Is Wealthy Leads Legitimate? Or is it just another Scam?

Is Wealthy Leads Legitimate? Or is it legitimate? For today’s topic, I’ll help you determine whether they’re a good investment or should you avoid them.

Wealthy Leads Frontpage

ECommerce has been around since the 90s, and it’s progressively growing ever since. However, the pandemic of 2020 has paved the way to its dramatic increase in popularity.

Since we are confined in our homes during the peak of COVID-19, many are forced to look into alternative sources of income online. Also, such an instance has enlightened many people of its potentials.

As a result, the demand for online courses has significantly risen as well. And if you have looked into legitimate programs online, there’s a good chance that you have come across Wealthy Leads.

The cost of the program might have thrown you off a little, but it might still have caught your attention, and willing to spend that much if the program can truly provide the result you expect.

So if you’re wondering—is Wealthy Leads Legitimate? Is it a good value for money? Or is it a scam? Then, today’s topic is what you’re looking for!

But before I begin, allow me to disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of Richard Telfeja and Laz Chavez and in NO way promoting any of their programs.

So without further ado, let’s begin today’s review…

Who are Richard Telfeja and Laz Chavez?

There’s not much information you can find on the internet about the two founders of Wealthy Leads.

Wealthy Leads image 1

I managed to find an extensive article about Richard Telfeja, and it says that he started his dropshipping business on Facebook as a side-hustle. After five years, it grew into an eComm enterprise that regularly generates seven-figure profits.

Wealthy Leads image 2

Aside from Wealthy Leads, he also founded another eComm course called Ecom Profit Masterclass.

You can read more about Telfeja’s background here.

On the other hand, Lazaro “Laz” Chavez is said to have taken an engineering degree at Cornell. What happened next is he dropped out of college to pursue eCommerce.

Wealthy Leads image 3

As you can see, they’re real people, but it’s hard to verify whether their claims are really true. And to me, lack of transparency is always a big issue, especially when they’re asking for a large sum of money.

So with this being said—is Wealthy Leads legitimate? Or is it just another scam?

Let’s continue and find out more…

What do Wealthy Leads offer? And How Much is the Program?

Wealthy Lead is an online program that provides training on eCommerce. The program covers various topics on eCommerce such as sales funnels, lead generation, email marketing, affiliate marketing, dropshipping, etc.

Some of the subjects included may be a little too complex, and some newbies to the concept of eCommerce may find it hard to catch up.

Also, the program is expensive, which may not suit people who are under a tight budget. In case you decide to register and pay the asking price, it would cost you $1,997.

The program also offers a payment plan if you want to register but don’t have the means to pay for the full price. So instead of paying the full $1,997, you can settle $897 in three installments.

However, if you’re looking for a more affordable program that can provide you the same level of quality or even better results, then you need to check out my top work-from-home recommendation!

How Wealthy Leads Work?

Wealth Leads is an eight-week training program that essentially revolves around the following topics—

  • Finding your niche and products to market
  • How to create sales funnels
  • Lead generation techniques
  • Email marketing
  • Converting your leads to sales

And more…

In addition, the program also offers lots of freebies to their clients, which include—

First Bonus: The Seven Figure Downloadable Funnels

Among the essential elements in lead generation are sales funnels. However, creating funnels from scratch can be challenging, especially for beginners.

The founders of Wealthy Leads understand this dilemma. For this reason, they’re providing you their personal funnels that helped them earn seven figures regularly. Also, these are templates which means that you don’t have to modify them in any way.

Second Bonus: Mastermind

The second bonus gives you access to their Mastermind community. It’s basically like any other forum on the internet where you can ask fellow members or answer their queries.

Third Bonus: Monthly Mentoring Coaching

It’s a special privilege given to clients where they can directly ask the founders of Wealthy Leads for any questions they have.

Fourth Bonus: Seven-Figure Facebook Scaling Mini-Course

In addition to the core training program, the member also receives a special course on Facebook Ads and how to optimize them to help your business.

First Super Bonus: 350k Email Mastery Course

Aside from the main training on email marketing, the client receives additional tips on the said topic.

Second Super Bonus: Ecom Profit Masterclass

As mentioned, Richard Telfeja and Laz Chaves are also the founder and owners of another eCommerce training program.

Ecom Profit Masterclass is a six-week course that is priced at $1,997 (the same price as the core program). However, you get the program as a part of the bonus package if you register to Wealthy Leads.

