301K Challenge Review: My Honest Opinion About Igor’s Program

For today’s review, I will share my insights on whether this affiliate marketing training course is worth it’s cost.

301K Challenge FRONTPAGE

At first, I thought 301K Challenge was a cryptocurrency site because it has that typical website interface you see on such platforms. However, the program is really offering an affiliate marketing program.

If you are interested in Igor Kheifets’ online training course but unsure if it is legitimate or is he another internet guru that attempts to scam money from its audience, then you’d be glad to know that the program review I have prepared for you today should put any uncertainties away and make a conclusive decision if they’re the right choice.

But before I begin, let me share with you and disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of Igor, and I will NOT earn any commissions if you decide to purchase the training he offers.

So without any further ado, let’s get right into today’s discussion…

Let’s Meet the Founder of the 301K Challenge

301K Challenge Igor Kheifets

Igor Kheifets developed the 301K Challenge. This isn’t the first time I covered one of his programs. A year ago, I reviewed a program called the Elite Traffic Pro 2.0—another affiliate marketing training course brand under his name. I have given the program a decent rating, even though it is slightly overpriced.

But suppose this is your first time hearing about him. In that case, let me reassure you that Igor is a well-known internet entrepreneur making millions of dollars through digital marketing, including affiliate marketing, among the many methods of his online income sources.

He also has a YouTube channel where he talks about anything and everything that involves income opportunities and other ways you can earn passive income in the comfort of your home and/or anywhere in the world.

301K Challenge Igor Kheifets Youtube Channel

In addition, he has a podcast channel called List Building Lifestyle, where he talks about the same topics as his YouTube channel.

Igor Kheifets has collaborated with prominent digital marketers as well. Some examples of the personalities he worked with are John Crestani, Michael Cheney, and Dean Holland, just to name a few of them.

So does this mean that this marketing training course, which is a sequel to Elite Traffic Pro 2.0, is legitimate? Or is it a low-quality scam that you have to avoid after all?

Let’s continue with my 301K Challenge review and learn more about Igor Kheifets’ affiliate marketing program…

What is the 301K Challenge by Igor Kheifet?

I’m not sure what the process is with picking the name of the 301K Challenge, but I think from my research that it means 30 days to 1K (or $1,000)

Like Elite Traffic Pro, the training will give you essential lessons on starting an affiliate marketing business and publishing marketing that generates leads and converts sales. He claims that you’ll see rapid, significant results (hence $1,000) within 30 days after taking the course.

Coincidentally, 30 is also the number of the total modules of the program that you have to accomplish.

Although I know Igor is not trying to scam you with your money, I am somewhat skeptical about mastering affiliate marketing in just 30 days and making your first $1,000.

Based on my experience, getting everything working for you takes more time than that and a lot of trial and error.

Anyway, let’s just give him the benefit of the doubt. So, if you are willing to take the plunge, you can try the training course yourself.

Aside from the price of the program, which is not very expensive compared to Elite Traffic Pro 2.0, you also have to consider the cost of establishing a website and the expenses related to maintaining the business.

Suppose you’re looking for an alternative that’s budget-friendly, complete with step-by-step training (and video), and can deliver similar or even better results. In that case, you should check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

No. 1 recommendation for earning money online

How Does the 301K Challenge Work?

As mentioned earlier, the program includes a total of 30 video lessons that tackle the step-by-step process of building an affiliate marketing business. It would be impractical to discuss all of them in detail here, so I’ll give you a brief summary of the modules to give you an overview of the training.

