Fullstaq Marketer Review: Keala Kanae’s MMO Online Training

In today’s Fullstaq Marketer review, you’ll learn if this digital marketing training program is the right option for you or if you should continue searching for better courses.

Fullstaq Marketer FRONTPAGE

The ability of your content to generate quality traffic is the bloodline of a website. In other words, the profitability or sales conversion of such an endeavor relies on the volume of lead generation.

And if you are a struggling digital marketer and lost on how to turn your circumstances around, or you are just starting out and looking for guidance then it’s highly likely that you have given a try on training courses you find over the internet, such as Keala Kanae’s Fullstaq Marketer.

He has the charisma of your typical internet guru, but I’m not sure if you are aware of the negative reputation this industry is receiving due to the allegations of scams and fake lifestyles that they are portraying.

So is there a chance that Keala Kanae is the same as any other online gurus? Can his course really help you in achieving your financial goals?

If you have this concern in mind, then you indeed have come to the right place!

But before I start, allow me to begin by disclosing that I’m NOT representing this program in any way, and I will NOT earn commissions if you decide to try the digital product for yourself.

So without further ado, let’s begin…

Who is the Founder of Fullstaq Marketer?

Fullstaq Marketer IMAGE 1

Keala Kanae is not new in the business, and you might have heard of him at some point in your digital marketing journey. In addition, this is also not the first digital product of Keala Kanae I am reviewing.

A few years back, I reviewed AWOL Academy, which he co-founded with Kameron George. It’s basically training that is supposed to provide you with lessons on everything you need to know about starting a source of income online.

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I have not given the program a positive because they appear to be misleading, and it’s more of an MLM operation than a training course. After all, it was called initially the AWOL project, which is a defunct company now running under the name AWOL Academy.

However, it’s highly suspicious that Fullstaq is just a revamped version of AWOL Project. I’ll explain this in a later section.

Anyway, you might have heard of Keala Kanae because his name keeps popping up on social media sites like Facebook or YouTube, for example.

But before he started in the world of digital marketing, he was a real estate agent and frequented gigs in restaurants, but apparently, none of those made him successful.

Because of his desire to become a financial success, he moved on and pursued internet marketing in 2015.

He was even featured in an online portal published by Yahoo, where he was labeled as a minimum wage earner to a successful owner of a business coaching agency. The only issue is that his programs are overpriced and misleading.

He also has a YouTube account that you can go to for more references about him—

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So is the program legit? Or just another scam you have to avoid?

Let’s continue with my Fullstaq Marketer 2022 review and learn more…

What is the Fullstaq Marketer Training Program?

Fullstaq Marketer is an online training program that provides you with lessons on MMO, which stands for Media Mix Optimization and not to be confused with “Make Money Online”. It is a type of marketing study or measurement where the results are used in marketing campaigns to improve engagement from the target market.

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In addition, it also provides lessons on affiliate marketing which is probably the most popular eCommerce today because of its ability to give you financial stability once you set up and manage the business effectively.

Although these two elements in digital marketing can indeed help you, unfortunately, not all affiliate marketing programs can give you the quality training you need. While other training courses are just too expensive like the one, we are discussing today.

It’s highly likely that Fullstaq Marketer is just a revamp of AWOL Academy because once the two founders of the said program parted ways, Keala may have decided to keep the business and just rename the program to start a clean slate.

By the way, AWOL Academy has been defunct due to many complaints about the overpriced program despite having good training to offer. This is also in consideration of the number of free resources and more affordable options available.

And if you are looking for a budget-friendly online training course that can truly help you with affiliate marketing, then you better try my best work-from-home recommendation!

The best method

What’s Inside the Fullstaq Marketer Training Program?

Fullstaq refers to its online training course as the Fullstaq Accelerator, which includes a four-part module:

  • Fullstaq 101
  • Fullstaq Edge
  • Funnel Labs
  • Fullstaq Onboarding

The summary of the content of Fullstaq online training is as follows—

Fullstaq 101

The first part of the training program basically lays out the foundations of his course and an introduction to how his entire methods will progress.

Fullstaq Onboarding

The onboarding process of Fullstaq will connect you to Keala Kanae’s community of fellow members and likely-minded individuals that should help you in your digital marketing endeavor.

Fullstaq Edge

The Fullstaq Edge modules are part of the training course that involves creating the best mindset for the best and helping you achieve success in the industry.

