Quantum Accelerator Success System (2021) Review: Is it Legit or a Scam?

In today’s Quantum Accelerator Success System review, I will provide you an analysis of the Done-For-You program and whether it’s worth every penny or not.

Nowadays, you can find plenty of ways on how you can generate reliable income even in the comfort of your home. However, the challenge is finding a legitimate system that can truly provide you the financial independence you desire.

You can easily find some of these income opportunities on Google. In contrast, others are very secretive, and the only way you could get in touch with them is if you received an email from them and then inviting you to sign up to their supposed amazing system.

One example of such a program is Quantum Accelerator Success System, and I bet you are on this site because you have received an email of invitation from them.

Although there’s a gut feeling that it could be a scam, their sales pitch might have triggered your curiosity, and you want to know more about the program and how it works.

And if you’re looking for answers, then you have come to the right place!

For today’s topic, I will provide you a thorough analysis of this system and help you determine whether it’s worth every penny or should you search for other opportunities.

But before I begin, allow me to disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of the brand and in NO way promoting their system.

With that out of the way, let’s start my Quantum Accelerator Success System review…

Who are the owners of the Quantum Accelerator Success System?

In their sales pitch, they have presented a person named Ace Guzman as the creator of Quantum Accelerator Success System. However, it appears that everything is staged, and Ace Guzman is just a paid actress.

For one thing, the image of their supposed “founder” looks very similar to the person giving testimonials at the beginning of the video.

Promoting the program’s effectiveness is one thing, but I find it pretty strange that its own creators were giving testimonials as well. I believe that testimonials are reserved for customers sharing their experience with the system.

Quantum Accelerator IMAGE 1

But that’s not all…

The same pitch, customer reviews, and images were RE-USED in several scam programs such as IM Profit Multiplier and Super Affiliate Network. These systems are interconnected, and you may find many similarities if you visit their sales pages.

Quantum Accelerator IMAGE 2

I also covered these systems back in early 2020, and you can check them out here if you like—IM Profit Multiplier and Super Affiliate Network (Commission Alpha).

The real owners of the domain and basic business information were not disclosed, which makes them extremely suspicious right off the bat. However, I found out that these two are Reg and Ace and that they are members of the Super Affiliate Network.

There was no valuable information in the video either.

All they talk about for almost an hour is how high the potential income would be, and then they’ll make you feel guilty for not taking advantage of their program.

If you’re an experienced affiliate marketer, you can immediately sense that the program is likely a scam (or at least some very low-quality system) just by referring to the sales page alone.

Let’s continue with my Quantum Accelerator Success System review if this is indeed the case…

Quantum Accelerator IMAGE 3

What is Quantum Accelerator Success System?

Quantum Accelerator Success System is a program that claims to provide income opportunities through affiliate marketing. They added that you’d earn passively without having to do anything because it’s basically a Done-For-You system.

Such income opportunity is something I’m familiar with since I have reviewed several of them in the past. So here are some of them—Myigga, Mega Marketing System, and List Leverage, just to name a few of them.

In addition, Quantum Accelerator Success System is a revamp (or an affiliate “system”) of another program called Super Affiliate Network that also provides the same affiliate marketing products. It is created by someone by the name of Misha Wilson (no additional information was provided beyond that).

Revisions of older programs are a common instance for many online money-making schemes, especially those that are not specifically honest with their business practice. They typically update the entire structure as soon as people start to become suspicious of their scammy business operation.

Super Affiliate Network also sounds familiar to a popular online training course offered by John Crestani called the Super Affiliate System Pro 2.0.

The two systems are completely different and aren’t related to one another. John’s program is no doubt legitimate. On the other hand, Misha’s Super Affiliate Network has numerous red flags.

Whoever created the system might want to take advantage of Crestani’s popularity by closely linking its name from the master of affiliate marketing.

If you’re looking for a legitimate course that can provide you training on how affiliate marketing can help you achieve your financial goals, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

How does the program work?

Although its creator advertises it as an affiliate marketing system, this isn’t really the case.

Affiliate marketing gives you the freedom to promote the brand and market in the niche you prefer.

Quantum Accelerator Success System lacks these elements. And your only chance of earning any significant income is by marketing their unknown product through their pre-made contents.

In addition, it’s highly suspicious that they say never to post or share the video clip because the program is so amazing that only a limited amount of people are allowed to take it—this is an obvious lie!

First of all, how can you provide your audience the financial independence you’re promising if you will not market the products to the larger public.

Also, they don’t want you to share it in any way because people will eventually realize that the program is likely a scam.

