My Profit Payday Review

In this comprehensive My Profit Payday review, I aim to provide you with the information you need to determine if this program is a worthwhile investment or one to steer clear of.

My goal is to present the facts in a clear and understandable manner, allowing you to make an educated decision about your financial future. So let’s dive in and explore the ins and outs of My Profit Payday to help you make the best choice possible!

My Profit Payday FRONTPAGE

You may have recently come across the My Profit Payday program through an email you received. The video sales pitch might have raised some red flags due to its exaggerated claims and questionable presentation.

If you’re curious about how this program works, then you’re in the right place! This article has been put together just for you.

Before we dive in, it’s important to note that I am not affiliated with the program in any way, and I won’t receive any commissions if you decide to join. This review is an honest look at My Profit Payday and a fair assessment of whether it’s worth considering.

Now, let’s get started and explore what this program is all about!

Who are the Creators of My Profit Payday? (If there are any…)

My Profit Payday IMAGE 1

The creators of My Profit Payday claim that a person named Mike Brent is their founder and owner. However, this “Mike Brent” seems to be a made-up character. There’s not even a photo of him, and the voice you hear in the presentation might be a paid voice actor from Fiverr or Upwork.

You might be wondering about the proof of income shown in the video. It’s important to remember that it’s pretty easy to manipulate bank account or e-wallet information using photo editing software like Photoshop.

Aside from the fake name, there’s not much information about the company behind My Profit Payday. According to their domain name, the program was launched in the latter half of 2021, as shown below:

My Profit Payday IMAGE 2

Also, their IP address suggests that the place of business is in San Francisco, California:

My Profit Payday IMAGE 3

Many of the questionable programs I’ve looked into before seem to use VPNs and claim to be based in San Francisco to hide their actual location. After examining the IP address of My Profit Payday, it turns out they’re also using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to conceal their true identity:

My Profit Payday IMAGE 4

So, is this program a scam or could it actually be a good investment?

Let’s dive deeper into our My Profit Payday review and explore the details a bit more…

What is My Profit Payday?

My Profit Payday is a copy-paste or done-for-you system that, as the name suggests, is supposed to generate income by simply copying pre-made materials and promoting them to various online sites or publications.

The mechanics are that you are supposed to drive traffic to the main website of My Profit Payday and make sales eventually.

However, the problem is that lead generation isn’t as easy as they portray it to be.

Sure, quality leads and sales conversion are vital pieces in digital marketing, but it takes time before it can actually yield a high and stable income.

It’s important to note that this program doesn’t teach you how to create optimized content that attracts traffic. Basically, you’re on your own once you sign up for the program.

Furthermore, it’s worth mentioning that Done-for-You (DFY) systems are different from affiliate marketing. Your income from a DFY system is called referral commission because you’re only promoting one site or one system.

In other words, the main goal is to send traffic to the main site, and they reward you for every “successful” referral you make.

On the flip side, affiliate marketing focuses on promoting various brands, which allows you to earn an unlimited income. We’ll explore this more in the sections to come.

I’ve also reviewed several online programs in the past that claims to provide you with financial independence. You can refer to them out if you like—MYIGGA, Mega Marketing System, Auto Income Sites, and 98 Unlimited, just to name a few of the articles I’ve published.

You can also visit the site by clicking here to check the full list of reviews and see whether you have been approached by any of them.

How Much is the Program?

At first, “Mike” claims that he won’t ask for anything from you and all he needs is your email address.

However, once you proceed to the next page, you’ll find out that this isn’t true. In fact, the program actually costs $47!

Another reason he’s dishonest is to get you into his sales funnel by collecting your email information. This means you’ll end up receiving a bunch of spam messages from various sites on a regular basis.

Even if you unsubscribe from one of the emails, you’ll still receive more since your information is shared with other questionable sites.

With that in mind, be prepared for upsells as the program progresses.

If you’re looking for a more reliable way to make money online that can provide financial stability from home or anywhere else, then you should check out my top work-from-home recommendation!

Is My Profit Payday a Scam?

Here are Some of the Red Flags You have to Take Note of:

I highly suspect that My Profit Payday is a scam (or at least a very low-quality system) due to the various red flags I have gathered. Let’s check them out:


As mentioned in the previous section, he was dishonest in the first part of the sales pitch. The narrator implies that the program is free of any cost, but you’d find out that the program is actually $47.

