SpininCash [2021] Review – Legit or SCAM? Find out here!

You are here today to find out if this system called SpininCash is legit or if it’s just an outright scam?

You are at the right place. I have analyzed this system from top to bottom and I reveal with this review what this system really is…

There are so many scams on the Internet these days that it’s hard for people to recognize what is real and what is fake. So I want to congratulate you for doing your due diligence PRIOR to doing anything or trying any kind of linking

I have been doing reviews for many years now and I have learned (the hard way) how to recognize a good system and a bad system.

They say that it’s “The #1 Way To Make Money Through Social Media”.

Let me say right away that the people that are promoting this on Social Media have no clue what they are promoting because if they knew, they wouldn’t be.

I can also tell you if you are in a hurry, that I don’t recommend this one at all!!

Actually you should stay away and not click on anything!!!

I will explain why later in this review.

If you want to find out how I make money online, and how I have created myself an online asset that generates great passive income (I make money while I sleep and all day long) day after day, week after week, and month after month, then Click here to find out about My No. 1 recommendation to generate cash daily!


Name: SpininCash

Website: https://spinincash.com

Owner: Unknown

Price: Free (BUT don’t think for a minute that you will earn any money here!)

Recommended: A definite NO!!! It’s a SCAM!


First, let me say this: I do not promote SpininCash in any way shape, or form, and I am NOT affiliated in any way with this system. I am here to give an unbiased review of what I found out about it by researching the website!

SpininCash claims that you can earn $500-$1000 today! I must say that this is a very bold claim and that just by saying this, I can tell that this is a very over-hyped website that uses false claims (First Red Flag)!

When you get to the website there’s a statement there that says:

“Use the power of your social media accounts to make money online. Share your referral link and earn $15 for every person you invite.”

SpininCash Lead page

As soon as I saw this statement I knew that this “system” is an outright SCAM!

Why do I say that?

Because there are identical scam sites out there that I have reviewed in the past.

Here are a few of them:

GoEarn, SurveyBounce, Paid2Post, SmartDollarsclub, KashTree, and a lot more.

They all have the same method of luring people in and making believe that they can earn money doing next to nothing or very small tasks for a big payout…

All these sites have all one thing in common:

They harvest data from the unsuspecting people that fill in their personal information in the various small tasks that are supposed to make them money.

As I say all the time, when something sounds too good to be true, it usually is!

How could a free membership website be able to survive if they pay out thousands of dollars to each member…Think about it for a moment. It just doesn’t make any sense right from the beginning!

GPT (Get Paid to) websites are getting very popular as they enable you to earn money online by completing a wide variety of tasks and offers.

However, to lead you to believe that you can earn $1,000 in one day is simply ridiculous.

People fall for it because every time you complete a “task” they will see their account balance increase, they then get caught up in the lie thinking they are making money, while all they are doing is getting scammed.

Read on I will explain why.

If you are fed up (like me) of trying to earn money online and always end up with these kinds of scams, then let me show you how I earn monthly passive income online (working at this “part-time” just a few hours per day) and how you could also start your own online business for FREE.

===>Check out My No. 1 recommendation<===

Is it possible to earn $500-$1,000 today with SpininCash?

Well, first let me explain the basics of these GTP surveys or tasks website.

In order for these surveys and small task websites to make money, they need some kind of method to generate revenue. How can they pay out thousands for someone completing small tasks and make money at the same time?

It’s simple, they don’t!

Just looking around the website and doing a little research, I found a lot of very obvious red flags!

Red Flag No. 1 – The payouts are unrealistic.

$35 just to sign up, $15 per referral, and $2 for every click!

If you compare this to a REAL GTP(Get Paid To) website like Swagbucks, where they really pay people for doing small tasks and depending on how much time you’re willing to spend, you see that the payouts are really small comparing to SpininCash. With Swagbucks, the average earnings are between $20 to $40 per month after IF you spend at least 3 hours per day watching videos and completing surveys. That is far from $1,000 per day, isn’t it!

Red Flag No. 2 – Things you need to do PRIOR to getting paid…

The cash-out requirements are very hard to attain!

The first thing I did was to check out what they say is required to get paid. I am supposed to have $35 (It actually says $37 and I have absolutely no idea why) in my account just for signing up… However, if I want to cash out I need to complete all of these tasks:

SpininCash cashout requirements

You will need to go through a bunch of tasks in order to get the “Cash out status”. These tasks will probably never happen. Here’s why:

1- You need 20 clicks on your “referral link”. This means that you have to post your referral link in your social media accounts and promote this. It’s not impossible, but because of all other red flags, I would NEVER promote this system in any of my social media accounts!

