VO Genesis (2022) Review: SCAM or LEGIT Freelance Work? Here’s the true answer!

In today’s VO Genesis review, I will talk about the important specifics of the platform and provide you with my unbiased opinion.


Welcome to my VO Genesis review!

There’s a wide range of careers available when it comes to home-based or work-from-home jobs.

If you’re particularly looking for an online work related to doing voice-overs, then VO Genesis is one option that you might have come across.

The sales page is already a little bit sketchy, and it seems to be that there’s no information about the founder of the platform.

However, if you’re still wondering if they’re legitimate and if there’s a chance you are wrong with your suspicion, then the article I have prepared for today will put those doubts aside and help you determine if they’re indeed a good use of your time and money or not.

But before I officially start, indulge me for a moment to share with you firstly that I am NOT an affiliate of the program. I will NOT benefit if you decide to join their program after reading today’s discussion.

This article is my unbiased analysis and opinion about the effectiveness of VO Genesis in providing you with a stable source of income.

So without any further ado, let’s get right into today’s review…

Who is the Founder of VO Genesis? If There Are Any…

VO Genesis IMAGE 1

On their landing page, you will find the name Jenny Lewis which they pose as the founder and current owner. However, that’s just about it—no picture of her or video presentation that I can use to reverse the image search. It’s just a name.

She has no social media profiles like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

Also, you will not find any information about her when you happen to search for her background over search engines.

This is a huge red flag to me because I’ve reviewed many internet gurus in the past, and I can tell you that they like to flaunt their fake lifestyle and display their stash of cash as they talk about how great their life is.

With this being said—I am highly skeptical about the identity of the person VO Genesis poses as founder and current owner. It’s most likely that Jenny Lewis is just a fictitious personality that these marketers create to lead people into believing that they’re legitimate.

We can’t really verify who Jenny Lewis is. So does this mean that the program is a scam?

Let’s continue with my VO Genesis review and learn more about how the program (or scam) works…

What is VO Genesis?

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VO (Voice Over) Genesis is a Clickbank digital product, and as the name suggests, it is an online program that focuses on helping voice-over artists across the globe to earn money in the comfort of their homes.

She claims that her blueprint is foolproof and can generate tons of income. However, the problem with her claim is that there are no proofs to back up her exaggerated claims.

The voice-over gig and other freelancing jobs can be lucrative sources of income. In fact, many people have been in the business for years, and they were able to achieve and maintain a favorable lifestyle that supports their needs.

However, it’s easier said than done. Although the voice-over industry is already saturated, the demand is still very high. With this in mind, you need to have the skills and knowledge to market your services and stand out from the rest of the competition.

Without any proven credentials to back up their claims, can VO Genesis really help you achieve your financial and career goals in the voice-over profession?

Let’s go over to the next section and learn more about what the program offers…

What Does the VO Genesis Offer?

VO Genesis consists of 15 video lessons to complete. They also provide several PDF files that are supposed to help you gain traction in the business of the freelance voice-over profession.

The content of the program seems to be extensive and good training you can engage in. However, this isn’t exactly the case.

As soon as you sign up for the program, you will find out that the videos are pretty generic. Some of the training inside you can even source over the internet for free.

Also, videos are full of marketing advertisements promoting other programs that they have developed as well. Initially, I didn’t feel that there was real training or coaching here.

I am not going to discuss each of the modules because I feel that it’s just a waste of time to talk about them.

But to give you a better understanding of the training, below is an overview of what you’ll get after signing up for Jenny Lewis’ voice-over training—

  • Setting up your workplace and voice over studio
  • Recording and editing raw voice clips
  • How to find voice over gigs

Again, you can find most of these topics for absolutely no cost to you by searching them over the internet.

In my opinion, the program is more of a crash course than an in-depth training course. If you’re a newbie to the voice-over industry, you may find them useful to some extent, but it is still a low-quality program overall.

