Is Super Cash Made Easy a Scam? Or is it Legitimate?

Super Cash Made Easy FRONTPAGE

Is Super Cash Made Easy a scam? Or is it a legitimate online income opportunity after all?

If you have these concerns in mind, then the review of the program that I have prepared is what you’re looking for!

But before I begin today’s discussion, I want to disclose first that I am NOT representing Super Cash Made Easy and any of their digital products or upsells.

This article is my unbiased and honest take on the program and whether they’re worth your time and money, or is it something that you have to stay away from.

So without any further ado, let’s begin…

Who Created the Program?

Super Cash Made Easy is no different from any programs around that have a suspicious background.

If you’ve seen several scams before, as I did, you will notice similar patterns that they are employing, such as exaggerated claims, fake identities, bogus testimonies, and false scarcity.

In this case, this program has all these factors. I will explain them a little more in detail in the next sections.

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The creators of the Super Cash Made Easy pose a man named Richard Harper from Chicago, Illinois as their founder and owner. However, there’s no picture of him, and we only get to hear him.

It’s also likely that the voice is a paid factor that they have hired from freelancing platforms such as Fiverr, People per Hour, or UpWork. In any case, this is a huge red flag because if they’re indeed legit, then there should be no reason for them to be truthful. Does it make sense?

They also didn’t disclose some basic information about their business, such as the date of foundation, current owners, headquarters, etc.

But based on their domain name, it was established on November 18, 2020, as shown below—

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Also, their IP Address places their operation in San Francisco, California—

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However, I wouldn’t trust the information that’s generated because, like many scams I’ve reviewed in the past, they’re highly likely using a VPN.

So, is Super Cash Made Easy a scam? Let’s continue and find out how the program works…

What is Super Cash Made Easy?

Super Cash Made Easy is a revamp of another scam site called Simple Cash Concepts.

Once you progress from their official website, you’ll be redirected to the POS landing page of Simple Cash Concepts—

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The mentioned program is so vague that even the Better Business Bureau isn’t sure what the business is offering.

However, they advertised it as a dropshipping program. But experienced dropshippers would immediately notice that there’s something wrong right off the bat.

For one thing, you’d notice that they spell dropshipping as “drop-shipping” in the sales video. Well, dropshippers usually don’t spell them that way.

In addition, they make dropshipping sound super easy. To succeed in this type of eComm platform, it does require skill and constant monitoring of the business. This is in direct contrast to the sales pitch of the program.

Also, you don’t have control over the management and quality of products beings sent to your audience. What this means is that your business’ image and credibility are also affected by your suppliers’ service.

Lastly, potential profits are much lower since dropshipping is much more expensive to operate compared to other eComm platforms.

If you’re looking for a source of income online that’s more budget-friendly and profitable at the same time; you have to check out my top work-from-home recommendation!

I’ve also reviewed a number of scam programs in the past. You can check some of the reviews in order for you to prevent them in the future—Myigga, Auto Income Sites, Mastering Online Income, and Quantum Accelerator Success System, just to name a few of them.

Or, you can refer to the full list of reviews by clicking this link.

Is Super Cash Made Easy a Scam? Here are Some of the Red Flags

Yes! There’s no doubt about it!

Super Cash Made Easy is definitely a scam that you have to stay away from at all costs!

I have listed below some of the red flags I have found, and hopefully, it will help you realize that it’s not the best income opportunity for you—

Fake Identities

Other than the fake owner and its obviously made-up background story, they are not willing to share any genuine information about the company.

Such an instance makes the business highly suspicious because if they’re legitimate and could indeed provide what they promised, then there should be no reason for them to be not truthful to their audience, right?

I’ve also searched the business name Harper Enterprise, LLC indicated on their supposed bank account. There’s no business registered that goes by that name within the state of Illinois.

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Also, the business that I’ve managed to find that bears the name “Harper Enterprise, LLC is not involved with eCommerce or any internet marketing ventures.

Rather, one of them is a permanently closed convenience store in Tennessee, while the other is a cleaning agency.

Get-Rich-Quick Scheme

Super Cash Made Easy is obviously a get-rich-quick scheme right off the bat—just take a look at how they use the word “easy” for an elaborate and challenging eComm platform to work with!

Another factor here is they present you fake results or bogus lifestyles to lure you into buying their BS program—

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The image of the luxury home and two cars he showed early in his presentation is just a stock photo he claimed to be his own property! What a scammer!

“F” Rating and Unaccredited by the BBB

The BBB (Better Business Bureau) is the agency that many people refer to whenever they need to check the background of the business they’re thinking of venturing to.

You can find Super Cash Made Easy under the database of BBB. However, the description of the program isn’t pretty—it has an F rating and is still classified as “unaccredited” by the agency.

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No Refund Policy

The landing page of the program is as simple as it can get. And as you browse their webpage, you won’t find any refund policy. Thus, there’s no way for you to get your money back as soon as you have given them your payment.

Fake Testimonials

One of the people giving testimonials in their video sales letter is just a paid actress that has appeared in several advertisements as well.

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False Scarcity

It was also mentioned that their program is so special that it is only offered to a limited number of people. Again, this is all false, and there’s no demand for the program.

It’s a Scam!

Allow me to reiterate once more that Super Cash Made Easy is a scam!

As mentioned, the program is just a rehashed of a confirmed scam site called Simple Cash Concepts.

Are there any Positive Traits about Super Cash Made Easy?

And a quick answer is a resounding NO! There is nothing positive about Super Cash Made Easy.

There are lots of other sources of income online that are legitimate and can truly help you achieve your financial goals. And if you are looking for the best source of income online that possesses minimal risk, then you better check out my top work-from-home recommendation!

Final Thoughts

I hope my review has enlightened you about the subject matter and provided you a definite answer to the all-important question—is Super Cash Made Easy a scam? And why should you refrain from doing business with them?

The program is undoubtedly just trying to scam you. Their product doesn’t have any value, and it won’t benefit you in any way.

Let’s continue to the last section of the article, and I will present you with a legitimate source of income online that’s been helping many (including me) achieve financial independence in the comfort of their homes.

How I Earn Income Online

Affiliate marketing is the best and most popular source of income online for several apparent reasons, such as the following—

  • Very low risk
  • 100% legitimate
  • It suits all levels of experience
  • Cost-effective
  • You’re not involved with inventory management and parcel deliveries
  • There’s no limit to the potential income since you can represent as many brands as you like

And yes, the focus of the platform is for you to market a brand’s products or services through the content you publish over the internet.

Afterward, you earn commissions any time someone clicks the link(s) you promote and uses them to avail the offerings of the company.

Of course, it’s easier said than done.

You need a wide audience-based and quality engagement to succeed in this type of business model.

If you’re new to affiliate marketing and have no idea where to begin, then you no longer have to worry any further because I have something that’ll put those uncertainties away.

Do you see the highlighted description below?

Give it a slight tickle and discover how you can create posts that’s generating leads and converting them to sales—


And to show my appreciation to you just by being here today, I’m also giving away my book to help you kickstart your business.

4 step-method



Denis Signature 2022

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