Is A Scam?! Or Are They Legitimate? A 2021 Review!

ClickBuildCollect FRONTPAGE

I bet you’re here because you’re wondering—is a Scam? Or is it legitimate?

If so, then today’s topic is specially written just for you!

Like many people, you might have become acquainted with the program due to an email you’ve received.

Although the pitch is already sounding scammy right off the bat, it might have still caught your attention, and you want to know if there’s a chance that it’s a good source of income.

In today’s discussion, I will provide you an analysis of the program and whether they’re worth your time and money or not.

But before I begin, let me share with you first that I am NOT a representative or affiliate of and in NO way promoting any of their programs or upsells. This post is my unbiased and honest opinion about the product.

So once again, is a scam? Or is it legitimate after all?

Let’s begin and find out the answer…

Who are the Developers of

If you click the call-to-action link, you will be redirected to their business page.

At first sight, it looks pretty legit because of how well the page is structured. However, looks can be deceiving. And if you observe deep enough, you’ll discover several red flags. I’ll discuss the red flags more extensively in the following chapters.

Also, unlike other scam sites I’ve reviewed in the past, the developers of didn’t take the time to make a video that forces you to painstakingly read through the entire sales letter.

And as long as the marketing pitch is, you’ll find no indication of what exactly are the opportunity and more information about the program.

Well, in the first part of the page, they pose a guy named Jason Perriman as their CEO. However, the personality that they have shared is bogus!

Even if I don’t conduct a reverse image search, I’m certain that the supposed image of the founder is faked.

Just take a look at the two images. Do they even look alike?

ClickBuildCollect Image 1

But to give you further proof, I reversed image search it anyway—

ClickBuildCollect Image 2
ClickBuildCollect Image 3

And yes, they’re just stock photos!

If you aren’t paying that much attention, you may not notice such differences.

And with this being said—would you trust anybody who is apparently untruthful with their identities?

Is There Any More Information about the Program?

There’s no additional information about the program on their landing page. They didn’t even share a conclusive date of their foundation or where their company is headquartered.

I’ve browsed the internet to gather more information, but zero results.

Anyway, I managed to find out that the business was created or updated on September 6, 2020, as shown below—

ClickBuildCollect Image 4

Also, I checked their IP address to determine where they may be located. And the result is as follows—

ClickBuildCollect Image 5

However, I don’t fully trust the data since their connection is a VPN.

ClickBuildCollect Image 6

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is an application that’s primarily intended to conceal information from your domain address.

They’re perfectly okay for a private individual to protect identities as they’re browsing the web.

However, it feels a little suspicious if it’s a business selling products to the public. If you’re a legitimate business, then why would you hide even your most basic information?

What is is a product that is listed under Digistore24. If you are familiar with Clickbank, the site is operating similarly. It is generally a forum for affiliate marketers.

Digistore24 is legitimate, but not all products in their listings are legit.

As I mentioned earlier, the developers of didn’t even state the mechanics of the program.

All we know is that they’re supposed to provide an income opportunity through a system called “copy-paste.”

Again, would you invest your money in a venture when the developers aren’t even sure what they’re offering?

Based on my experience, this type of online scheme offers nothing. This isn’t even a real program. What it does instead redirects you to a funnel of endless upsells.

And if they do give you something, it is likely outdated training paraphernalia they bought from PLR (Private Label Rights) stores.

I have reviewed several related sites in the past. You can check them out if you like—The Secret Code System, Mastering Online Income, Freedom Launchpad, and The Copy Paste Money System, just to name a few.

Or, you can check out my full list of reviews here and check whether the site you have been reached with is on our list. 

Or, you can check out my best work-from-home recommendation if you’re looking for a legitimate source of income online.

Is a Scam? Here are some of the Red Flags to Consider…

Yes, I do believe is a scam site.

Below are some of the red flags you have to consider and why you shouldn’t do any business with them—

Bogus Owners

As already discussed earlier, the CEO that they’ve posed is faked!

False Hopes

Since they are untruthful and not willing to share their true identities, then it’s likely that the promise that the promises that they make are all empty as well.

Basic Corporate Information Not Disclosed

Most potential clients check the background of the business. They do so to determine whether the program is indeed legitimate.

Of course, there are some parts of the business that they are not obliged to disclose, but do you even have to conceal even the most basic of information like its “true” founder(s), current owners, headquarters, or even the date of inception.

Plus, they are using a VPN connection. Using a VPN is perfectly fine if you are a private citizen, as explained earlier. But it wouldn’t make much sense if you’re a public business trying to hide your basic identity.

No Refund Policy

Another element people look into is whether they offer a money-back guarantee.

Having a refund policy is important because it shows that the business is confident with its product.