The course covers the following topics—

  • The essentials of setting up your Shopify store
  • How to select the perfect niche and products
  • Order fulfillment
  • The basics of Google Ad and how to set up your account
  • Scaling your business to the international market

First Fast Action Bonus: All-Access Pass to Wealthy Leads Live Events

The members also gain an all-access pass to their live events, which typically lasts for two days.

Second Fast Action Bonus: Live Recordings

In addition to the live events, the member also receives a video copy of the event for reference.

Third Fast Action Bonus: 30-Minute Strategy Session Phone Call

Each of their clients will also have the opportunity to have a 30-minute one-on-one mentoring session with Laz Chavez and Richard Telfeja.

I’ve also reviewed training courses related to eCommerce in the past. You can check them out if you like—Super Affiliate System Pro 2.0, Ecom Academy Warrior, Elite Traffic Pro 2.0, and YT Money Master Course, just to name a few of them.

Is Wealthy Leads Legitimate? Or is it a Scam?

Wealthy Lead is a legitimate program that offers training on eCommerce—funnels and traffic, in particular. I believe that you have nothing to worry about in case you decide to sign up for their course.

However, a huge downside of Wealthy Leads is the cost. It is way too expensive for average Joe’s, considering that there are more affordable options out there that can provide the same or even better quality of training.

Also, one may lead to the conclusion that it may be a scam if their expectations weren’t met.

However, if you’re searching for an affordable alternative to learning income online, then you better check out my top work-from-home recommendation!

What I DO LIKE About Wealthy Leads

Wealthy Leads is Legit!

The program is legitimate, and it could potentially help online entrepreneurs establish a profitable eComm webpage.

Refund Policy

Wealthy Leads offers a 60-day money-back guarantee in events that you are not satisfied with the results.

What I DON’T LIKE About Wealthy Leads


As mentioned in the previous sections, the price of Wealthy Leads isn’t exactly budget-friendly which may not suit all levels of lifestyle.

Lack of Transparency

There’s not much information about the founders on the internet. This is a huge issue because how can you verify their claims without them?

And they’re also essential, especially when a large sum of money is involved. I usually avoid such a program if I were you.

Final Thoughts

I hope that today’s topic has provided you enough information to help you determine for yourself in answering these important questions—Is Wealthy Leads legitimate? Is it worth your while or not?

Although the program offers quality training on funnels and lead generation, not all people may have the capacity to spend $1,997 for the base price of the program.

In addition, the cost of the program isn’t the only thing that you’ll have to consider. You also have to take note of the initial expenses in starting up your business and then the regular cost necessary in maintaining it.

Some examples include the eComm website, domain name, and site hosting, which would cost you at least from $300 to $3,000. You also have to consider other marketing tools like ClickMagick, Thrive, SEO, funnels, etc.

However, if you have a sufficient budget and willing to spend that much, then, by all means, you can avail of the program and check it out for yourself.

But don’t lose heart if you don’t have enough money to accommodate for the cost. There are plenty of alternatives you can find that can provide you with the same quality or even far better results at a lower price.

Let’s continue to the last part of today’s article, and I’ll show you the best source of income online…

How I Earn Income Online

Affiliate marketing is among the prominent platforms in the area of eCommerce and other income opportunities, and this is the case because of the following apparent reasons—

  • It yields high income if you’re able to manage the business effectively
  • Risk-free
  • Sustainable source of income online
  • The business platform is 100% legitimate
  • It suits all levels of experience
  • You are not directly involved with inventories and delivery of the parcels
  • It is free, to begin with
  • And most importantly, your potential income is unlimited because you can promote as many brands as you like

And yes, your main job as an affiliate marketer is to advertise a brand using your website or social media content if you’re an influencer. In essence, you’re basically a brand ambassador.

The online business will provide you personalized affiliate links, which you’re going to attach to your content. And then, you earn commissions each time someone clicks your links and uses them to purchase the products.

With this being said—your profitability greatly relies on your ability to drive traffic and marketing skills. And if you’re a complete beginner to affiliate marketing and have no idea how to start, then you no longer have to worry! I got the perfect solution for you!

Considering tickling the highlighted description below and discover how you can create a webpage and publish contents that are generating quality leads and converting sales—


So yes, I believe we’ve covered sufficient grounds here!

And as a thank you for your time and for reading my Wealthy Leads review, I am offering my free eBook that you can download and read at your convenience. In it, I explain how I became an experienced affiliate marketer using the 4-step method.

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Just click on this button and get your own copy today!

Get your Free Guide here
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