Quantum Accelerator Success System’s business information

Aside from its fictitious and suspicious founders, no additional business information was added.

Again, this is a major red flag.

If clients are going to entrust you their hard-earned money in providing them the financial abundance you promised, you have to level with them and give them reasons to trust you.

How can they give you their utmost confidence if you can’t even share your real and most basic information?

Their video sales pitch is about an hour of rubbish. I painstakingly watched the entire presentation, and they provided nothing but endless talks of potential income and empty promises.

Also, another thing I observed about these fake programs is that they like to blame you for not taking risks. They will make you feel guilty and then pitches their fake systems as the answer to your money problems.

Anyway, I checked the domains’ age to obtain genuine background information about the program and found the following details—

Quantum Accelerator IMAGE 4

As you see, the program is only about four months old. Also, their IP address places them in San Francisco, California.

Quantum Accelarator Image 5

However, I doubt this data because they’re using a VPN as shown below—

Quantum Accelerator Image 6

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology used to conceal or protect the privacy of the IP address owners. But the use of VPN doesn’t make sense if you’re a commercial business. It only makes you more suspicious and not trustworthy.

So does this mean that the program is a scam? Let’s tackle this issue in the next section…

Is Quantum Accelerator Success System a scam? Here are some red flags to consider

Yes. I believe that Quantum Accelerator Success System is likely a scam. Ort at least it’s a very low quality system that will not provide what they clam in their long-winded sales pitch!

They emphasized many times in the sales presentation that they prefer beginners because they aren’t afraid to take the risk. But I believe that this is not the case.

The program target newbies because they weren’t exposed to scammy businesses and don’t possess the capability to distinguish the legitimate programs from the fake ones yet. As a result, they could easily manipulate them and persuade them into buying the program and upsells.

Oddly, they rant about fake systems on the internet, yet their program appears to be no different from them.

Below are some of the red flags I’ve gathered and reasons why you must avoid this program—

Fake testimonials

What’s noteworthy about the program’s testimonials is that none of those individuals have ever mentioned “Quantum Accelerator Success System” even once.

What you hear instead is the use of words like the “program” or “system.”

And the reason why this is important is that it confirms that the ones giving the testimonials are likely paid actors, and the video has been recycled many times.

And to give you an example, refer to the following exhibit—

Quantum Accelerator Image 7

Here is another testimonial that is located on their sales page—

Quantum Accelerator Image 8

The individuals in the screenshots are the exact people as indicated. However, I was able to track their social media profiles and found that they aren’t giving testimonials to Quantum Accelerator Success System.

Instead, these individuals are promoting another income opportunity—

Quantum Accelerator Image 9

Also, the screenshots are used once again in another program called The Profit Boosting Bootcamp (Which is part of the Super Affiliate Network).

Quantum Accelerator Image 10

Misha Wilson is a real person but whoever created these “scam” sites, it seems that they have a habit of rehashing their programs continuously and recycling the contents over and over again.

Misleading claims and false hopes

At one point in the video, the presenter mentioned that they’d show you “Cold Hard Proof” that their system works.

I have watched the entire one-hour sales pitch, but there’s no proof as they have promised.

If they’re referring to the screenshots below as the “Cold Hard Proof,” then it doesn’t prove anything because you can easily edit them using Photoshop and input whatever figure you have in mind.

Quantum Accelerator Image 10

What they’re really doing is hype you and make you believe that their system works.

If you’re looking for a more legitimate program that can truly help you become more financially independent with affiliate marketing, then you have to check out my best work-from-recommendation!

No income disclosure statement

If they’re making big claims, then they have to provide hard evidence that can indeed deliver what they promise. And one of the most effective ways to do so is through an income disclosure statement which they don’t possess.

Fails to provide basic business information

Again, they failed to disclose even the most basic of information like its true creators and owners.

Scarcity marketing

A favorite strategy used by many dishonest marketers is to employ what is called scarcity marketing. It is a tactic based on false scarcity and misleading audiences into believing that there is a limited supply for a specific product.

In the sales page and pitch of Quantum Accelerator Success System, you would see a countdown timer that resets whenever the pages reload and hear phrases such as “limited time only.” All of these are prime examples of false scarcity.

Connected with other scam sites

As I mentioned, the system is a revamp of Super Affiliate Network and in connection with other scam programs like IM Profit Multiplier and The Profit Boosting Bootcamp.

What are the positive sides of the program?

I can’t didn’t find any positives about the program, and it would be best for you to avoid Quantum Accelerator Success System and save your money for more legitimate programs.