Bogus Claims

I searched the web if “” or “Justin Perriman” shows up on the mentioned sites. And no, it didn’t show up.

ClickBuildCollect Image 7

Mechanics of the Program We’re Not Shared

All that they have shared about the mechanics of the program is its’ “copy and paste” system.

And the reason why they didn’t disclose the specifics of the system is that it’s not really a program. After registration, it would only lead you from one upsell to another.

Is it a Scam? Sure looks like one!

Let me make things clear here, Digistore24 is not a scam. It is a legitimate forum for affiliate marketers.

However, let’s bear in mind that not all products listed on the site are legitimate.

The last thing I want to mention here is that it is most likely a scam!

Positive Things about, if there are any…

I did not find any positive things about the program. It’s likely a scam, as I presented in the earlier sections.

Avoid, and save your money for more legitimate programs.

If you’re looking for a legitimate source of income online, then you need to check out my top work-from-home recommendation!

Final Thoughts

I hope today’s review has provided you the definitive answer in regards to the question of—Is a Scam?

As I mentioned in the previous sections, it is sort of heading towards the direction of a scam due to the several red flags it possesses.

Based on the data I’ve gathered, it is a classic example of a Get-Rich-Scheme, and I do not recommend the program in any way.

It would be best if you refrain from engaging in their scheme and search for more legitimate programs.

And if you are indeed looking for a legit source of income online, then let’s continue to the last section of the article…

How I Become Financially Independent Online

Affiliate marketing is probably the most profitable eComm platform around. And many people are turning to this business model for a stable source of income for many apparent reasons, and it includes the following factors—

  • 100% Legitimate
  • Low risk
  • Cost-effective
  • It suits levels of experience
  • No need to manage inventories or track delivery parcels
  • The entrepreneur’s potential profit is unlimited because they can market as many brands as they like

Yes, your main task as an affiliate marketer is to represent a company by promoting their products or services through your blog posts or regular social media publications if you’re an influencer

And then, you earn commissions anytime someone engages your affiliate link to avail the brands’ offering.

However, it’s easier said than done.

In order for anyone to succeed in affiliate marketing, their content must be generating quality engagement, and the campaign is effective enough that it’s converting leads to sales.

Is it already sounding daunting?

Well, you shouldn’t feel intimidated. If you are completely new to this business model, I have the perfect solution that should put you at ease about venturing into affiliate marketing.

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Consider giving it a gentle click and discover how you can create a stunning site that’s generating leads and converting sales from scratch.


And just for being here on my website, I am offering my eBook for Free. In it, I explain how I earn money while sleeping (and when I am awake too).

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Denis Signature 2022

6 thoughts on “Is A Scam?! Or Are They Legitimate? A 2021 Review!”

  1. I got to say it. I absolutely loved that summary there at the start. I think it really helps to kind of mentally prepare for what is coming and hence, understand the content better as well.

    Yeah, I think that fake owners are always like a 100% red flag. I mean, it’s never a good thing. If the people who created this don’t believe it in enough to take credit for designing the program, I really don’t know why I should ever buy a system like that. Plus, the fact that they are using fake images, that’s just crazy to me. It definitely makes it even shadier.

    Ultimately, I do agree with you 1000% that it’s a scam. I appreciate all of the insight you provided, it has kept me from wasting my time and money. 🙂

    • Hello Matiss,

      I am grateful that my article has kept you from wasting your time and money on this bogus system. I also want to thank you for the kind words. If more people did their due diligence (as you did) and check things out BEFORE giving their credit card number, there would be less of them losing their money to these unscrupulous people behind these systems.

      I wish you luck and prosperity!

  2. Ouch, a rating of only 1 never bodes well, but with fake owners, bogus claims, and no refund policy, I am not surprised that you gave it such a low rating. I am amazed how you could reverse image search and find the stock photos.  

    Thank you for doing all the research and pointing out the red flags to me. I will definitely stay away from this one. 

    • Hi Line,

      I am grateful that my article has saved you some headaches and frustrations. There are too many “get rich quick schemes” out there and someone has to tell people the real story. This is where I come in 🙂

      I will keep on doing it and I don’t see any end to it either… Keep on being careful and doing your due diligence BEFORE giving these guys your credit card number!

      Good Luck!

  3. Hello Denis,
    They change market place,or place it in new one call
    Now (not sure if they offer the refund or /buygoods offer the refund).
    they offer a refund for 60 days. Not sure if we got the same page or not,
    LoL,this kind of funny on the ad page/sign up page,they claim they started to
    test this on 10/9/21,but shows they been earning big money with it since 8/12/20!
    But if they only came up with this in 10/21,how could they be making money with it
    since 8/20? Thanks for your review.
    Take care.


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