Spark by Clickbank Review: Is it Your Ticket to the Good Life?

For today’s Spark by Clickbank review, I’ll share my analysis of whether the training program is worth your time and money or whether you should search for better alternatives.

Spark by ClickBank Review

It’s no doubt that Clickbank is among the first that comes to mind when we think of popular affiliate marketing sites. If you have been in the affiliate marketing business for quite some time now, I’m sure you have used Clickbank at some point to generate income from your content.

However, if you are new and struggling to use Clickbank and are not sure how to utilize the platform to your advantage effectively, then it’s likely that you have turned to online training programs.

Fortunately, Clickbank also promotes its own brand of affiliate marketing course that primarily focuses on using the platform. With this in mind—does this mean that the program is automatically genuine? Or is it not worth your while after all?

In today’s article, I will provide you with the essential specifics of Spark by Clickbank and share my insights on whether the program is good training that can help you earn money or whether you should search for better options.

But before I begin, indulge me for a moment to disclose that I’m NOT connected with Spark, and I will NOT benefit in any way if you eventually decide to purchase the training.

So without further ado, let’s start…

Who Founded Spark by Clickbank?

As the program’s name implies, Spark is supposed to be a program developed by Clickbank. Although I believe it is the platform’s official affiliate marketing training program, Spark has no connection with the developers and owners of Clickbank as far as I am concerned.

Spark by Clickbank is a revamped affiliate marketing training program sponsored by the platform called Clickbank University. And I know this because I have tried to get to the former domain name of Clickbank University (, and it only redirects me to Spark’s landing page.

Clickbank University 2.0 website

Anyway, the owners of the site and founders of Clickbank University are Adam Horwitz, Matt Hulett, and Justin Atlan. They are seasoned and well-known digital entrepreneurs who earned fame in the affiliate marketing business.

I am not sure, though, if they are still the site owners because there is no information about the matter on the internet. Also, I did not find their name in the list of instructors for Spark’s training modules.

If you’re interested in knowing more about the program, let’s continue with my Spark by Clickbank review…

What is Spark by Clickbank?

Spark by Click Bank website and landing page

Spark by Clickbank, similar to Clickbank University, is an online course that primarily teaches affiliate marketing training.

The great thing about this particular program is that they provide lessons on affiliate marketing in general, and it is not limited to the basics of Clickbank University.

If you are familiar with the features of Clickbank University, it is still pretty much the same, and they only have changed the name of the training program.

As mentioned, Clickbank is an affiliate marketplace highly recommended for beginners because, unlike other affiliate sites, they have minimal conditions and requirements for people who want to optimize their content and earn passive income from the platform.

Clickbank offers various niches such as health, arts, entertainment, make-money-online, etc. Of course, there are other options like JVZoo, Warrior Plus, and a brand’s own affiliate program, but Clickbank is the most popular because they’re apparently far less restricted, as discussed.

Affiliate marketing is among the best sources of income online simply because it can potentially give you massive gains once you have set up and managed your online business effectively.

The process involves content creation through websites and/or social media publications, and your task is to promote your affiliate’s product. You earn commissions every time your audience clicks your personalized affiliate links and buys the products or avails the services eventually.

But like its predecessor, Spark also inherited its pricey amount and upsells, which I will explain later. This is a colossal con considering the many free resources and more affordable options.

And suppose you are looking for an affiliate marketing training program that’s more budget-friendly yet delivers similar or superior results. In that case, you should check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

No. 1 recommendation for earning money online

How Does the Program Work?

Spark by Clickbank offers over 70 training videos categorized into 17 courses, covering many aspects of Affiliate marketing.

Here is the breakdown of the courses’ program:

  • First Course: First Steps – the first step of Spark by Clickbank presents the introduction of the program and what to expect as you progress with the training.
  • Second Course: Internet Marketing 101 – introduction to affiliate marketing
  • Third Course: How Clickbank Fits In – you’ll learn how you can utilize Clickbank in affiliate marketing
  • Fourth Course: Product Owners – the instructors will teach you how you can sell your products in Clickbank
  • Fifth Course: Affiliate Marketing – further explanation of affiliate marketing
  • Sixth Course: Direct Response Psychology – it discusses what motivates people to buy
  • Seventh Course: Compliance – you’ll learn the laws implemented and compliance required in affiliate marketing
  • Eighth Course: What Makes An Online Offer – this is the longest part of the training which includes marketing your products online
  • Ninth Course: Content Types – it includes lessons on generating leads and traffic
  • Tenth Course: The Tools of Digital Marketing – in association to lead generation, the tenth course includes lessons on sales conversion
  • Eleventh Course: Outsourcing – it teaches outsourcing your tasks
  • Twelfth Course: Understanding Memberships – lessons on structuring a membership package
  • Thirteenth and Fourteenth Course: Affiliate Quickstart Guide – it’s another extension to the basics of affiliate marketing
  • Fifteenth Course: Creating Your First Ad – as the name suggests, it’ll teach you creating your ads
  • Sixteenth and Seventeenth Course: Digital Product Quickstart Guide – it’s also another extension to the lesson of creating your own digital products

