Traffic and Funnels Review: Can it Really Help You Generate Leads?

Are you an aspiring or struggling digital entrepreneur looking for a program to help you acquire leads and effectively utilize funnels to create quality engagement? Traffic and Funnels is a 10-week training program that claims to help you reach these goals. But is it worth your time and money? In this Traffic and Funnels Review, I will share with you my thoughts and analysis of the program to help you determine if it’s the right choice for you.

Traffic and Funnels FRONTPAGE

Quality leads and engagement are the lifeblood of any business. If you are able to drive traffic and convert them to sales, then your venture will be perfectly fine and provide you with a reliable source of passive income.

However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Thus, many struggling digital entrepreneurs turn to online training courses for guidance on how they could improve their circumstances.

And most likely (since you are here on my website), one of the many online programs that you might have encountered is Traffic and Funnels. And if you’re here today to determine whether the training is worth the investment, then you definitely have come to the right place!

But before I officially start, let me take this moment to disclose that I am NOT an affiliate of Traffic and Funnels, and I will NOT earn any commissions if you decide to utilize their services.

So without further ado, let’s get right into today’s discussion…

Who Created the Traffic and Funnels Training Course?

Traffic and Funnels is the brainchild of partners Taylor Welch and Chris Evans (not Captain America Chris Evans). The two internet marketers have years of experience in the industry and credible backgrounds.

What makes Chris Evans’s credentials impressive is that he is the former vice president for marketing at GoDaddy, which is among the best hosting services around the globe and one that I have used at some point in time.

On the other hand, there’s not much information for Taylor Welch that I could gather. All I know is that he is a success in the digital marketing industry in his own right. He has a degree in marketing and graduated from the University of Memphis.

Aside from his venture with Chris Evans, he has other online courses, and among the programs, he partnered with his brother Payton Welch. One of his popular programs is called the Inbound Closer, which is all about the business of inbound closing, as the name suggests. Basically, you have to be on the phone all day trying to convince people to buy high-ticket items.

I did a review back in 2021 about Inbound Closer, and as I said in my “biased” review, I hate being on the phone and being anything resembling a hard sell to anyone, so it really wasn’t my kind of thing! You can find my review on this link.

I’m not sure when Chris Evans and Tyler Welch met. Still, they founded Traffic and Funnels in 2015 for the purpose of helping aspiring and struggling digital entrepreneurs acquire leads and how you can effectively utilize funnels to create quality engagement.

So with this being said—is the partners’ online training course legit? Or are they a scam you have to avoid?

Let’s continue with my Traffic and Funnels to learn more about the program and determine if they’re worth your while or not…

What are Traffic and Funnels?

Traffic and Funnels are advertised as a program that is supposed to help online businesses like coaching, consultant, and other professional services that you offer over the internet. But the main point of Traffic and Funnels is to help you improve your site to generate leads and convert sales.

It’s a 10-week training program designed to help people who already have an established business, such as coaches, consultants, or service providers, then create an offer, sell that offer, and get more leads into their business.

In addition, the thing here is that they do not exactly have a program to offer. What it is actually is a series of programs that should help you achieve your goals.

Also, in my opinion, the creators may be placing an excessive focus on Facebook advertising.

I have no problem with Facebook ads, don’t get me wrong here. Using only one platform, like Facebook, to advertise your product or service might not be the best idea. Even though lots of people use Facebook, there are many other places online where people spend time.

It’s like putting all your eggs in one basket – if something happens to that basket, you could lose all your eggs kinda thing. That’s why it’s important to spread out and put your ads in different places online. This way, you have a better chance of reaching even more people and getting the help you need to grow your business.

The millions of users can also be a problem because the platform is extremely saturated, and your ads may not even reach the right target market. And if you are unable to make your ads competitive enough, even with the paid ads, it could still not give you the result you are expecting.

What’s Inside the Traffic and Funnels Online Program

As mentioned, the Traffic and Funnels online program is composed of several programs that you have to pay for in order to benefit from them. Probably, the one that they prominently promote is ClientKit Workshop 2.0, which is discussed as follows—

ClientKit Workshop 2.0

ClientKit Workshop 2.0 is a 10-day online training that provides a lesson on the 4 foundational pillars of creating quality content—

  • First Pillar: High Ticket Offer – lessons on finding high-ticket products
  • Second Pillar: Paid Traffic Campaigns – it is a lesson on paid ads
  • Third Pillar: Automated Systems – it is the module on automating your system
  •  Fourth Pillar: Advanced Sales Strategies – you’ll get more insights on how to generate income up to 15K, as they claim

News Feed Authority

The next part of the program is the News Feed Authority, which is training about acquiring organic traffic without having to spend that much money. After the training, you’ll be redirected to another training called Identifying and Getting in Front of Your Dream Clients, which is all about searching for the best products to sell.