In all honesty, I believe mindset training is a waste of time. After all, is the individual’s willingness to take the program enough proof that he has the motivation to succeed in the business?

Funnel Labs

As the name of the module suggests, it involves several lead generation tools such as setting up your personal website, tracking system, lead capture images, sales funnels, etc.

If you happen to have looked at my AWOL Academy review, you’ll see that Fullstaq Marketer has significant similarities with the now defunct training program.

In this case—you’ll have a good impression that Fullstaq is highly likely to be a rehashed version of the AWOL Academy program.

And since Keala Kanae’s Fullstaq Marketer is relatively new, Keala is still adding and modifying some parts of the programs. Some of the upcoming courses that they are planning to include are as follows—

  • Traffic Labs
  • Conversion Labs
  • Master Labs
  • Fullstaq Elite

To explain more about how his methods work, here is Keala Kanae explaining it himself—

I also have reviewed several digital marketing and affiliate marketing training courses in the past. Some of the examples I have published in the past are as follows: AffiliSites Pro, Blog Growth Engine, and Super Affiliate System Pro, just to name a few of the articles I have written.

Or you can see the full list of my reviews by clicking the highlighted description over here.

How Much Does Fullstaq Marketer Cost?

As I repeatedly emphasized, a huge drawback of Fullstaq is the cost of the program, considering how incomplete the courses are and the number of free resources and more affordable options you can pay for in order to help you achieve financial success in digital marketing.

But if you are interested in buying the program, you have to prepare a hefty budget of $997! Take note that the high price of Kanae’s program has led to the demise of his previous ventures.

However, that’s not all.

You also have to set aside a budget for the upsells, which they have not disclosed how much each of them costs but if we take into consideration his last system, it could go up to 10K and even 14K!

If you are looking for a more budget-friendly online training course that can really help you with affiliate marketing, then I highly suggest that you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

The best method

Is Fullstaq Marketer a Scam?

I don’t believe that Keala Kanae is a scam, but I don’t recommend taking any of his programs either. It is way too overpriced, considering as I mentioned in the previous section, that you can find free resources over the internet and much cheaper options that won’t require you to spend a thousand dollars.

Now, below is a video of what some other people are saying about the program and their Fullstaq Marketer Reviews.

What I LIKE about the Fullstaq Marketer Training Program

Although Keala is potentially legitimate and does provide adequate training, the price tag itself is enough to say that I cannot recommend the program in any way. You’d be better off searching for better and much cheaper alternatives, such as my best work-from-home recommendation!

What I DON’T LIKE about the Fullstaq Marketer Training Program

Now, the following are some of the things I don’t particularly like about the Fullstaq Marketer digital marketing training course—


Of course, as I said before, first and foremost, the program is way too expensive and impractical for people who don’t have the budget to pay for the price of the training.

Hidden Cost and Upsells

Kanae’s past endeavors are notorious for their hidden costs and expensive upsells.

Fullstaq is a Rehashed version of AWOL Academy

As I discussed earlier, Fullstaq is just a revamped of the now defunct AWOL Academy.

Fullstaq Marketer Refund Policy

Although Fullstaq Marketer BBB (Better Business Bureau) rating is a B-, it seems that not everybody is happy with the program, especially with its refund policy and this one had to file a complaint with BBB to get a refund.

Final Thoughts on My Fullstaq Marketer 2022 Review and My Personal Rating on the Program

I hope my Fullstaq Marketer 2022 review has provided you with the answers you need about the program and why it may not be the affiliate marketing and lead generation training program for you.

The program feels deficient and way too overpriced in my opinion. But if you are willing to spend that much money on the program, then by all means check the training course at your risk.

Anyway, my overall rating for Fullstaq Marketer is a 3 out of 10 rating—

Fullstaq Marketer IMAGE 6

How I Am Making a Living in the Comfort of My Home

Affiliate marketing has been the most popular eComm platform for the past few years or so because of its ability to help you in achieving financial stability in the comfort of your home and even if you don’t have experience in digital marketing.

The following is a video reference on how affiliate marketing works—

Unfortunately, not every training program you’ll find over the internet can really help you fully take advantage of the benefits of affiliate marketing.

But if you are searching for an affiliate marketing online course that can indeed provide you the quality training you seek, then consider giving the highlighted description a hello by gently clicking it—


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And to show you my appreciation just by being here today, I am also giving away my book for absolutely no cost to you to help you jumpstart your affiliate marketing journey—


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