Texting Factory Review: $300 Weekly as a Chat Operator?

In today’s Texting Factory review, I’m sharing with you my insights on the potential of the program and whether it could really help you achieve your financial goals.

Texting Factory FRONTPAGE

A warm welcome to my Texting Factory review!

The prospect of earning sufficient money without having to leave the comfort of your home is the path that many people are taking today. And this is because it gives you financial independence while giving you the freedom to pursue your passion.

Probably one of the largest digital marketing businesses today is the BPO industry which comprises chat operators and call centers.

And like many people who desire to have the so-called laptop lifestyle and particularly to look to have a career in BPO, it’s likely that you might have considered browsing the internet for training programs such as the Texting Factory.

If you want to know if the program is the best value for your money, then you’d be glad to know that the article I have prepared for today is especially just for you!

But before I begin, allow me to disclose to you firstly that I am NOT connected with the program, and I will NOT earn commissions if you decide to try them out!

So without further ado, let’s get right into it…

Who Founded Texting Factory?

Webtech Interactive Media founded Texting Factory in 2009 to help people looking to make a living in the BPO industry as a chat operator.

Webtech Interactive Media is a company that provides services on assisting its clients in website creation and digital management services, which include social media marketing campaigns and search engine optimizations (SEO).

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Their primary place of business is currently residing in La Salanene Complex, Ground Floor, Vaea Street, Saleufi, Samoa.

Although the company and the site have been around for over ten years now, it appears that they are unwilling to disclose some of the organization’s basic information, such as their founders and current owners.

That is pretty much the background about Webtech Interactive that is available over the internet.

So does this make the operation sketchy? Does this mean that they’re a scam? Or are they legitimate, after all?

Let’s continue with my Texting Factory review and learn more about the features Webtech Interactive Media has to offer…

What is Texting Factory?

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My initial impression of Texting Factory is that it’s a training program about the basics of being a chat operator. However, it is actually a freelance platform that sort of works similarly to UpWork, Fiverr, or People Per Hour.

Apparently, the difference with Texting Factory is that they are focused on the chat operation business. Basically, you will have a personal dashboard where you’ll find different sites looking for the services of customer agent support.

But there’s a catch. You have to take note that this program is not your typical freelance platform because they particularly hire chat operators for adult sites.

If you are not familiar with this type of business, it’s actually a fantasy-based text or online flirting where the agent will pretend to be the lady in the pictures of the models.

All the chat operator has to do is provide erotic or casual messages to keep their patrons satisfied.

And if you’re a conservative type of person and working for an adult site is not your cup of coffee, then this may be the end of the article for you, and you may have to search for better alternatives that are more wholesome than Texting Factory.

You can check out my best work-from-home recommendation if you are looking for a higher and more sustainable source of income online!

The best method

However, if you’re interested in knowing more about the program, then let’s continue with my Texting Factory review…

How Does the Texting Factory Program Work?

As mentioned, Texting Factory provides chat services for adult strangers. The conversation ranges from friendly, personal, relationships, culture, to erotic messages. Again, you will have to assume the avatar you are portraying, if there are any assigned to you.

In some instances, your identity will be anonymous, and what you are essentially doing is providing companionship through chat conversations.

If you happen to sign up for the Texting Factory program, you will have to undergo two to three hours before they allow you to take clients. This is to aid you in getting acquainted with the system a little further.

The good news is that they will pay you for the training hours.

I also reviewed several freelancing-theme programs in the past. And you can check them out if you are keen on reading about them—The Freelance Hustle, Bye 9 to 5 by Jordan Mackey, Laptop Lifestyle Academy, and Project Thunderbolt, just to name a few of them.

How to Join the Texting Factory and Is There a Registration Cost?

I have been reading several reviews about Texting Factory, and I don’t believe that there is a registration cost if someone is interested in signing up to be a chat operator for the site.

However, like any traditional freelance platform, you have to send your applications and give them your motivation on why you want to join the site’s online workforce.