Here they are:

  • Basics of Affiliate Marketing
  • How to Obtain a Domain
  • Professional Email Setup
  • Three-Part Series on Finding High-Converting Offers
  • Using Click Tracking
  • Setting Up Your Email Autoresponder
  • Beginner-Friendly Landing Page
  • The Content for Your Presell Page
  • How to Create Your Presell Page
  • How to Make More Sales
  • The Essentials of Automated Follow-Up
  • Two-Part Series on Emails for Your Four-Part Sequence
  • Two-Part Series on Uploading Emails
  • How to Drive Traffic
  • Number One Traffic Source for Beginners
  • The Basics of Smart Tracking Link
  • Two-Part Series on Recommended Ad Spots
  • How to Research Ad Sources
  • Two-Part Series on Analyzing Results
  • How to Segment Buyers
  • Analyzing Your Email List
  • Your Building Your Email List. Now What?
  • Three-Part Series on Running the Next Promotion

I reviewed several affiliate marketing programs in the past as well. And you can read about them if you are keen on doing so. Some examples of my previous work are SEO for Bloggers, AffiliSites Pro, Super Affiliate System Pro by John Crestani, and Affiliate Secrets 3.0.

Or you can see the entire list of reviews instead to see if the program you’re prospecting to sign up for is in my database by clicking here.

How Much to Sign Up With 301K Challenge?

You can think of the 301K Challenge as a cheaper option than Elite Traffic Pro 2.0. To put things in perspective—Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 will cost $997, while the 301K Challenge is priced at only $197.

They also have a refund policy (The refund is through the digistore24 platform), and you can ask for your money, no questions asked, within a 60-day period if you are not happy with how the training is progressing.

I am not sure, though, if it has upsells, considering there are other programs he developed as well.

If you are looking for an alternative to the 301K Challenge, I highly suggest you check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

Is the 301K Challenge a Scam?

No, the 301K Challenge is not a scam!

I believe it’s a very legitimate training course about establishing an affiliate marketing business.

As I mentioned earlier, Igor Kheifets is a legitimate digital entrepreneur with years of experience in the industry. In addition, his connection with top affiliate marketers like John Crestani further proves that he is not out there to scam people.

The video clip is a reference to what other people are saying about the program:

What I LIKE About 301K Challenge

The following are some of the things I particularly like about the 301K Challenge:

The Founder is Legit and knowledgeable

Igor Kheifets is a legitimate digital entrepreneur that you can trust. On his List Building Lifestyle web page, we can find that his Trust Pilot score is Excellent, which is not something we find very often.

List Building Lifestyle Trist Pilot Rating

Step-by-Step Process

The program provides a step-by-step process for starting an affiliate marketing business.

Refund Policy

301K Challenge offers a 60-day refund policy, and you can ask for your money back, no questions asked if you are not satisfied with how the training is progressing.

Best for Beginners

The training course 301K Challenge provides is extensive, making it a very good program for beginners.

What I DON’T LIKE About 301K Challenge

Now, the following are the things I don’t admire about the 301K Challenge:

No Tools or Software

The program only offers video modules. You will not receive any tools or software.

No Community Support

It includes training videos, but the program doesn’t have an online community of like-minded people.

The Promise of Fast Results

Although Igor is legit, his claim about the potential of earning $1,000 in 30 days is a bit exaggerated, in my opinion.

Final Thought on My 301K Challenge Review and My Personal Rating

I hope my 301K Challenge review has provided you with the information you need to help you decide if the program is a good value for your money or if you should continue searching for better alternatives.

If you want to try the program for yourself, then, by all means, you can do so as you wish. The great thing about the training is that it is pretty much cheaper than those that more prominent internet gurus offer. In addition, they also offer a 60-day refund policy.

With this being said, I am giving the 301K Challenge a rating of 9 out of 10 stars!

9 star rating

An Alternative to Igor Kheifets’ 301K Challenge

Affiliate marketing has been helping many people reach their financial goals for many years now, and it is also the same platform that I have been using to earn passive income.

WA Trust Pilot Rating

If you’re looking for an alternative to Igor’s 301K Challenge and you ask me about the best program I believe will give you the best chance of succeeding in the business, that has taken me from a complete newbie to a seasoned affiliate marketer and taught me to become financially independent, and also has an excellent Trust Pilot Score, then consider giving the highlighted description below (or the button) a click and discover how you can establish a profitable affiliate marketing business from scratch.


Create a Free starter membership Today

And to show you my appreciation for being here with me, I am also giving away my eBook for free to help you jumpstart this endeavour:

4 step-method toward success


Thank you for your time in reading today’s article!


Denis Signature 2022

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