An example of covering many aspects of affiliate marketing are lessons 16 and 17, which cover the “create your own digital product.” I haven’t seen this in many reviews I did in the past!

I have reviewed hundreds of affiliate marketing programs in the past. And you can read about them if you are interested. Here are a few: Super Affiliate System Pro, Ecom Warrior Academy, and Blog Growth Engine. Or you can refer to my complete list of reviews if you like.

How Much is Spark by Clickbank?

Clickbank University was formerly priced at $47 per month.

Spark by Clickbank has a first-month discount at $23.50, which goes back to $47 monthly for subsequent months.

It also has upsells, and some of the examples are Spark Plus and Robby Blanchard’s $100 Per Day Facebook Ads Formula. That being said, you will need to prepare your budget in consequence, to continue with the program.

The good news is it has a 30-day refund policy if you are not happy with how the program is progressing.

However, it kind of goes against ClickBank’s own 60-day refund policy, which states, “at its discretionallows for the return or replacement of any product within 60 days from the date of purchase“.

In addition to the main courses, the program also includes access to their exclusive social media group.

I have not found any information about webinars, coaching sessions, seminars, etc.

With all these features in mind, I feel that the program lacks some essential topics about affiliate marketing.

And if you think this is the case, you should check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

No. 1 recommendation for earning money online

Is Spark by Clickbank a Scam?

No. Spark by Clickbank is not a scam.

It is a legitimate training program that can help you with affiliate marketing and Clickbank.

Although it gives you over 70 videos, it appears to lack some of the essential topics in the industry just by looking at the summary of the courses.

Below is a reference of what other people think of Spark by Clickbank.

What I LIKE About Spark by Clickbank

The following are the things I particularly like about Spark by Clickbank—

Suitable for Beginners…

The program targets people with no experience in the industry and are starting from scratch.

30-Day Refund Policy

Spark by Clickbank’s 30-day refund policy protects the member.

What I DON’T LIKE About Spark by Clickbank

Now, below are the cons of Spark by Clickbank that you have to take note of:

Focused on paid ads and PPC (Pay-per-click)

The training program mainly focuses on paid ads and not so much on SEO (Search engine optimization), making it less attractive to people with a tight budget. Paid ads can add up to a lot of money if you don’t know what you are doing, so you will need a hefty ad budget to follow what they teach in their training.


Yes, the beginner may find the courses helpful at some point. But overall, it may not be a good program if you are looking for more advanced training to help you in the industry.

Final Thoughts on Spark by Clickbank

I hope my Spark by Clickbank review has provided you with the information you need to decide whether the program is a good choice or whether you should search for better alternatives.

Although I believe Spark is an excellent online program of Clickbank, it doesn’t mean that it automatically offers quality training. Some very important aspects of lead conversion are missing, in my opinion.

As I have explained earlier, the lessons are basic and lack the essential elements of business success. It also teaches you how to use the Clickbank platform, which is not really difficult to learn.

Also, let’s not forget that not all systems/programs offered under Clickbank are legitimate and worth their price.

With this being said, I am giving Spark by Clickbank an 8 out of 10 rating since the program is overall very decent and a lot better than many programs I have reviewed in the past!

A Better Alternative to Spark by Clickbank

Unfortunately, not all affiliate marketing online courses are legitimate and can give you quality training to help you achieve your goals.

Suppose you ask me about the best programs I believe will give you the best chance of succeeding in the business; that has taken me from a complete newbie to a seasoned affiliate marketer and taught me to become financially independent.

In that case, I propose that you take a test drive (for free – No credit card required) on the platform that I still use and still learn from it daily after over six years of being a member.

Create a Free starter membership Today


I believe that’s just about it in today’s Spark by Clickbank review!

And to show you my deep appreciation just by being here, I am also giving away my eBook to help you as you begin your affiliate marketing endeavor.


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Denis Signature 2022

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