Easyhits4u.com Review: Is This Traffic Exchange Legitimate?

In this review, I will be discussing the traffic-exchange website, Easyhits4u.com.

If you’re not familiar with the term, traffic exchanges are websites that allow members to promote their own websites or referral links by viewing the websites of other members. While this method can be a cost-effective way to drive traffic to your website, it’s important to know which traffic exchange sites are legitimate and which ones are scams.

That’s why I’m here to give you my honest assessment of Easyhits4u.com and help you determine whether or not it’s a worthwhile investment for your online business.

Easyhits4u Frontpage

Lead generation and your site’s ability to convert them to sales are the lifeblood of all your digital marketing efforts. However, driving traffic to your website is much harder than someone would think.

It requires creating content that is effectively optimized and engaging enough to persuade your audience to buy whatever products or services you are promoting.

Among the popular mediums out there that many digital marketers are turning to are subscriber swaps or exchanging email addresses of your subscribers to another digital marketer, where you can promote your brand to a new audience through email marketing.

Easyhits4u.com is one of those programs that provide similar services.

So if you are interested in trying their services but hesitant if they’re legitimate or a scam, then the review I prepared for today will give you the answers you need.

But before I begin, indulge me first in disclosing with you that I am NOT affiliated with Easyhits4u.com, and I will NOT earn any commissions if you decide to sign up for their services afterward.

So without any further ado, let’s begin today’s discussion…

Who Developed Easyhits4u.com?

Compared to other digital marketing sites I’ve checked out, some of them at least let their audience know who made the program. In the case of Easyhits4.com, I have not found any information about the creator(s) of the program.

This is not a new practice in this type of business model because there are legitimate traffic-exchange services that don’t disclose their founders or current owners.

However, it would bring anyone peace of mind if they were able to check the background of the program and ensure that their personal data is safe when they are provided.

All we know is that the site was established 20 years ago—January 13, 2003, to be exact. Being this long in the business could only mean that they actually have lots of clients they serve. Also, based on their IP address and privacy policy page, the site is under the jurisdiction of Ohio, the United States.

However, I also found that they are using a VPN (a virtual private network), which further indicates that they are not willing to share the people behind the program or any basic information about the company. In addition, the IP address is 93% abusive, according to a site quality test.

Also, it shows a different IP address, as you see below. Instead of Ohio, it says that the site is actually situated in Dallas.

So, is this traffic-exchange program a rip-off? Or is it a real online way to make money by doing tasks?

Let’s keep going with my Easyhits4u.com review and find out more about how the site operates…

What is Easyhits4u.com, and What Does the Program Offer?

Easyhits4u.com is a program that offers traffic exchange from other digital marketers. The company claims that the program has grown to 1.6 million users since its inception in 2003.

This is the first program that I reviewed of this type of business model that’s solely dependent on providing traffic exchange instead of optimizing your site and creating engaging content.

If you are unfamiliar with how the platform works, it is how it is described: You will come in contact with another digital marketer, and both of you will transact on how many impressions you need.

In order for you to determine if you have reached your goal, you need tracking software such as ClickMagick.

In addition, as I mentioned earlier, it has nothing to do with site optimization or publishing quality content. The traffic that they are talking about will come from email marketing. Therefore, you also need to have enough email subscribers from your autoresponder list in order to transact with other digital marketers.

With this being said, it is not suitable for people who are just starting from scratch. Also, it will be challenging to find partners if you don’t have sufficient subscribers that meet their desired amount of impressions.

I reviewed several programs before that focus on site and content optimization instead of exchanging traffic, which is more effective. Some examples of the articles I published include SEO for Bloggers, Elite Blog Academy, Ecom Profit Masterclass, and Super Affiliate System Pro, just to name a few of them.

Or you can check the full list by clicking this highlighted link.

However, if you’re looking for a better alternative to Easyhits4u that can help you build a high-traffic and high-converting website, then you should check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

What Can You Get from Easyhits4u.com?

The idea behind Easyhits4u.com is pretty straightforward. Besides the traffic-exchange program, it also offers some extra features, like:

Bonuses and commissions from referrals and other rewards

Swapping banner impressions

Exchanging text-ad impressions

Rotating links and active ones

Live splash pages

As you can tell, these extra features still focus on the traffic-exchange system. When you do business with other online entrepreneurs, it’s important to meet their expectations for impressions. It works both ways, and they also have to deliver the amount of traffic you both agreed on.

How Much is the Registration for Easyhits4u.com?

Registration for Easyhits4u.com is free. However, you will only get limited access to the program. You have to pay the required membership fees for you to have access to the full benefit of the program.

The registration fees are as follows—

  • Free Membership Package – it includes ten rotators (1 per rotator), five active links, three splash pages, 5% referral commission, and 2:1 geo-location
  • Premium Membership Package – the cost for this membership plan is $7.95 per month, and it will give you three splash pages, twenty site rotators (two sites per rotator), ten active links, 20% referral commissions, and 1:1 geo-location
  • Ultimate Membership Package – the cost for this membership plan is $19.95 per month, which will give you 20% referral commissions, 50 active links, 100 splash pages, 100 rotators (100 sites per rotator), and 1:1 geo-location

I also couldn’t find any refund policy if you’re not satisfied with the program.

Again, it might not get you the high-quality traffic you want. Plus, the leads you get might not turn into sales. You still need to make great content that offers value to your audience.

Is Easyhits4u.com a Scam?

Well, it’s been around for more than 20 years and has loads of users, so I don’t think it’s a scam.

What I LIKE About Easyhits4u.com

There isn’t much I like about the program.

In my opinion, it’s essentially pointless.

Sure, you can get traffic, but the traffic isn’t high quality, which is the main issue. That’s why I don’t recommend Easyhits4u.com.

Although it’s legitimate, and you can get traffic, the quality of that traffic is very questionable.

I speak from experience, having tried this kind of traffic exchange in the past!

What I DON’T LIKE About Easyhits4u.com

Now, below are the things that I don’t particularly like about Easyhits4u.com—

Not For Beginners

If you don’t have any current subscribers, then it will not work because you will need something to exchange with other digital entrepreneurs.

No Quality Traffic

The leads you are receiving are practically useless because they are basically cold traffic or a group of people who are not interested in whatever you are promoting.

It Could Do Your Site Damage Instead of Growth

The content you are sending may be deemed spam by the target market. Therefore, it would damage the site instead of aiding growth.

No Sufficient Information About the Owners

There’s not enough information about the founders, current owners, or any basic data.

Final Thoughts on My Easyhits4u.com Review

This Easyhits4u.com review has provided you with insights into the program and its potential to help grow your digital marketing business.

However, as mentioned earlier, the program brings in cold traffic, which might be more harmful than helpful.

If you’re willing to take the risk, you’re welcome to try the program for yourself and see if it works out.

With that said, I’m giving the program a final rating of 3.5 out of 10.

Easyhits4u 3.5 stars rating

A Revenue-Generating Alternative to Easyhits4u.com

Instead of relying on Easyhits4u.com, consider exploring a proven alternative that has been generating passive income for me since 2016.

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  • Suitable for all experience levels: Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, affiliate marketing offers opportunities for everyone to succeed.
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  • No need to worry about inventory or shipping: With affiliate marketing, you’re simply promoting products for other companies, so you don’t have to deal with the logistical challenges of managing inventory or shipping.
  • Extremely low risk due to the minimal required capital: Since you’re not investing large sums of money, there’s less financial risk involved, allowing you to test different strategies and products with ease.
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