Again, the email you have provided is just an attempt to include you in his sales funnel.

Exaggerated Claims

At the start of the sales pitch, they’ll congratulate you on finding their supposed “secret page”—well, you just sent me an email!

Anyway, this is not uncommon for scam sites. They will make it appear that their product is unique and something revolutionary that nobody knows. Just take a look at the video sales letter of My Profit Payday!

They make bold claims that they can make you instant millionaires but don’t even have the guts to disclose their true identity. They even go as far as faking their backgrounds.

Also, they present you with a bogus bank account as their proof of income. However, in reality, you can easily fake these documents through Adobe Photoshop.

False Scarcity

They mention that they only need people who don’t have any experience. This makes a lot of sense because people with knowledge and experience in the field will immediately identify them as a SCAM.

Potential Upsells

Allow me to elaborate that these kinds of businesses often have upsells that would require you to avail them to supposedly access their more premium features.

Fake Testimonials

The people giving testimonials in the video are paid actors that they hired from freelance platforms such as People Per Hour, Fiverr, or UpWork.

Below is just one example—

My Profit Payday IMAGE 5

No Business Information was Shared

The developers behind My Profit Payday are unwilling to disclose their business background, which makes it highly suspicious what are its true agenda.

Are there any Positive Things about My Profit Payday?

I did not find any positive things about the program. I honestly believe that they’re a scam that you should stay away from. I give it a BIG FAT zero out of 10

If what you’re after is an online program that can truly help you earn a stable income even while you’re at home, then you better check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Final Thoughts: My Profit Payday Review

I hope My Profit Payday review has provided you with the information you need to determine why you shouldn’t engage with the program at all.

I highly suspect that the site is potentially a scam due to the number of red flags and no positive things to say about them…

Let’s continue to the last part of my article, and I will show you a legitimate program that can truly help you become more financially independent in the comfort of your home…

How I Am Earning Reliable Income Online

When you specifically search the web for the best work-from-home jobs over the internet, I am certain you’d come up with affiliate marketing among the top results.

And this is rightfully so for many factors, such as the following—

  • 100% legitimate
  • Very low risk
  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • No inventory management or shipment is involved
  • Potential gains are very promising since there’s no limit to the number of brands you can promote

If you’re not familiar with affiliate marketing, it’s simply an eComm platform that allows you to earn income by representing a company. You promote their offerings through your online content, such as websites, blog posts, social media posts, etc.

You basically earn commissions every time someone clicks your personalized affiliate links and use them to avail the products of the company on their site.

However, you have to take note that your chances of succeeding in this type of business rely on the quality of traffic being driven to your publications.

If you are new to the idea of affiliate marketing and don’t know where to begin, then I have something to share with you that should put all those doubts away.

Consider giving the highlighted texts below a slight tickle, and I’ll show you how you can create posts that are generating leads and converting sales consistently—


Create a Free Starter Membership Today

To help you kickstart your endeavor, I’m also throwing in my eBook at no cost as an expression of gratitude for reading today’s review

4 step-method



Denis Signature 2022

4 thoughts on “My Profit Payday Review”

  1. I wished I read this before but the person his name William says that my profile has been seen all over and their office is delware

    • Hi Almetta

      If you have paid for this “Copy Paste” system, I would contact the credit card company and dispute the charge, you might be able to get your money back that way.
      I also suggest that next time, you should do your due diligence and check out the system/program before buying it!

      Good Luck

    • My Dear Cheryl,

      This is not the place to voice your complaint. I am NOT involved in this scam, actually, I have written a REVIEW about it and I DON’T recommend it one bit.

      To reiterate what I said in my review: I did not find any positive things about the program. I honestly believe that they’re a scam that you should stay away from. I give it a BIG FAT zero out of 10

      I also added these adjectives and explained what I meant by them: Misleading, Exaggerated Claims, False Scarcity, Potential Upsells, Fake Testimonials

      I have to assume you did not read my review.

      On a final note, in the future, please refrain to give your telephone number on a public website like this, you are asking for more aggravation. For your security, I have blanked out the number before posting it to my website.


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