Ecom Freedom Review: Is This Amazon FBA Program Worth Your Investment?

Looking to start your own successful Amazon FBA business? Check out our in-depth review of Ecom Freedom, a comprehensive program that claims to teach you everything you need to know to succeed in the e-commerce world. Our review covers everything from course content to pricing and customer support, helping you decide if Ecom Freedom is the right fit for you.

Ecom Freedom FRONTPAGE

Having the capability to achieve financial freedom right from the comfort of your home is a trend that’s been going on for a matter of several years now. And this is because it gives you the ability to earn a stable income while doing the things you enjoy, like travelling and spending quality time with your family.

However, it is not as easy as it sounds, and many people turn to online programs to help them start a business in digital marketing and gain traction as fast as possible.

For anyone interested in starting an Amazon FBA business, the Ecom Freedom program may have come across their radar. If you are looking for information on whether the program is worth investing in and if it can truly help you become financially independent, then the article I prepared for today will provide you with the answers you need.

But before I officially start and share with you my honest opinion of the program, allow me to have this opportunity first and foremost to share with you that I am NOT an affiliate of Ecom Freedom and I will NOT earn commissions if you decide to purchase the program.

So without further ado, let’s get right into today’s discussion…

Who is the Founder of Ecom Freedom?

The owner and founder of Ecom Freedom is Dan Vas. The program was launched in 2017, and Dan Vas, a successful e-commerce entrepreneur, has generated millions of dollars in sales using Amazon FBA. His particular line of expertise is in creating and managing a dropshipping business using Shopify.

His program has a very positive overall rating in Trustpilot of 4.7 stars, where 82% of the ratings are 5 stars!

Ecom Freedom Trust Pilot Rating

He is also a social media personality. You can refer to Dan Vas’ YouTube channel, which has about 500k subscribers, if you want to learn more about him and how he presents himself.

Ecom Freedom Youtube Channel

His YouTube content is mostly about topics revolving around Amazon FBA, dropshipping, eCommerce, website creation, brand name, and other sources of income online.

What is Ecom Freedom?

Ecom Freedom is a training course that provides step-by-step lessons on Amazon FBA (fulfilled-by-Amazon). The training course has a total of 12 modules to complete.

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is a service offered by Amazon that allows sellers to store their products in Amazon’s warehouses. Amazon then takes care of the shipping, handling, and customer service for these products. This allows sellers to focus on other aspects of their business, such as product research, marketing, and sales.

Amazon is the most popular online merchant, with millions of users and visitors around the globe every day. With this being said, it should be perfectly reasonable to venture with them, right? However, this isn’t exactly the case.

As popular as Amazon is, it is also the most saturated market as well. You have to effectively optimize your site that attracts traffic and stands out from the competition, and it is engaging enough to convert the leads into sales.

I also reviewed several Amazon FBAs and dropshipping programs in the past. Some examples of reviews I published are Performance Dropshipping, The Last Amazon Course, Supreme Ecom Blueprint, and Project Thunderbolt, just to name a few of them.

What’s Inside the Ecom Freedom Program?

The Ecom Freedom Program is designed to help you start an online business on Amazon. The program has twelve modules, each covering a different aspect of the business.

Here is a summary of the lessons:

First Module: Welcome to Ecom Freedom

The first part of the program is dedicated to introducing the program and what you can expect from it.

Second Module: Getting Your FBA Online Business Set-Up

It’s the section of the training where Dan will teach you how to set up your business.

Third Module: Building Your Product Opportunity List

The next training is researching the best and most profitable products to sell.

Fourth Module: Narrowing Your Opportunity List

Once you have gathered your potential products to sell, Dan will teach you how you can narrow them down and pinpoint the potentially profitable prospects.

Fifth Module: Finding High-Quality Suppliers

Now you already have the list of products you believe has the potential to sell, you have to search for the best suppliers that you can partner with.

Sixth Module: Placing Your First Product Order

The next part of the article will provide you with lessons on how you can get your first sale.

Seventh Module: Creating a Powerful Brand

The section is dedicated to helping you create an engaging and catchy brand.

Eighth Module: Creating a World-Class Amazon Listing

You will learn how to create an Amazon listing that suits the worldwide market.

Ninth Module: Launching Your Product Successfully with Facebook Ads

As the name suggests, it is the module that teaches you how to promote your listing through Facebook ads.

Tenth Module: From Zero to Expert with PPC

The tenth module is focused on the basics and advanced lessons on PPC or pay-per-click in helping your site generate profits.