The following are the qualifications an applicant must possess to become a Texting Factory agent—

  • The person must be over 18 years of age
  • Above average fluency in the English language
  • Must own a personal computer or laptop
  • The applicant must also have a stable internet connection

In the actual registration process, you just have to fill up basic information about yourself, such as your name and email.

And as mentioned, you also have to provide a short explanation of what has motivated you to become a chat operator and choose Texting Factory, among others.

Again, if you are not comfortable with adult conversations that are complete strangers, the good news is that there are better alternatives that yield higher and more stable income than working for a BPO company.

And if this is indeed the case, then you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

The best method

Is Texting Factory a Scam?

I am not going as far as saying that Texting Factory is a scam, but it might not be that good of a program due to the number of bad ratings they have obtained from credible sites like Trustpilot.

The following are some of the negative feedback that the site is receiving from its actual members—

The site promises 300 to 400 USD earnings, but it is apparently all hype, and they do not have income disclosure statements to back it up.

I believe it’s in your best interest to just search for better alternatives to Texting Factory. The number of negative comments is overwhelming.

The following video reference is what other people are saying about the Texting Factory program:

What do I like about the Texting Factory Program?

The only positive thing that I could come up with about the offering of Texting Factory is that the registration is likely to be free, and the task seems to be easy and straightforward.

However, it may still not be a good option if you are aiming for a source of income online that can essentially support your lifestyle. Also, it may not be as easy as it sounds, considering that you have to talk to strangers that could be toxic and uncomfortable at times.

What I DON’T LIKE about the Texting Factory

The following are some of the things I don’t particularly like about the Texting Factory program—

Fake Testimonials

When you go to the testimonials section of the site, you will be greeted with descriptions of their experiences using the program from Steven, Sophia, and Isabella—

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Sounds legit, but there’s a huge problem. These people are cropped from various sites, as you see below:

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Basic Info Not Disclosed

Whoever is managing the site appears to be unwilling to share any basic information about them, like founders or contact details.

Poor Rating from Trustpilot

It has obtained a negative rating which says a lot about the quality of its program.

Tons of Negative Ratings

Texting Factory also has a lot of unsatisfied customers, as you below:

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Final Thoughts on My Texting Factory Review and Personal Rating

I hope my Texting Factory review has provided you with the information you need to determine whether the site is a good source of income or not at all.

Although the job and registration are relatively easy, it may not still be a good program you can engage in if you are searching for a source of income online that yields high and reliable profits.

The 300 to 400 USD they advertised is just all hype because they do not have any income disclosure statements to back their claims up.

Not to mention the stresses you have to bear because you basically have to talk to strangers about personal matters.

With this being said—I’m giving Texting Factory a 4.5 out of 10 rating—

A Better Alternative to Texting Factory

Affiliate marketing has been around for many years and has been able to help a lot of people achieve financial stability online.

In addition, the following are some of the factors that make affiliate marketing appealing to many digital entrepreneurs—

  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • Cost-effective
  • You don’t necessarily have to manage physical inventories directly
  • You can start the business even if you don’t have the budget
  • Potential income is unlimited since you can promote as many brands as you wish

And if you are interested in knowing more about the advantages of affiliate marketing and how it can help you reach your financial goals, then consider clicking the highlighted description or button.


Successful Online business

I believe that is just about it in today’s Texting Factory review!

And to show you my appreciation just by being here, I’m also giving away my book for absolutely no cost to you—


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Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!


Signature 2022

2 thoughts on “Texting Factory Review: $300 Weekly as a Chat Operator?”

    • Sorry, Isabella, I am not the person you should contact if you want to adhere to their chat operator program.
      As a matter of fact, if you read my review and some of the reviews from Trustpilot, it seems to be some sort of a scheme that you would not want to be part of.
      It’s mostly hype with fake testimonials and has tons of negative reviews on Trustpilot so you are better off searching for better alternatives.


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