final Thoughts – Kindle Cash Flow Review

I hope my Kindle Cash Flow review has provided you with the information you need in deciding whether the program is worth your while or not.

If you’re an aspiring writer who wants to self-publish your work of art, then the program offered by Anik Singal and Ty Cohen should be able to help you.

However, one of the concerns I have with the program is its high price and additional offerings, which feel more like an upsell.

Next is that self-publishing may not be the best option if you’re looking for a more reliable source of income online.

As mentioned, you’ll experience several huge stumbling blocks as you move forward with your business—there’s the visibility concern and possible high operation cost.

Let’s continue to the final part of the review, and I will show you a much better eComm platform that can boost your monthly profits…

How I Am Making a Living Over the Internet

Affiliate marketing is the most popular income source over the internet. And this is rightfully so for many apparent reasons such as the following—

  • 100% legitimate
  • No upsells
  • Cost-effective
  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • No inventory management or parcel delivery is involved
  • An affiliate marketers potential profit is limitless since you can market as many brands as you like

And as you might have already known, your main responsibility is to promote the products or services of a company through your online publications. 

You earn commissions any time someone clicks your personalized affiliate link(s) and use them to pay for the offerings of the brand you are promoting.

Of course, your chances of succeeding in this type of business are when your content is acquiring traffic and converting them to sales.

If you’re entirely new to affiliate marketing and have no idea where to begin, then you no longer have to concern yourself about it any further because I have the perfect solution for you!

Do you see the highlighted description below? 

Consider giving it a slight tickle and discover how you can create posts that are generating quality leads and hooking your audience into buying the offerings—


And to help you kickstart your affiliate marketing business, I am also giving away my eBook to show my appreciation to you just by being here and reading today’s Kindle Cash Flow Review—

4 step-method


I believe that’s just about it!



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