Story Sales Machine (2021) Review: Is it Legitimate or a Scam?

Welcome to my Story Sales Machine review! For today’s topic, I’ll help you determine whether Mueller’s program is legit or a scam that you should avoid.

Welcome to my Story Sales Machine review!

If you’re browsing the web for ways how to improve your copywriting or email marketing skills, then there’s a pretty good chance that you have come across Bill Mueller’s program.

His marketing prowess and ability to draw you to the product he is selling might have impressed you. As a result, it got your attention, and you have become interested to know more about how the program works.

And if you want to know whether the program is indeed worth your while or should you stay away from it, then the discussion I have prepared for today is specially made just for you!

But before I start my discussion, let me disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of Bill Mueller or in NO way representing or promoting any of his programs or upsells.

This article is my honest and unbiased opinion about Story Sales Machine to help you decide if they’re indeed a course you can invest your time and money into.

So without any further delays, let’s start…

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Who is Bill Mueller?

Bill Mueller is a digital entrepreneur that’s primarily known in the copywriting and email marketing niche.

He claims that he has been helping online entrepreneurs for the last 15 years. In addition, it was mentioned that his strategies were able to improve their economic conditions and turned their business around into a company that’s generating millions of dollars.

However, I can’t find any information on the internet or anywhere on his official website to validate his claims. What you’ll only see on his site is an extensive sales pitch about his product.

Nonetheless, I believe that Bill is a legitimate digital marketer that can definitely help you with copywriting and email marketing.

So what is his program all about? Let’s continue with my Story Sales Machine review and find out how the training course works…

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What is the Story Sales Machine? And What Topics are Included in the Program?

As you might have already guessed, Story Sales Machine is a program that provides training on the basics of email marketing and how to properly structure it to improve your structure to funnel potential clients.

Once you’re a member and have paid the registration fee, the following are a summary of what you are going to receive—

  • The Story Sales Machine Training: This module includes all the essentials of email marketing and how to improve them as you move forward with the business
  • Ten Email Welcome Sequence: For this part, you will get ten examples of Bill’s strategies and his technique in keeping audiences engaged in the content
  • 212 Subject Lines for Emails: As the name suggests, it provides you several examples of subjects lines that persuades an audience to open emails

In addition, the member also receives bonuses such as the following—

  • The 141 Idea Story Starters’ Package: Guidance in generating a great story for your email campaigns
  • 28-day Email Solution: It is a four-part lesson that teaches members how to revive email campaigns that didn’t work
  • My Best Performing Emails: It is a collection of Bill’s best email campaigns that generated huge leads
  • 30-minute Strategy: This part of the program is a coaching session with Bill or a member of his team
  • Why Stories Work Seminar: It’s a bonus pack that includes lessons from another email marketing expert named Rob Gilbert

I also reviewed several programs in the past that provide training on a specific eComm platform. You can refer to them if you like—Laptop Lifestyle Academy, YT Money Master Course, and Super Affiliate System Pro, just to name a few of them.

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How Much is the Training Program?

Story Sales Machine is very affordable, which would only cost you $37. It also comes along with a 365-day refund policy if you are not satisfied with the lesson.

However, the topics included in the program may not be sufficient to help you succeed in eCommerce. Although email marketing is an essential tool in generating leads, you still need to structure and create an effective strategy.

Also, you may have to prepare your budget even further because there may be following upsells after you have signed up. As Bill admits, he earns a higher income by promoting more expensive products.

And if you’re looking for a more advanced training course that can help you earn income online, then you can check my top work-from-home recommendation!

Can You Make Money with Email Marketing?

Copywriting and email marketing are two important factors that can boost leads and sales significantly. However, you have to remember that they are only a tool.

These two factors have helped a lot of businesses today gain traction in eCommerce. They’re vital in promoting their product, but the success of this endeavor relies on how effectively the sales pitch is structured.

Now, this is where Bill Mueller’s program comes in. It will basically show you the essential factors in regards to customer behavior and how you can funnel them into the product you are currently promoting.

However, you still have to structure a business plan and determine your goals or KPIs. And then, strategize how you can achieve those goals.

As mentioned, they’re also beneficial for digital workers. If you’re a full-time or freelance content writer, then learning email marketing and copywriting will definitely boost your repertoire and help you gain more clients.

Is Story Sales Machine a Scam?

No. Story Sales Machine is certainly not a scam! It is a legitimate course that offers training on email marketing.

And if you’re considering buying Bill’s program, then you don’t need to worry about anything because I believe that you would get the training you paid for.

In addition, the program is very affordable and has a 365-day refund policy in case you are not happy with the product.

What I LIKE about Story Sales Machine

Affordable Rate

The asking price of $37 for the program is very affordable.


Story Sales Machine is a legitimate program that you can trust in helping you become a trained email marketer.

Quality Training

The program offers great value in providing members quality training on how to structure an effective email message that attracts potential clients.

Excellent Refund Policy

Other than the affordable rate, the refund policy is excellent as well. They offer a 365-day money-back guarantee which is a sweet deal.

What I DON’T LIKE about Story Sales Machine

It only includes Email Marketing

As mentioned, email marketing is only a tool that can help a business grow. And there are additional matters that you have to tend to, like structuring your business plan and strategizing how you can achieve your goals.

There might be Upsells

Bill is an internet marketer. As he admits, he earns significant income by promoting products that are more expensive.

With this being said—you can expect that there might are “upsells” following your registration.

If you’re looking for a training program that’s affordable and doesn’t have any upsells, then you have to refer to my top work-from-home recommendation!

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Final Thoughts: Story Sales Machine Review

I hope my Story Sales Machine review has provided you enough information to help you determine whether the program would suit your preferences.

The program is affordable and has an amazing refund policy, and if you want to try them, you can do so if you like.

However, as mentioned, there might be upsells involved since Bill himself is an internet marketer. Therefore, you have to prepare for that as well.

Let’s continue to the last section of the article, and I will present you with a much better alternative…

How I Earn Income Online

Affiliate Marketing is probably the most popular source of income online around the world. And this is the case for many apparent reasons, which includes the following factors—

  • 100% legitimate
  • It can be a stable source of income if the business is managed effectively
  • Cost-effective
  • You are not involved with product management and parcel delivery
  • The online marketers’ potential income is unlimited because they can promote as many brands as they wish

As indicated, your main task as an affiliate marketer is to represent a brand. It works by promoting its offerings through your blog posts or the social media content you publish.

And then, you will earn revenues anytime someone clicks the links you attached to your posts and then purchase the products offered on the eComm page of the brand you’re representing.

However, you also have to bear in mind that your success in this type of business model relies on the quality of leads being generated into your site and how well they’re converting into sales.

If you’re a complete newbie to affiliate marketing and have no idea where to start, then you no longer have to concern yourself about it!

I have the perfect solution to your problems!

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Consider slightly tickling it and discover how you can create a quality site and publish quality posts that are attracting a lot of traffic and converting sales—


Well, I believe that’s just about it!

Thank you for rendering your precious time and reading my Story Sales Machine review!

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