Is InsideHeads a Scam? Or is it Legit?

Is InsideHeads a scam or legit? For today, I’ll share with you my honest take on whether they’re worth your while or not?


Is InsideHeads a scam? Or is it a legitimate platform after all?

If you have these concerns in mind and want to know whether the program is indeed the real deal, then the article I have written for today is especially just for you!

In this topic, I will relay the specifics of the program and provide you with some of the pros and cons that you have to consider.

A word of a disclaimer first before I begin today’s discussion—I am NOT affiliated or representing InsideHeads in any way.

This article is my honest review of the program that’s based on the research I’ve gathered. I’m also giving my unbiased opinion on whether they’re the right program for you.

Without further ado, let’s start…

Let’s Meet the Founders of InsideHeads

InsideHeads is a GPT (Get-Paid-to) and PTC (Paid-to-click) platform that is being operated under a marketing research company called Research Connections.

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The company was founded by Amy Yoffie in 1994. She is a writer and an innovator and married to Rabbi Eric Yoffie—a lecturer, public speaker, and a known writer as well.

In the early years of the company, they were more concentrated on focus groups. In 1997, she and her team decided to expand their services and administer paid surveys.

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Jennifer Dale is the Chief Executive Officer of the agency and has been in charge of operations of InsideHeads since then.

So does this mean that the program is legitimate? Or is InsideHeads a scam after all?

Let’s continue and find out more about the program…

What is InsideHeads?

InsideHeads is an online program that provides income opportunities through get-paid-to or paid-to-click tasks.

If you are unfamiliar with these platforms, they’re essentially programs that reward their members by complying with simple assignments. The tasks are straightforward, which would only take you a few minutes to finish.

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Some of the common assignments you’ll find on your personal InsideHead personal dashboard are as follows—

Paid Surveys

Answering survey questionnaires is the hallmark of GPT sites. They’re very simple, and what you’ll have to do is to answer the survey honestly.

The data gathered from the task will be used in the marketing research and help them improve their campaigns.

With this being said—you also have to pass the initial questionnaire first before you can move on to the actual survey. This will allow them to further determine if you are the right market for the study.

Focus Groups

Focus groups have a similar aim with surveys which is to gather data from their target market.

The only difference is that they invite participants personally in a closed-door meeting and discuss matters about the market. Usually, there’s one moderator that interviews the participants with a set of questionnaires.

Again, like paid surveys, they’re not complicated and would only take about a few minutes to finish.

With InsideHeads, you don’t actually have to go to their offices to participate in the marketing research. The method involved is primarily through live chats.

However, focus groups rarely occur, and it usually happens approximately one to two times a year. Therefore, consider yourself lucky if you are able to become part of the focus group study.

I’ve reviewed several online programs that revolve around money-making schemes. And you can check them out if you’re interested—Crowdtap, Performance Dropshipping, Printable Profits, and eComm Everywhere, just to name a few of the reviews I’ve written.

Or you can refer to my official site by clicking this link to see the full list of reviews.

How Much is the Program?

The registration for InsideHeads is free.

This is not uncommon for GPT sites because most of their profit comes from third-party agencies that need the data from the study.

Again, the information collected from the research will be used in improving their campaigns and boosts the company’s profitability.

Although it’s free to sign up for their program, I still don’t recommend them in any way, especially if you’re looking for a stable way to earn income online.

With this being said—you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation if what you’re after is a better alternative than GPT sites.

How are the Members Paid?

A huge advantage of InsideHeads is that they do not have a withdrawal ceiling. What this means is that you can request payment anytime and regardless of the points you have earned.

On the other hand, a huge disadvantage of the site is that processing of payments normally takes about two to a full month before they hand you your earnings.

Such an instance is a huge inconvenience, especially if you aren’t withdrawing that much money. Imagine if you are only requesting for $10 or even $5, and you have to wait for two weeks or so.

And then, the payments are sent through bank transfers or checks. This also means that aside from the two to four weeks waiting period, you need to consider the clearing period that each bank requires, which means that you’re going to wait even longer.

Is InsideHeads a Scam?

I don’t think InsideHeads is a scam. I believe InsideHeads is a legitimate online site that provides income opportunities through get-paid-to or paid-to-click tasks.

If you’re interested in signing up for their program, I believe you are in perfectly good hands if you do so.

However, as mentioned, you have to consider their inconvenient payment procedure aside from the low-income potential of the site.

What I LIKE about InsideHeads

Now, here are some of the factors I like about the income opportunity offered by InsideHeads—

Registration is Free

Anybody can join the InsideHeads program for free who wishes to earn extra cash.

No Withdrawal Ceiling

The site does not have a withdrawal limit.

What I DON’T LIKE about InsideHeads

I also listed the things I don’t like about InsideHeads—

Long Waiting Period

As explained earlier, InsideHeads has a two to four weeks waiting period which is extremely inconvenient, especially if you need the money for an emergency.

No Option for e-Wallets

The payment option is available for PayPal or, or any other electronic wallets.

The only way for you to get your earnings is through banks which require an additional 2 to 3 days clearing period.

Low Income Potential

GPTs and PTCs, in general, aren’t for you if what you’re after is a source of income online that can help you boost your finances.

If you’re looking for a source of income that can help you earn reliable income over the internet, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

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Final Thoughts

I hope the review I have prepared for today has provided you with the information you need about the GPT program and gave you the answer to this all-important question—is InsideHeads a scam? Or is it a good program to do business with after all?

Although I did not find reasons to believe that they’re a scam, I still won’t sign up to the platform if I were you. For one thing, the potential income is way too low, and I doubt that it will reach $10 in a week.

Also, their cashout practice is very inconvenient, which is a two to four-week process. Lastly, there are no payment methods for e-Wallets like PayPal.

Let’s continue to the last part of my article, and I will show you a much better alternative than InsideHeads…

How I Am Earning Stable Income Over the Internet

When you happen to search the web for the most profitable source of income online, I am very certain that affiliate marketing will come up among the top results.

And this is rightfully so for many apparent factors, which include the following—

  • 100% legitimate  
  • Very low risk
  • Highly cost-effective
  • It is suitable for all levels of experiences
  • You’re not involved with inventory management or shipment
  • Your potential net profits are very promising since you are not limited to marketing just one product

And yes, your primary task here is to represent a company’s products or services by promoting them through your online publications such as blog posts, social media posts, websites, business pages, weekly newsletters, email marketing, etc.

And then, you gain income when someone engages the links you’ve provided and uses them to avail the products listed on their sales page.

However, you have to take note that your chance of progressing in this type of business is significantly reliant on the quality of traffic being driven into your site.

If you’re a complete newbie and don’t know where to begin, then I have something to offer that should put all your uncertainties aside.

Slightly tickle the highlighted text below, and I’ll show you how you can create a stunning site that’s generating leads and converting sales—


And to help you kickstart your business, I’m also throwing in my book to express my gratitude for being here today:

4 step-method



Denis Signature 2022

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