Product Launch Formula Review: Is Jeff Walker Legit?

Welcome to my Product Launch Formula review! For today, I’ll give you my insights about the training program and whether they’re the best fit for you or not!

Product Launch Formula FRONTPAGE

Welcome to my Product Launch Formula review!

Becoming financially independent in the comfort of your home and being able to work in any part of the world has been an ideal lifestyle for many. This also explains the significant increase in recent years.

Working at home could either be partnering with a client or creating your own business and promoting your products.

However, launching your products is a little tricky and challenging to work with, but the rewards are great. It is more profitable once you have set up and managed the business properly.

Now, this is the purpose of the Product Launch Formula. It aims to guide startups in effectively launching their digital product and how to promote them to the right target market.

And if you’re here to determine whether they’re indeed the perfect fit, then you have come to the right place!

In today’s article, I’ll provide you with my analysis of the training and insights on its advantages and disadvantages that you have to take note of.

But before I officially start, allow me to have this opportunity to disclose with you firstly that I’m NOT an affiliate of Jeff Walker, and I will NOT profit in any way if you decide to try out the training program.

So without any further ado, let’s get right into today’s discussion…

Let’s Meet the Creator of Product Launch Formula

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Product Launch Formula was the brainchild of Jeff Walker. He started his digital marketing career way back in 1996. As you can see, he has tons of experience in the industry, and the members can definitely benefit from the knowledge he has obtained over the years.

And like any startup and beginner, he has to go through a lot of ups and downs before he is able to attain success. But it was way much tougher back then since digital marketing was only in its infancy in the 90s.

If this is only your first time hearing about Jeff, he is among the prominent and influential personalities in the field. He has published several books, but the most popular one that even became a bestseller is titled—

Launch: An Internet Millionaire’s Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online, Build A Business You Love, And Live The Life Of Your Dreams.”

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The book comprises the information he gathered over the years of creating and promoting products online. Jeff’s word is a gold mine if you ask me, considering his experience and status in digital marketing.

However, does the quality of his book translate to the training program he has produced? Or is the book sufficient in helping you achieve your financial goals?

Let’s continue with my Product Launch Formula review and learn more about the program…

What is the Product Launch Formula?

Product Launch Formula is a training program that specifically focuses on digital product launches. It’s a step-by-step process on the proper and most effective of setting up a product launch according to Jeff’s insight and years of experience.

As the name of the training suggests, you will not get the chance to develop your own products. The program is concentrated on the final stages of starting an online business which is the product launch.

So yes, it’s not an all-in-one training program, and this is something you have to think about if you’re considering purchasing their offering. Thus, you will need to already have the products prepared before you buy the program.

Nevertheless, Product Launch Formula provides quality training about the subject matter. And as I said, you will definitely benefit from Jeff’s in-depth knowledge about effectively launching and promoting your digital products to your target market.

If you’re looking for a training program that can help you how to build an online business from scratch and without the necessity to develop your own products, then I highly suggest that you refer to my best work-from-home recommendation!

What Inside the Product Launch Formula?

The following are the six modules included in the Product Launch Formula training program—

  • First Module – Your Launch Foundation
  • Second Module – Your Launch Plan
  • Third Module – Pre-Launch
  • Fourth Module – Pre-Launch Content
  • Fifth Module – Open Cart
  • Sixth Module – Internal and Seed Launches

As you see, the content of the training is straightforward and pretty much self-explanatory. However, it will give you the guidelines you need to produce a quality product launch that’ll boost your online presence.

You also gain access to the following features once you have become a member of the Product Launch Formula—

  • Jeff Walker’s insights on product development
  • Update and all access to his book releases
  • Niche selection
  • Sets of detailed case studies that could help you grow your business
  • Swipe files
  • JV Partnerships

I believe this is the first training program I have covered that’s related to the subject matter. Most of the product reviews I have published in the past were mostly about eCommerce, affiliate marketing, dropshipping, Amazon FBAs, DFYs, GPTs, etc.

If you’re interested, you can also read about the other reviews I have written in the past. Some examples of the articles are Performance Dropshipping, 7 Figure Seller, YouTube for Bosses 3.0, and The Copy Cure, just to name a few of them.

Or you can refer to the full list of reviews by clicking on this link.

How Much is the Program?

Although the program isn’t that extensive in my opinion, this isn’t exactly the case with its price. If you’re seriously considering buying the Product Launch Formula training system, then you have to prepare for the one-time payment of $997.

I am not sure, though, if they have a refund policy since I can’t access their checkout counter. Apparently, the number of members that are allowed to take the training has reached its full capacity at the time of this writing.

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You will have to wait until later this year to register if you are interested in the Product Launch Formula program.

In any case, the cost of joining the training is expensive, and it is not suitable for people who are under a tight budget or unwilling to spend that much money.

The good news, however, is that there are better alternatives that are either free of cost or way more affordable than a program that’s priced at $1,000.

If you are indeed looking for a more affordable training program that can aid you in building a website that’s generating leads and converting sales on a regular basis, then you should try my best work-from-home recommendation!

Is Product Launch Formula a Scam?

No. the Product Launch Formula is absolutely not a scam.

Jeff Walker is a prominent digital marketer with years of experience in the field.

What I LIKE about Product Launch System

The following are the things I particularly like about Jeff Walker’s Product Launch System—

Jeff Walker is Legit!

First and foremost, Jeff Walker is a legitimate digital marketer you can put your trust in.

High-Quality Training

You will get high-quality training that will help you effectively launch your digital products.

One-Time Payment and No Upsells

The $997 is the final payment, and there are no upsells involved.

What I DON’T LIKE about Product Launch System

Now, below are the disadvantages of the Product Launch System that you have to bear in mind—

Super Expensive!

The Product Launch System is extremely pricey, which wouldn’t be suitable, especially for people who don’t have the budget to pay for the $997 asking price.

Not a Beginner-Friendly Course

Aside from the high cost of the program, it is apparently not for beginners as well who are just starting out their business from scratch.

As I discussed earlier, the training only involves the final stages of establishing a business. And you will need your digital products to be prepared in order for the program to be useful.

Final Thoughts on My Product Launch Formula Review and A Better Alternative

I hope my product Launch Formula review has provided you with the information you need to determine whether the training program is right for you or not.

If you are a newbie in digital marketing, the program may not be useful to you since the lessons mainly cover the product launch phase of the process. Also, the program is way too expensive, which would not be suitable for people who don’t have enough money to accommodate the asking price.

Fortunately, there are tons of options around that you turn to if you want to save money and learn about the ways how you can start earning money online.

If you’re a complete newbie in the industry and don’t have any idea where to begin, then you no longer have to concern yourself about it because I have the perfect solution for you!

Consider slightly tickling the highlighted texts, and I will show you how you can create a webpage that’s generating leads and converting sales from scratch—


And to show you my appreciation just by here, I’m also giving away my book for free to help you kickstart your online business.

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Denis Signature 2022

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