The Package Blueprint

This program offers 4 modules on how you can better understand your target market and how you utilize them to your advantage and convert sales in the process.

Client Acquisition Funnel

The next module doesn’t have any training modules inside, but what it gives you instead are premade materials or templates for email marketing and Facebook ad content that should help your site attract more traffic.

iOS Ad Lab

I’m not really sure what the iOS software has to do with this part of the training, but the core of the module is about how to run your Facebook ads effectively so you can create more engagement.

I also reviewed several eComm-related programs in the past, and you can read about them if you like and see the other options you have in your hand—SEO for Bloggers, Be the Boss Network, Ecom Babe, and Ecom Profit Masterclass, just to name a few of them. Or, you can see the full list by clicking here if you are interested.

Suppose you are searching for an affiliate marketing program that can truly help you gain success in the affiliate marketing industry without having to break the bank. In that case, you have to check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

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How Much is Traffic and Funnels

The cost that you have to prepare for Traffic and Funnels depends on the modules you are going to take at the moment. The summary of the prices is as follows—

  • ClientKit Workshop 2.0 – the cost of the main training is $49
  • News Feed Authority costs $197
  • The Package Blueprint costs $197
  • Client Acquisition Funnel costs $197
  • iOS Ad Lab costs $197

As you see, if they are only marketing the core program, some people might believe that they are saving money. As you move forward, you’ll soon realize that you are actually incurring more expenses.

In addition to the prices mentioned, there are upsells that you have to take note of as well if you are seriously considering this program.

Is Traffic and Funnels a Scam?

No Traffic and Funnels is NOT a scam.

The marketing pitch is just misleading, and it is full of expensive modules and upsells.

Now, the following is what other people are saying about Traffic and Funnels—

What I LIKE About Traffic and Funnels

Below are pointers on what I like about Traffic and Funnels—

Legit Founders

Chris Evans and Trevor Welch are legitimate people. Chris Evans, in particular, has held a high position in GoDaddy—a popular web hosting site around the globe.

Quality Lead Training

They provide emphasis on leads which are the lifeblood of any online business.

Positive Trustpilot Rating

It has received positive ratings and comments in Trustpilot, as shown below—

The program is comprehensive and covers everything you need to know about creating an offer, selling that offer, and getting more leads into your business.
The program is taught by successful eight-figure earners who have already achieved what you want to achieve.
You get lifetime access to the program, so you can revisit the modules whenever you need to.

What I DON’T LIKE About Traffic and Funnels

Now, I also listed the negative traits of Traffic and Funnels down below—

Not for the Newbie!

It’s not for everyone. It’s designed for people who already have an established business and can charge premium prices.

Too much emphasis on FaceBook ads

They mainly focus on Facebook ads, which can be costly and strict, but effective if you can stay on the platform without being banned. Facebook is notorious for banning accounts without any explanation!

Negative Rating and Comments in BBB

Despite the positive rating it has received in Trustpilot, it greatly failed in the Better Business Bureau, which is a more credible site compared to the aforementioned.

It garnered a rating of “F” and received a lot of complaints, as shown below—

The program is expensive, which could be a deal-breaker for some people.

The program focuses on Facebook ads, which could be a problem if you get kicked off the platform or if Facebook ads become too expensive.

The program is only for people who already have an established business as a coach, consultant, or service provider.

Other Negative Comments

It’s also important to note the negative comments that Traffic and Funnels has received in Trustpilot

Final Thoughts on My Traffic and Funnels Review and My Personal Rating

Although Traffic and Funnels is a comprehensive training program, it is not suitable for everyone. If you haven’t achieved real-world results for clients, you may not get much value out of it. Additionally, the program’s focus on Facebook ads can be an issue since the platform is expensive and strict, especially if you get banned!

In summary, Traffic and Funnels is a good investment for those with an established business. Still, you need to consider the risks of relying solely on Facebook ads for generating traffic.

With this being said—I am giving Traffic and Funnels a personal rating of 7 out of 10—

An Alternative to Traffic and Funnels

If you don’t have the budget to pay for the initial cost of Traffic and Funnels, or you don’t have an established business to take advantage of it, then don’t be discouraged because I got something to offer that’s better and budget-friendly.

Consider giving the highlighted texts below, and I will show you can create a quality website and content that’s driving traffic and converting sales—


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And to show you my appreciation by being here, I am also giving my eBook for absolutely no cost to you in order to help you kickstart your affiliate marketing endeavour—

4 step-method toward success



Denis Signature 2022

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