BJK University 2022 Review! Is Bashar’s Program a Scam?

Welcome to my BJK University review! In this article, I’ll help you determine whether this program is legit or a scam that you should avoid.

BJK University Review Frontpage

Welcome to my BJK University Review!

If you want to know whether the training course is legitimate, then the article I have prepared for today would be especially beneficial to you!

But before I begin, allow me to share with you that I am NOT a representative of Bashar J. Katou and in NO promoting any of his digital products or other upsells. This article is my unbiased opinion on Katou’s training course.

So, without any further delays, let’s start today’s topic…

Let’s Meet the Founder of BJK University

BJK University Bashard J. Katou

BJK stands for Bashar J. Katou—the founder of the training program I’ll be discussing today.

He is a digital entrepreneur specializing in the field of Amazon FBA and a social media personality with over 40K subscribers on YouTube and a wide audience on Instagram with over a million followers.

BJK University Image 2
BJK University Image 3

Bashar inherited his entrepreneurial skills from his father, who also is the owner of a clothing factory back in the 60s. And when the war in Iraq broke out, Katou and his family came to the United States as refugees in the early 2000s.

As you might have imagined, it was extremely difficult for him to adapt to a different culture which took him years before he felt settled and comfortable with his new environment.

Like many of us, he had a regular 9 to 5 job, spending his weekdays behind a desk in an office. However, he was unsatisfied with how his current situation and finally decided to quit his work and pursue eCommerce instead.

Through his perseverance and determination, he was able to achieve success in his field.

His experience also led him to create a training course where he shares his strategies and techniques that helped him become a six-figure earner.

So, does this mean that his program is legitimate? Or is it a scam, after all?

Let’s continue with my BJK University review and learn more about Bashar’s training program…

What is BJK University?

BJK University is a digital program that offers training on Amazon FBA (an abbreviation for Fulfilled-By-Amazon).

The online course has a high trust rating of 4.6/5.0 and tons of positive comments on, which suggests that most of its customers are satisfied with the training.

BJK University Image 5

But what makes the program a little bit misleading is that it was pitched as free in the early parts of the video sales letter.

Eventually, you’ll discover that the total cost of the program is $9,000 ($3,000 for the training videos and $6,000 for the digital products).

In my opinion, the $3,000 cost of the videos is overpriced, considering the number of more affordable programs related to Amazon FBAs. You’ll also find tons of free resources over the internet that talk about the same topics as well.

In addition, the training is mostly comprised of videos. It would be nice if they had coaching sessions, webinars, free resources, customer support, an exclusive community, etc.

And if you are only specifically looking for video tutorials on Amazon FBA, then you might have just opted for Gary Huang’s 7 Figure Seller Summit, which only costs $199!

But if you want to exercise your option and are willing to take a look at other eComm platforms, I’ve also reviewed several of them in the past. Here are some of the few articles I’ve written about them—The Copy Cure, Story Sales Machine, YouTube for Bosses 3.0, and Affiliate Marketing Mastery, just to name a few of them.

Or, you can visit our website and see the full list of reviews by clicking this link.

How Much is the Program?

As I mentioned, BJK University is very expensive. And if you are interested in availing of the program, then you have to prepare a hefty budget of $9,000!

The program includes $3,000 for the training videos and $9,000 for the digital products that come along with it. And you can’t have full access to the program if you don’t pay for the products as well.

In addition to this, they have a terrible refund policy which only allows you to get your money back within three days.

Again, I am comparing Bashar’s training course to more legitimate programs that have a refund policy of 14 to 30 days.

But your expenses do not end here, and you also have to take note of the startup cost in establishing the business.

If you are tight on budget but still want to pursue Amazon FBA, then the minimum investment should be within $2,500 to $3,000. However, such a conservative capital won’t give you any significant returns.

However, you may need to spend at least $25,000 if you want higher profits and are willing to take risks.

Also, there’s an additional 15% cost for Amazon’s shipping and warehouse fees.

But if you are searching for a legitimate and more stable source of income online, then you better try my top work-from-home recommendation!

