Is Legit or a Scam? Let’s Find Out!

Is legit? For today, I’ll help you decide if they’re indeed a good site to engage in!

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Is legit? Or is it a scam?

If you have these questions in mind, then this article is what you are looking for!

In today’s review, I will discuss some of the basic details about the site and present the advantages and disadvantages of joining the program.

But before I begin my presentation for today, allow me to have this privilege to disclose that I am NOT promoting in any way, and I will NOT earn any referral commission if you decide to sign up to their site.

This article is my honest review of the program and whether they’re worth your while or not.

So without any further ado, let’s begin…

Who are the Developers of is currently being managed by Lightspeed. It is a marketing research firm established in 2000 and located in Warren, New Jersey, United States.

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In addition, Lightspeed is also under another research and data firm called Kantar Group. It is a company based in London, United Kingdom, and was founded in 1992.

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Also, it is worth mentioning that Kantar has other legacy brands, which include Kantar Mildred Brown, Kantar World Panel, Kantar Media, and Kantar TNS (Tyler Nelson Sofres).

The company has been in business and built a good reputation over the years. Just by referring to this information alone, you can be assured that the site is not likely a scam, and it pretty much answers the question—is legit?

However, this doesn’t mean that the program may be a good fit for everyone, especially if you are looking for a high and stable source of income online.

So why am I saying this?

Let’s continue with my review and find out more about the site…

What is is a site that rewards you for participating in marketing and data research which include surveys and other tasks such as taking on polls, behavior tracking, and product testing.

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If you’re familiar with other paid survey sites before, like Swag Bucks or Fusion Cash, the mechanics of work the same as well, which requires you to provide feedback about a particular study.

Let me remind you that there are no wrong answers in responding to the questionnaires. All you have to do is, to be honest in order for the agency to get accurate data regarding trends or consumer behavior.

As a result, the information gathered from the study should help the business improve its products or services that should boost profits in the process.

Although it may provide great value to the company, the payout isn’t that high since the task isn’t difficult and won’t take that much time.

On average, paid surveys are low-paying, and I doubt that they would even reach hundred dollars in a month.

I’ve reviewed similar money-making platforms online in the past. You can refer to them if you like—The Story Vault, Fiction Profits Academy, Bye 9 to 5, and Write Apps Review, just to name a few of them.

Or, you can check our main website here to check the full list of review posts.

But if you’re looking for a better alternative than paid surveys and GPT sites, then you have to try my best work-from-home recommendation!

How does the Site work?

The suggested data and marketing study that you’ll be joining in depends on the demographics you belong to—this is the purpose of the questionnaires during your registration.

However, you will have to take another initial test to determine and ensure that you are the right fit for the study.

The site offers several ways on how you can earn money through their program:

  • Registration – upon signing up and verifying your email, you will instantly receive 10 points. In addition, another 10 points shall be credited to your account after you have finished the qualification test to identify the market you belong
  • Survey – the bread and butter of this type of income opportunity are paid surveys. Again, the tests that are going to be given to you rely on your demographics
  • Product Testing – what you’ll do here is to test products and provide the agency proctoring the study your honest feedback
  • Recording Behavior – the next income opportunity is by allowing the agency to track your monthly credit card expenditure. However, this is risky since you are giving them access to your financial information

I’m not sure, though, if they offer any referral commissions, but based on my experience with so many paid surveys and GPT sites in the past, most of them provide incentives by introducing new members into the program.

How Do You Get Paid? provides three modes of payouts which include PayPal, electronic gift cards, or you can choose to donate your earnings to charitable purposes instead.

Also, it is a point system which means that you need to reach a certain level, and the ceiling vary depending on the mode you have opted—

  • PayPal – the required payout is 1,200 points which are only about $10
  • Electronic Gift Cards – the required payout is 550 points which are about $5
  • Charitable Donations – the required ceiling for donations are much lower, and it will only have to take 205 points or $1.80.

As you see, the pay is very low. Therefore, this is not a good option if what you’re after is an income opportunity that can support your lifestyle.

With this being said—you can check out my best work-from-home recommendation if you’re looking for more stability.

Is Legit?

The parent company of has been in operation for the past two decades, which implies a lot about the credibility of the business.

In other words, you can rest assured that the site is not a scam. It is a legitimate paid survey site that provides its members incentives for participating in their marketing research and data study.

What I LIKE about

Here are some of the advantages of

Various Payment Modes

The great thing about paid surveys is that it gives you the opportunity to earn some cash just by simply answering questions.

Aside from money, you can choose to receive your earnings via Amazon gift cards. Or, you can donate them to charity institutions instead.

Free Registration

You don’t have to make any expenses if you want to take advantage of their program. In addition, you will receive bonus points just by signing up and answering initial questionnaires.

What I DON’T LIKE about

Now, the program has several disadvantages that you have to take note of as well, and here they are—

PayPal Cashout Requisition is Inconvenient

Like any other paid survey site around, you will have to wait for a certain day or period before they credit your $10 to your PayPal—10 business days, to be exact.

No Mobile Application

Another huge hassle for is they don’t have a mobile application. This is unfortunate since many GPT users prefer accomplishing tasks using their smart devices.

Difficult Qualification Tests

If you are within the target market or demographics of the study, you’ll receive notifications in your email.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can take the survey right away. You still need to answer another set of questionnaires in order for them to determine whether you indeed fit their required demographics.

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Final Thoughts

I hope my review has provided you with the information you need in answering the question—is legit? Is it a good source of extra money? Or is it a site that you should avoid engaging after all?

If you’re considering quitting your regular 9 to 5 job to take on GPT tasks instead, then I’m here to tell you that you are making a huge mistake!

In general, GPT and paid survey sites are low-paying. The average income per participation is less than a dollar to $5. However, it is very rare that one task reaches $5. Also, the frequency of surveys won’t be consistent—in a week, you could expect an average of only one to two surveys a week.

With this being said—these types of money-making schemes may not be for you, especially if you are searching for a stable source of income.

Let’s continue to the last section of the article, and I will present you with a much better alternative…

How I am Making a Living at the Comfort of My Home

A popular trend in today’s generation is the concept of making money over the internet. And if you search the web for the highest paying platforms, I’m pretty sure you’d come up with affiliate marketing as one of the best options.

And this is rightfully so for many apparent reasons such as the following:

  • The platform is 100% legitimate
  • Cost-effective
  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • No inventory management or shipment is involved
  • Very low risks
  • Most importantly, the potential income is great because you can basically promote as many businesses as you like

As you might have already known, the main task involved is for you to promote products or services through your online posts or video blogs.

You earn income anytime someone clicks your personalized affiliate links and uses them to avail of the offerings listed on the brands’ site.

Of course, the likelihood of success in this business rely on the quality of leads and the posts’ ability to convert them to sales.

If you’re new to the business model and have no idea where to begin, then I have something that should put those uncertainties aside.

Consider giving the highlighted text below a gentle click and discover how you can create quality content that’s attracting quality traffic—


And to show my appreciation to you just by reading my “Is Legit” review, I’m also giving away my book to help you jump-start your affiliate marketing business:

4 step-method



Denis Signature 2022

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