The Prime Advantage (2021) Review: Is it Just Another Scam Site?

Welcome to my The Prime Advantage review! For today’s topic, I’ll help you determine whether this platform is legit or a scam that you should avoid.

Prime Advantage FRONTPAGE

Welcome to my The Prime Advantage review!

This program might be among the messages that were diverted to your spam folder. And this is rightfully so due to the number of spam words in emails these days.

This may be the case—Bitcoin might be something you’ve been interested in for quite some time now, and their sales pitch has somehow caught your attention.

But if you’re still feeling suspicious and want to gain more information on the program, then you have come to the right place!

In this article, I will present the specifics of The Prime Advantage and help you determine whether they’re legitimate or just another scam.

But before I start, allow me to share with you first that I am NOT an affiliate of The Prime Advantage program and in NO way promoting any of their products or upsells. This article is my honest opinion and unbiased take on their program.

So without further ado, let’s get right into today’s topic…

Who Created The Prime Advantage?

The creators of The Prime Advantage pose a guy named Marcus Becker as their founder. However, I am certain that he is just another voice actor hired from freelance platforms like UpWork and/or Fiverr.

And why do I say this? Well, such a scheme is something I have seen many times before. Also, I have reviewed several of these crypto trading scams in the past. You can check them out if you like—Bitcoin System, OPM Wealth, and Secret Online Goldmine.

Aside from the fake founder, there’s no more information about the program. I also referred to the tabs below the website, but it only goes back to the main page.

But to somehow gain some authentic info about the program, I checked the age of their domain and found that it was only established recently—

Prime Advantage IMAGE 1

Also, it appears that their operation is headquartered in San Francisco, California, based on the sites’ IP Address—

Prime Advantage IMAGE 2

However, I wouldn’t entirely trust the results since they’re using VPN (Virtual Private Network). This type of technology conceals the identity of the domain user, which makes it impossible for us to verify the owners.

So does the creators’ unwillingness to disclose its true corporate background make the operation a scam?

Let’s continue with my The Prime Advantage review and find out more about the program…

What is The Prime Advantage?

The Prime Advantage is advertised as a program that generates predictions in the cryptocurrency market.

The program is supposed to provide you with results based on current market trends, which should help you decide how you’re going to utilize your investment.

Although the crypto industry is generally unregulated, it is still legitimate as long as you are willing to take the risk and have the skill and knowledge about how the market works.

Also, you have to remember that not all crypto-related programs are legitimate. Some of them are just trying to profit from many individuals’ desire to gain traction in the market.

And among the untrustworthy programs that you have to look out for is Prime Advantage.

Its front page is professionally structured that it doesn’t seem to be a scam at first sight. They have put thought in the webpage that you wouldn’t suspect that they’re only luring you to buy the fraudulent scheme.

But if you look through their video presentation thoroughly, you’ll find a number of patterns similar to other crypto scams that should raise red flags. Some of them include bragging about a bogus lifestyle and hyped claims.

There’s also the fake founder, as I presented earlier, and the bogus testimonials which I’ll discuss in the following sections of the article as well.

If you’re looking for a more legitimate program that can truly help you achieve financial stability online, then you better try my best work-from-home recommendation!

How Much is the Program?

Opening an account and using the software is free.

However, as mentioned, you will be involved in the cryptocurrency market, which means that you have to make an initial investment for anyone to earn profits.

And if you’re considering investing in the market, then you have to prepare a budget of at least $250.

Is The Prime Advantage Program a Scam? Here are some of the Red Flags…

In contrast to the name of the program, there is nothing “prime advantage” about what it offers. It is just another scam that is misleading you with hyped claims and false hopes of having a luxurious lifestyle.

I have listed below the main reasons why you should stay away from this program—

Unregulated by any Financial Institutions

Although cryptocurrency has been in existence for a few years now, they are still unregulated by any financial agencies such as the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) or the FCA (Federal Conduct Authority).

This may be the case—it doesn’t mean that the crypto market is a scam. However, you have to consider the high level of risk involved.

If you are willing to expose yourself to the risk, you also have to consider your broker and the program you’re going to use for market prediction.

Considering how risky the crypto market is, imagine the additional risk you’re incurring if you engage with programs that have a suspicious background, like Prime Advantage.

Unaccredited by the BBB

The BBB (Better Business Bureau) is among the agencies people refer to when checking the backgrounds of businesses.

Not having one doesn’t immediately indicate that their operation is fraudulent, but it may significantly affect the potential client’s impression of the company.

Fake Testimonials

Would you entrust a business that is faking testimonials just to get some customers?

Well, apparently, this is the case with The Prime Advantage.

The people you see below are only stock images. They aren’t real!

Prime Advantage IMAGE 4
Prime Advantage IMAGE 5

In addition, they use stock photos to make it appear that they are helping people achieve a luxurious lifestyle—

Prime Advantage IMAGE 6
Prime Advantage IMAGE 7

Fake Scarcity

Today, some marketers use the fake scarcity tactic to make their audience believe that their program is in demand. But in reality, there’s no demand at all!

Prime Advantages’ countdown timer is a prime example of fake scarcity. As soon as you hit refresh, you’ll discover that the countdown timer will only reset and start the timer all over again.

Fake Business Background

As I mentioned earlier, the supposed founder of The Prime Advantage, Marcus Becker, is just a made-up name.

Positive Things About The Prime Advantage (If There are Any…)

I did not find anything positive about The Prime Advantages’ program.

I am certain that the program is a scam. And it would be better if you refrain from engaging in this program and find more legitimate ones.

But if you’re looking for an income source online that’s less risky and budget-friendly, then you better try my best work-from-home recommendation!

Final Thoughts: The Prime Advantage Review

I hope my The Prime Advantage review has enlightened you on the subject matter and why you shouldn’t engage with this program.

As I emphasized, it is just another scam that’s trying to deceive you with exaggerated claims and a fake lifestyle.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not against Bitcoin, and I do believe that it’s possible to gain from cryptocurrency trading.

However, it may not be for beginners because you’ll need to have the experience and skills to succeed in the market.

In addition, you have to meticulously choose the program you’re going to partner with in helping you achieve your financial goals.

Unfortunately, The Prime Advantage isn’t a program you can put your trust in.

Let’s continue to the last part of today’s article, and I’ll show a much better income opportunity online…

How I Earn Income Online

Affiliate marketing is the most popular income opportunity online for individuals who are just starting out with digital entrepreneurship. And this is the case for several apparent reasons, which include the following factors—

  • 100% legitimate
  • Cost-effective
  • Very low risk
  • You’re not directly involved with inventory management and delivery
  • But most importantly, potential income is unlimited since you can market as many brands as you like

And if you’ve never heard of affiliate marketing before, your basic responsibility is to promote products or services through your online publications.

You generate income every time someone engages your links and use them to buy the offerings listed on their landing page.

Of course, your success in this field is dependent on the quality of traffic diverted to your content.

It may seem daunting initially, especially if you’re a beginner, but I have something to offer that will put your concerns aside.

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Consider giving it a slight tickle and discover how you can create stunning posts that are generating leads and converting them to sales—


And to show my appreciation to you just by being here, I’m also giving away my free eBook to help you kickstart your affiliate marketing business—

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Well, I believe we’ve covered sufficient grounds here!

Thank you for your time in reading my The Prime Advantage review!

I hope to see you on the next topics!

Stay safe!



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