I also reviewed several freelancing programs and other income opportunities online in the past. You can check them out if you like—The Freelance Hustle, The Savage University, Crowdtap, and Ecom Everything, just to name a few of the reviews I have written in the past.

How Much is the Program?

They advertise that the full price of the program is $97. And for a limited time only, they are offering it for only $37. Of course, this is just a marketing tactic, and I don’t think it’s even worth over $30.

From the numerous marketing ads during the duration of the video training, you can immediately feel that an upsell is coming. And after you have signed up for the program, you will soon find out that there are indeed these so-called upgrades that include the following—

  • Voice Over Insider’s Guide has a price of $37
  • Multiple Streams of Income has a price of $47
  • Quick Cash Machine has a price of $47

As you see, the $97 to $37 discount is just a marketing strategy to make you believe that you are saving money, but actually, you are going to spend more in contrast to what you previously expected.

Anyway, if you’re looking for a more legitimate source of income that can provide you profitability and sustainability, then you have to check out my work-from-home recommendation!

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Is VO Genesis a Scam?

My initial impression of VO Genesis is that it’s a scam or at least a very low-quality system/program. And I say that this is the case because it’s challenging to find any relevant information about the business, and then you also have to take into consideration the number of false testimonies which is typical for a scam or a very low-quality product.

What I LIKE about the VO Genesis Program

I did not find any positive traits about the program that could lead me to recommend the program.

If you are a freelance voice-over artist, there are a lot of options around you can turn to, like UpWork or Fiverr, where you can render your talents to. It is best for you to just leave VO Genesis and look for better opportunities.

But if you’re open to engaging in other eComm endeavors that can help you earn a high and reliable income, then I highly suggest that you check out my best work-from-home recommendation!

What I DON’T LIKE about the VO Genesis Program

The following are some of the things I don’t particularly like about the BPO program VO Genesis is offering—

Bogus Owner

As I mentioned earlier, Jenny Lewis is likely to be a fictitious person considering there’s no information about her over the internet.

In my opinion, this is highly uncharacteristic since many internet gurus like to brag about their luxurious lifestyles.

False Testimonies

Just like the premise that we can’t verify the identity of Jenny Lewis, there’s also no way for us to confirm the authenticity of the testimonials since they are just words.

Based on my experience with scams in the past, they like to use free stock images or hire paid actors to represent their brand and make scripted testimonials.


Again, you may think you’re going to save money, but as I explained, this isn’t exactly the case because of the expensive upsells after you have signed up for their program.

No Income Disclosure Statement

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. In the case of VO Genesis, they give you exaggerated claims but no income disclosures to verify the claims.

Final Thoughts on my VO Genesis Review and A Better Alternative

I hope today’s VO Genesis review has provided you with the insights you need to determine if the training program is the right one for you or should you search for more legitimate programs.

I honestly believe that voice-over freelancing can help you become financially independent, many people have already tried it and gained success, so I don’t see it not working for you.

You will need proper guidance if you’re a complete beginner, though, and I don’t think VO Genesis is the right training program that can help you achieve your goals.

Although doing freelance voice-overs has many benefits, it has several disadvantages as well. The most prominent ones are as follows—

  • Expensive setup
  • Unsteady work
  • Stiff competition

If you’re fine working with endeavors other than voice-over jobs and financial security is what matters to you the most, then you might want to create your own affiliate marketing business instead.

Affiliate marketing is an eComm business where you represent a brand by promoting their products or services through your online publications such as blog posts, website, online store, vlogs, social media, etc.

And its great advantage is that it’s cost-effective and suits all levels of experience.

If you want to learn more about how affiliate marketing works and it can help you attain your goals financially, then you have to check out my work-from-home recommendation!

And to show my appreciation just by reading today’s VO Genesis review, I’m also giving away my book to help you jumpstart your affiliate marketing business—

4 step-method


I hope that’s just about it!

Thank you for the time! And I hope to see you on the following topics!


Denis Signature

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