Quantum Accelerator Image 12

Quantum Accelerator Success System Review: Final Thoughts

I hope today’s Quantum Accelerator Success System review has somehow enlightened you on why the program isn’t worth your while.

They are NOT an affiliate marketing program despite advertising themselves as such.

True affiliate marketing gives you the opportunity to market in the niche you are comfortable with, and it also allows you to represent the brand you preferred.

It is a Done-For-You system which means that you are limited to promoting their products.

If you look at it from another perspective, it appears that they are a Ponzi scheme because they promise you to gain huge profits passively. And all you have to do is pay for the main program and following upsells.

Let’s continue to the last section of the article, and I will show you a better alternative…

How I earn income online

Affiliate marketing is the hottest trend today in eCommerce for many reasons, and it includes the following—

  • It is free of any risks
  • The platform is 100% legitimate
  • It is an excellent opportunity for all levels of experiences
  • It is a more reliable source of income
  • It can generate significant income
  • Potential earnings are unlimited because you can promote as many brands as you wish

I have been doing affiliate marketing for many years now, and it had greatly helped me financially, especially in accommodating my monthly expenses.

As mentioned, your basic responsibility as an affiliate marketer is to be a representative of a brand by advertising their products or services through your content or influence if you’re a social media personality.

You’ll earn commissions every time someone engages the link and uses it to buy the products or services offered.

Of course, such a task isn’t easy, and your success in this type of business model relies on how you effectively optimize your content and generate leads.

If you’re new to the idea of affiliate marketing or have already been doing them for quite some time but struggling at the moment, then you no longer have to concern yourself about it any further…

I have the perfect solution for you!

Give the highlighted description below a slight tickle and discover how you can create quality contents that are attracting a lot of traffic—


Well, I believe we’ve covered sufficient grounds here!

Thank you for the time and effort in reading my Quantum Accelerator Success System review!

And just for being on my website, let me offer you my FREE eBook that will show you how I earn passive income online:

4 step-method

Just click on the button below and get your own copy today!

Get your Free Guide here

10 thoughts on “Quantum Accelerator Success System (2021) Review: Is it Legit or a Scam?”

    • I am sorry about your situation Janet.

      But first, let me say that I AM NOT AFFILIATED WITH THESE GUYS!!! I wrote a “Review” of their system and DO NOT recommend it!

      When did you pay for the system? Maybe they haven’t processed the payment yet?!? If it was with a credit card, I would dispute the charge with the credit card company and get it charged back to your account…

      That is about the only advice I can give you right now!

      Good luck

  1. Thank you for you helpful advice on Quantum Accelerator Success System. Saved me money I didn’t have to waste. Best always, John Pflug r

  2. Denis, I needed to express my gratitude for finding this review. I am a 61 year old woman with no income at present and financially devastated by Covid. Within the next few weeks I will be homeless and unfortunately, have even lost my car. I have no family left and have been feeling pretty desperate for some kind of answer to help me climb up out of this pit of struggling I’m in! I happened to see, through “private, exclusive email invite”, a possible answer to my prayers. I came pretty close to being suckered in, but because of you, I certainly won’t be lying awake all night wondering how to come up with the initial $47 I’m supposed to trust them with! I just wanted you to know how grateful I am to have found your information about them. Your breakdown showed me everything about this scam and prevented me from feeling like a bigger idiot than I already do just in considering this was legit. I am not very computer literate, much less barely know what affiliate marketing is, so this sounded like an answered prayer. Thank you so much for educating me on the “scamminess” (is that even a word??)of this scam! Still keeping my chin up because of you! My warmest regards,

    • Hi Kathy,

      I am so sorry for your situation and I hope and pray that you will be able to get back on your feet! I am grateful that I was able to help you avoid spending money on this and that you can keep your chin up ?

      I wish you well and hope that you may see the light at the end of the tunnel soon!

      Good Luck

  3. So happy to have found this review. Thank you so much for writing this. I just saved myself from spending money on a pointless system.
    I am not enrolling. BEWARE, people.

    Thank you, Denis…

  4. I need more information on this information,before I decide to use my creditcard on this plan,and would you send the money to my mail.

    • Hello Sandra,

      First off let me say that I am NOT affiliated in any way shape or form with this system. I wrote a review on it and I don’t recommend it! So it’s up to you if you want to join them.

      If I were you I would try my No.1 recommendation system instead. There are no credit cards and no obligations. You can test-drive the platform absolutely free.

      Good luck


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