Positive Things about BJK University, if there are any…

Although I do not like his showmanship and do not recommend the training course in one way or another, there’s one good thing about the program, and that is the positive rating on

This agency is among the most trusted ratings and review sites around, and when people see a positive rating, people tend to draw.

But either way, I still don’t recommend BJK University to anyone. My main issue with the program is the price and terrible refund policy.

Again, there are far more affordable training programs around, like the one I mentioned earlier called 7 Figure Seller Summit, which is only about $200—now, just compare that with the $3,000 training videos of Bashar’s online program!

Is BJK University a Scam? Here are some of the Red Flags…

I’m not sure how I’ll answer this one, but there are several red flags you have to take note of—


As I repeatedly emphasize throughout this article, the program’s biggest drawback is its high price.

I sincerely believe that it’s overpriced, and it would be best just to shy away from this program and search for better alternatives.

A common complaint about the program is the cost. If you are charging a total of $9,000, then there should be some sort of premium benefits like coaching sessions from their staff, exclusive memberships, webinars, etc.

But in the case of BJK University, there is none. As a result, many of their clients felt that they were scammed.

Very Terrible Refund Policy

In addition to the overpriced program and upsells, the 3-day refund policy of BJK University is terrible.

Most training programs will give you a 14 to 30-day money-back guarantee. Even if there’s a condition before they return your money, the extended refund policy displays confidence on the part of the seller that their product truly works.

Also, in my opinion, an excellent refund policy is a good indication that a business’ operation is indeed legitimate.

If you want a more affordable training course that can teach you how to earn money online, then you have to try my best work-from-home recommendation!

Final Thoughts: BJK University Review

I hope my BJK University review has provided you with the information you need to help you decide whether the training course is a good fit for you or not.

Although the training would be beneficial to newbies, I still can’t recommend it due to its $9,000 price tag. Also, the training is mostly comprised of videos—no support group, webinars, or coaching sessions with Bashar or his panel of experts.

I believe Bashar’s training course is not worth it, and it would be better if you saved your money and looked for more legitimate programs.

If you are searching for a more reliable income source online, then let’s proceed to the last part of the article…

How I Am Making a Living over the Internet

When you search the web for the most lucrative source of income online, I’m quite sure that you’d come up with affiliate marketing as one of the top results in your searches.

And this is the case for several apparent reasons, such as the following—

  • The platform is 100% legitimate
  • Highly cost-effective
  • Very low risk
  • It suits all levels of experiences
  • You are not involved with inventory management and shipment
  • Most importantly, your potential income as an affiliate marketer is unlimited since there are no limits in regard to the number of brands you can advertise

And yes, your primary job in this business is to represent a brand by promoting them to your online publications.

And then, you earn income every time someone clicks your links and buys the product eventually.

Well, of course, your chances of succeeding in this form of platform rely on the quality of engagement from your posts.

If you are new to affiliate marketing and don’t know where to begin, then I have something for you that should put uncertainties aside.

Slightly caress the highlighted description below, and I will teach you how you can create content that generates quality leads and converts them to sales—


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I’m also giving away my book to help you at the beginning of your journey in the business. This is to show my “gratitude” to you just by reading my BJK University review:

4 step-method



Denis Signature 2022

2 thoughts on “BJK University 2022 Review! Is Bashar’s Program a Scam?”

  1. gracias por su informacion me sera de utilidad para tomar la decisión de no contratar este curso, despues de tomar unas primera toma de contacto con esta empresa me llamo la atención de informar del coste de 4000 dolares pero nunca mencionaron un paquete de videos, creo que eso vendria en la segunda parte si efectuas el pago primero y luego no tienes otra opcion mas que seguir pagando
    Google English Translation:
    Thank you for your information. It will be useful for me to make the decision not to hire this course. After making a first contact with this company, it caught my attention to report the cost of 4,000 dollars, but they never mentioned a video package. that would come in the second part if you make the payment first and then you have no choice but to continue paying

    • Hello,

      I am grateful that my article has proven to be of value to you and that it has made you aware of the high cost.

      I wish you luck!


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