2- You need 5 referrals. This means that with your referral links posted all over social media, you will need 5 persons to join this system under your referral link. Again, not impossible, but for the same obvious reason, I would never spam my friends with this!

3- You need to complete 6 tasks – As I will show in red flag no. 4, these tasks are vicious links and you should stay away from clicking any of them!

4- You need to post at least 10 social media posts. This one is not that hard to do, but again don’t do it and risk being banned from the platform and labeled as a spammer.

Red Flag No. 3 – They will NEVER PAY YOU. I read their terms and conditions and found this:

If you read carefully they have this “clause” that says that “If you are under the age of ninety-nine (99), you are not allowed to use SpininCash Sites and Features nor our Services”

WHAT??!!! Did I just read that? What is this clause anyway?

That means that no matter what you do and how hard you try to get those cash out requirements done, you are not allowed to use their Features or Services, so you will NEVER get paid. Everyone using this website is younger than 99 I’m certain, so no one will get paid! Period!

They have their “legal” way NOT to pay out anyone!

SpininCash 99 years

Red Flag No.4 – Vicious and dangerous links to websites that will harvest your data, install viruses and malware on your computer, and then sell your information to third parties.

Not to my surprise (I have experienced the same thing on all identical scam systems I have reviewed in the past), the first link I clicked on, both my Norton/LifeLock and Malwarebytes system blocked the link:

SpininCash dangerous websites
SpininCash dangerous websites 2

People that are promoting this system trying to invite others on board from their own Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, or any other social media platform really don’t know that they are not going to earn anything. And most probably their computer is full of viruses and malware by now!

Needless to say, I DID NOT pursue this link (or any other links provided in the system) any further!

I could go on about other red flags in the system(there are several others) like spamming your social media accounts and you getting banned from your own account because of it, or the fake testimonies all over the place, but by now I think you should be able to tell that this system is not worth any of your time!

Plus the fact that it’s dangerous and you could become their victim if your computer is not well protected!



None whatsoever!


False Claims and over hyped Sales page

The owner(s) and/or creator(s) are hiding and we have no clue who they are.

Dangerous links that will either fill your computer with viruses and malware and/or harvest your personal data

You have to be 99 years old or older in order to get paid!

Tasks that are needed to complete will probably get you in trouble and you will never get paid anyway!


SpininCash is an outright SCAM!

No one should be wasting their time and exposing themselves to these scammers!

A free alternative worth your time and effort!

Time and effort

With all the make money online training platforms and opportunities you will find on the Internet, it can be very difficult to differentiate between the ones that are legit and the ones that are only interested in slowly emptying your bank account, install bogus viruses and malware or simply scam you!

I had the same problem several years ago, going from one useless program to another, trying to find a real system or method to earn money online. Then one day, while doing my due diligence about one of those systems, I stumbled on a website (just like this one) that introduced me to this platform that teaches affiliate marketing.

The affiliate marketing industry continues to grow as the online spending increases, and the number of companies investing into their affiliate programs is constantly increasing. To be completely honest, there has never been better time to get involved in Affiliate Marketing!

What stood out from the platform I was introduced to was the fact that they had a free test drive.

Most online platforms that are similar to this one has a buy-in fee, meaning you must pay before you actually see what you are in for. Usually, it’s disguised as some sort of free live webinar (not so live most of the time and prerecorded making you believe it’s live). You watch the webinar (which is actually a hyped sales video) telling you a sad story about this guy that was broke and out of a job, and now since joining the system he’s making six figures per month. Of course at the end of the “webinar” you are asked to join at a “fee”.

Wealthy Affiliate takes a completely different approach.

No hyped up sales pitch, no glamour, no fake story and NOTHING TO PAY – NO CREDIT CARD Needed to join as a starter member!

It’s actually

100% risk free

When starting your online business you will need three important and necessary elements:

Website(s), Education, Ai-Powerwed Hubs and Expert Training.

With Wealthy Affiliate you will get all of these along with my personal support to guide you along the way.

I have created my online business with the help and training of Wealthy Affiliate and I now earn money constantly, even when I sleep.

It’s a very good feeling to wake up in the morning and check my emails to see that money is still coming in while in bed sleeping!

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and sign up! You have nothing to lose and an online asset to gain!

Try it for free here

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Denis Signature 2022

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