OPM Wealth Review (2021): Is it Just Another Scam Site?!

Welcome to my OPM Wealth review! For today’s topic, I’ll help you determine whether this platform is legit or a scam that you should avoid.


Welcome to my OPM Wealth Review!

The COVID-19 pandemic has definitely made a huge impact on the global economy—leaving many jobless and difficult to manage their finances.

With this being said—many dishonest individuals are also taking advantage of the circumstances by offering programs that provide nothing but empty promises.

And one of the programs that you might have become acquainted with during your search for a legitimate source of income online is OPM Wealth.

There’s an air of mystery with how the sales pitch is being presented, which may have somehow got your interest in the program and led you to want to know more information about it.

And if this is the case, then the article I have prepared for today is what you are looking for!

But before I start, allow me to share with you first that I am NOT an affiliate or representing on behalf of the company and in NO way promoting any of their investment opportunities.

Today’s article is my honest and unbiased take on their business and whether it’s legitimate or just another investment scam.

So without further delays, let’s get right into it…

Who are the People Behind OPM Wealth?

When you visit the business’ landing page for the first time, you might have the impression that the guy named Stefan Dessalines is the founder and owner of OPM Wealth.

OPM Wealth IMAGE 1

However, you have to take note that Stefan is only a frontman, and he may be a part of or working with other associates.

The program has been in business for over two and a half years now, but they still haven’t conclusively relayed any relevant information about their operation.

Also, it appears that they do not have any income disclosure statements to show to prove that their investment is truly providing what they guarantee.

All that you’ll see on their page are promises of financial independence. In addition, there was no mention of what opportunity they’re offering.

Lastly, there’s not much sufficient information about Stefan as well, which makes it challenging to verify his credibility.

So does this mean that the investment is a scam? Let’s continue with my OPM Wealth review and find out…

What is OPM Wealth?

As mentioned, there was no clear indication of what the program was offering.

The acronym OPM means Other People’s Money, pretty much spells everything you have to know. From that definition alone, it should give you a good sense of what the business opportunity is all about.

If you’re still not getting the idea, it means you earn money through other people’s money by recruiting or pooling them into the system.

In other words, OPM Wealth is essentially a pyramid scheme!

You might read somewhere else that they’re an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing). However, you have to remember that the first criteria of an MLM are a tangible product that they offer to their customers in exchange for their investment in the company’s so-called business opportunity.

Recruitment is the hallmark of all businesses that adopt a networking or branching structure. A pyramid scheme is banned in many countries across the globe because of its apparent high risk.

An MLM is essentially the same with a minor twist. Aside from their business opportunity, the member also gets a product for reselling that disguises the company as a direct selling company.

OPM Wealth offers nothing but an outdated and irrelevant training course on cryptocurrency.

As I dug deeper, I managed to find that OPM Wealth was an upsell from another system I reviewed in the past called Multiple Income Funnel.

OPM Wealth IMAGE 3

I gave Multiple Income Funnel a low rating due to its large volume of expensive upsells, misleading claims, great reliance on recruitment, and one of the products the creator previously promoted were shut down by the FTC due to a pyramid scheme allegation.

You have to try out my best work-from-home recommendation if you’re looking for a more legitimate program you invest your money in!

How does the Program work?

A major characteristic of an MLM is products that somehow provide value to the investors.

And as mentioned, such characteristics are lacking in the business opportunity offered by OPM Wealth. Instead, you receive an outdated (and probably were just bought from a PLR site) 17-step video series on Bitcoins and cryptocurrency once you have registered to their pyramid scheme.

I won’t relay the topics included in the 17-step video series because they’re irrelevant.

Like any network marketing around, you earn income every time you introduce new members into the network.

Also, how much you earn basically relies on the type of investment you have availed. I will explain this matter in more detail in the next section.

I have reviewed several related programs in the past. You can check them out if you like—Multiple Income Funnel, Infinity Processing System, List Leverage, and Freedom Launchpad, just to name a few of them.

How Much is OPM Wealth?

As I discussed earlier, the members’ income will also rely on the investment package that was availed. Below is the summary of the cost of packages offered by OPM Wealth—

  • Hermes Package costs $2,000
  • Apollo Package costs $5,000
  • Athena Package costs $8,500
  • Poseidon Package costs $14,500
  • Zeus Package costs $27,500

As you see, the cost of availing of OPM Wealth packages is very expensive, considering how suspicious their business is.

Let’s continue to the next section and discuss some of OPM Wealth’s red flags…

What I DON’T LIKE about OPM Wealth

Below are some of the facts why you should stay away from OPM Wealth—


First and foremost, the program is too pricey considering how suspiciously it appears to be a pyramid scheme.

Pyramid Scheme

If you want a more legitimate program, then you have to check out my top work-from-home recommendation!

Pyramid Scheme

Your profitability in a pyramid scheme greatly depends on recruitment.

Such a type of business model is proven to be highly unstable and risky because the entire structure will collapse as soon as the pool of recruitment runs out.

If you don’t believe me, then explain to me why pyramid schemes are banned from many countries around the globe? Read here for more information on FTC’s explanation on why such a business model is illegal.

No Income Disclosure Statement

As discussed, OPM Wealth has been in operation for over two and a half years, but it appears that they do not have any income disclosure statement to show that they are producing results.

Unregistered with the FTC and FCA

The business operation of OPM Wealth is not accredited by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) and FCA (Federal Conduct Authority).

Not Accredited with the BBB

The BBB or Better Business Bureau is among the agencies that many people turn to in helping them determine whether a business is legitimate or a scam.

What I LIKE about OPM Wealth

None! There’s nothing praiseworthy about the program. It’s a pyramid scheme, and you’ll waste your hard-earned money when you invest in them.

Final Thoughts: OPM Wealth Review

I hope my OPM Wealth review has provided you the information you need in determining why the investment opportunity they’re offering isn’t worth your while.

As you have seen, there are no products to offer, and the program heavily relies on recruitment which makes them more of a pyramid scheme than anything else.

With this being said—it would be better for you to stay away from OPM Wealth as much as possible and save your money for more legitimate programs.

And if you’re looking for a legitimate program that can help you earn significant income online, then let’s continue to the last section…

How I Achieved Financial Independence Online

Affiliate marketing is the most popular source of income online. And a lot of newbies to digital entrepreneurship or eCommerce has been turning to this platform for several apparent reasons, which includes the following—

  • 100% legitimate
  • No upsells
  • Cost-effective
  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • No need to manage inventories
  • Best of all, your potential profits are unlimited since you can market as many brands as you like

Yes, your main responsibility as an affiliate marketer is to represent a brand by promoting them through your online publications, such as website posts or video blogs.

However, as easy as it may sound, you have to consider several factors to succeed in this endeavor.

For one thing, your business’ profitability relies on the quality of lead generations and sales conversion. And in order to do so, you have to optimize your content to rank higher in the search engines and create engagements.

If you’re new to the idea of affiliate marketing and have no idea where to begin, then you no longer have to worry any further anymore.

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Denis Signature 2022

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