Is Cryptohopper Legit? Or is it a Scam? Let’s Find Out!

CryptoHopper Frontpage Image

Is Cryptohopper legit? Or, is it a crypto investment scam that you should avoid?

If you’re searching for a reputable program that can help you with the crypto market, then there’s a very good chance that you have come across the Cryptohopper program as you browse the web.

Actually, it ranks among the best crypto trading bots. And this is the case for very good reasons. First of all, it was founded by a celebrity in the Netherlands by the name of Ruud Feltkamp.

Also, its exchanges are regulated, which puts some level of security on your part.

But if you still want to be sure if the program could indeed deliver what they promise, then today’s article is specially written just for you!

But before I begin today’s topic, give me a moment first to disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of Ruud Feltkamp and in NO way promoting any of the products he sells.

This article is my honest review and unbiased opinion about the program offered by Cryptohopper.

So once again—is Cryptohopper legit? Is it a good opportunity to venture into? Or is it a scam after all?

Without any further delays, let’s get right into it…

Let’s Meet the Founder of the Cryptohopper

There was no mention of who founded Cryptohopper on their official landing page. However, as I researched additional information on the program, I found that the founder and CEO of Cryptohopper is a guy named Ruud Feltkamp.

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Photo credit:

Before becoming a crypto entrepreneur, he was actually an actor with over 20 years in the industry of TV series and films in the Netherlands.

In an interview, Ruud revealed that he became interested in the cryptocurrency trade during his free time. (1) He saw the potential of the market. And although they have been around for quite some time, they’re not as saturated as of yet compared to more established investment platforms.

Based on what I’ve gathered, the Cryptohopper program is among the trusted crypto bot software around. Maybe the star factor and credibility of Ruud have helped a lot with the progress of the program.

Anyways, it appears that it is also receiving positive reviews. With this being said—you could check out the software they’re offering if you’re interested.

So how does the program work? Let’s continue and find out…

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What is Cryptohopper?

Cryptohopper is a crypto trading bot based in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and was established in 2017.

You can find two varieties of domain names under the Cryptohopper program— and

When I compared the two sites, it does appear that the two are just one and the same. But I am not sure why they have decided to put up two sites, though.

Anyway, the word “bot” alone basically means that the software automatically places the investment on your behalf. The bot makes a bet based on the investors’ preset preferences.

It basically takes off the stress of having to observe the market all the time.

However, such a setting has some downsides. Although having a bot to assist you does have some convenience, having to study the crypto market is a lot more effective if you ask me.

The market is not absolute, and it will fluctuate from time to time. Mostly, it would be in events that you don’t expect them to happen.

And it may cost you a lot of money if such events occur. Therefore, it still needs your attention for the bot to run effectively. You still have to study the market and set your preferences regularly based on the current trends.

I’ve also reviewed Bitcoin-related programs/software in the past. You can check them out if you like—Bitcoin System, OPM Wealth, and Secret Online Goldmine, just to name a few of them.

Or, you can check our entire list of reviews that involves income opportunity online here.

However, if you’re looking for a source of income over the internet that has low risk but yields significant income, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

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How Much will the Program Cost You?

The price of Cryptohopper depends on the package you have selected. Let’s explore each of their specifics briefly—

Pioneer Package

This is the trial package of the program that is free for 7 days. It includes the following features—

  • One crypto trading bot
  • Maximum of two triggers and fifteen coins
  • Technical analysis with a minimum of ten intervals

Explorer Package

After the trial period, you will be automatically assigned to the basic or starters’ package if you don’t cancel the program. And in this case, they will charge you $19 per month.

The Explorer Package includes the same specifics such as the following—

  • One crypto trading bot
  • Maximum of two triggers and fifteen coins
  • Technical analysis with a minimum of ten intervals

Adventure (The Trader Plus Package)

If you want to get more out of the software, you have to go for the Adventure Package, which will cost you $49 per month.

The package includes the following features—

  • One crypto trading bot
  • Maximum of five triggers and fifty coins
  • Technical analysis with a minimum of five-minute intervals
  • 200 positions
  • Exchange arbitrage

Hero (Pro Trader Package)

If you want to gain full access to the advantages of Cryptohopper, then you can avail of their premium product which they refer to as the Pro Trader Package.

You have to prepare a budget of $99 per month if you’re interested in purchasing the Hero Plan.

The features of the program include the following—

  • One crypto trading bot
  • Maximum of ten triggers and seventy-five coins
  • Technical analysis with two-minute intervals
  • 500 positions
  • Trading signals for all coins
  • Market-making and market arbitrage

Lastly, the fee for monthly access to the program isn’t the only thing you have to worry about. The initial investment in the cryptocurrency market is at least $250.

If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly source of income online, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Is Cryptohopper Legit? Or is it a Scam?

Cryptohopper is a legitimate cryptocurrency trading bot.

First off, it is advertised by a well-known celebrity in the Netherlands. Also, they are very active on social media and have a huge following.

Lastly, the program has an overall positive review which means that most of its clients are satisfied with the product.

What I DON’T LIKE about Cryptohopper

The following are some of the disadvantages of the program that you have to take note of—

Not for Beginners

Before investing in cryptocurrency, you need to do your own research first on how the market works.

Like any form of investment, you need to have the skill and knowledge to at least gain traction in the business.


You need to place high investments to earn a high income. In this case, the minimum of $250 initial investment won’t get you anywhere. You need to put in higher investment costs to have a better position in the market.

In addition to the cost of the investment you have to make, you also have to settle monthly fees to access the Cryptohopper program.

What I LIKE about Cryptohopper

Here are some of the advantages of Cryptohopper that you have to take note of—


Firstly, Ruud Feltkamp is a well-known celebrity in his native Netherlands and a legitimate crypto entrepreneur.

Therefore, if you’re considering availing Cryptohoppers’, then you’d be happy to know that you are in perfectly good hands.

Regulated Exchanges

As you’ve seen earlier, each package offers multiple exchanges. And the good thing about them is that they’re regulated.

Automated Trading

Since the program is operated by bots, it somehow takes off the stress of constantly observing the market.

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Final Thoughts

I hope my review for today has provided you with the answer you need in the all-important question—is Cryptohopper legit? Is it a good program to engage in? Or is it not worth your while after all?

Aside from the recurring fees you need to settle, you also have to bear in mind the investment you have to make.

So yes, you need to prepare your budget if you are serious about investing in the crypto market.

However, as I mentioned, it may not be for beginners and people who are under a tight budget.

If you have sufficient funds to accommodate the monthly charges and required investment cost, then by all means, you can try the program and see whether it indeed works.

But if you’re looking for a more affordable income opportunity that is less risky, then let’s continue to the last part of the article and discover a much better way to earn income…

How I’ve Became Financially Independent Online

Affiliate marketing is probably the most popular income opportunity over the internet online. First and foremost, they are highly lucrative and possesses the following traits—

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