Eleventh Module: Ordering Your Next Product

It is a continuation of product research to continually allow your site to grow progressively.

Twelfth Module: The Road to a Million-Dollar Brand

It is Dan’s insights on upscaling your site into a million-dollar business.

How Much is Ecom Freedom?

Ecom Freedom offers multiple payment options for each course, giving you lifetime access to the training and free updates.

You can try the courses for free with the 7-day trial.

The Amazon FBA course costs $1997, with options to pay in two or three monthly payments. Dan recommends having a budget of at least $1500 to $3000 for additional costs like premium software, inventory, and advertising.

The Ecom Freedom Shopify Course costs $997, with payment options available. There are three budget options laid out in the first module of the course.

Additionally, Ecom Freedom offers a Shopify mini-course called The Shopify Blueprint for $297.

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Is Ecom Freedom a Scam?

NO, Ecom Freedom is NOT a scam!

Ecom Freedom has many success stories from students who have used the course to build successful online businesses. These success stories are showcased on the course’s website and social media pages.

While these success stories are inspiring, it’s important to note that not everyone who takes the course will achieve the same level of success. Success depends on many factors, including market demand, product selection, and marketing strategies.

Anyway, the following is what other people are saying about Ecom Freedom

What I LIKE About Ecom Freedom

The following are the things I particularly like about Ecom Freedom—

  • Dan Vas is a legitimate digital entrepreneur and social media personality
  • The program is best suited for newbies starting from scratch
  • Private Facebook group
  • Positive ratings and comments in Trustpilot

What I DON’T LIKE About Ecom Freedom

Below are the disadvantages of Ecom Freedom that you have to take note of—

  • The cost of Ecom Freedom is expensive
  • Short 7-day refund policy
  • Amazon FBA is saturated and very competitive

Final Thoughts

After conducting extensive research and analyzing the course material, it is clear that Ecom Freedom is a comprehensive Amazon FBA program that provides valuable information and resources for individuals looking to start or grow their e-commerce business. The course covers a wide range of topics, including product research, sourcing, listing optimization, and marketing strategies.

One of the standout features of Ecom Freedom is the emphasis on mindset and personal development. Dan Vas stresses the importance of having a positive attitude and a growth mindset, which can be beneficial not only in business but also in other areas of life.

However, it is important to note that the course is not a magic solution for instant success. It requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn and apply the strategies taught in the course. Additionally, the course comes with a significant price tag, which may not be feasible for everyone.

Overall, Ecom Freedom is a well-rounded Amazon FBA program that provides valuable information and resources for individuals looking to start or grow their e-commerce business. While it may not be suitable for everyone, those who are willing to invest the time and money may find it to be a worthwhile investment.

One critique of Ecom Freedom is that it’s relatively expensive compared to other Amazon FBA and Shopify courses. Additionally, some users have reported that the course content is outdated and doesn’t provide enough information on newer e-commerce trends and strategies.

Another limitation is that the course is primarily focused on Amazon FBA and Shopify. While these platforms are popular and profitable, they may not be the best fit for every business. Users looking to explore other e-commerce platforms may need to seek additional training elsewhere.

So with this being said, I am giving the program a final rating of 7 out of 10

An Alternative to Ecom Freedom

Since 2016, I’ve been using a training platform that has guided me in establishing a thriving online business, allowing me to make money around the clock, even as I sleep.

Affiliate marketing has become a popular choice for many who want to generate a steady income from the comfort of their homes. It offers several enticing advantages, including:

  • Low risk: Affiliate marketing doesn’t require a significant upfront investment, making it a safe option for those new to the online business world.
  • Affordable startup costs: With as little as $500, you can launch your affiliate marketing business and begin your journey to success.
  • No inventory or shipping: You don’t have to worry about storing or shipping products, as your role is to promote the products or services of your affiliate partners.
  • Unlimited income potential: The more affiliate partners you collaborate with, the greater your earning potential, enabling you to scale your business without limits.

If you’re considering diving into the world of affiliate marketing but aren’t sure where to begin, I highly recommend the training platform I’ve been using for years. This platform provides invaluable tools and resources to help you build a successful online business from scratch while offering a supportive community to guide and assist you along the way.

Don’t miss this opportunity to create your own thriving online business and achieve the financial freedom you’ve always dreamed of. Take the first step toward success and click here to get started on your affiliate marketing journey today!


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And to show you my appreciation just by being here today, I am also giving away my eBook for free to help you start your business—


4 step-method toward success


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