Fast Track Commission System Review: Is it a DFY SCAM?

Is Fast Track Commission System legit? In today’s review, I will provide my analysis and help you decide why this DFY system may not be the right program for you.

Fast Track Commission System FRONTPAGE

A warm welcome to my Fast Track Commission System review!

Being able to earn sufficient money that supports your lifestyle while working at home and being able to fulfill your passion is the dream that many of today’s younger generation are running after.

With the rise of eCommerce, many so-called internet gurus are also taking advantage of the event. Although it is supposed to help aspiring digital entrepreneurs, not all of them have honest intentions and would only like to get money from you.

Anyway, Fast Track Commissions System is probably among those you have become acquainted with via an email you received one day.

And if, for some reason that the sales pitch has caught your interest and you want to determine if they’re the real deal, then you’d be glad to know that the article I have prepared for today will especially take on the matter.

But before I officially begin, allow me to have this moment to share with you that I am NOT marketing the Fast Track Commission System, and I WON’T earn any commissions if you decide to buy the program.

So without any further ado, let’s start today’s review…

Who are the Founders of the Fast Track Commission System?

Fast Track Commission System is just among the chain of rehashed digital products, which includes two of the DFY (Done-for-you) programs I have reviewed in the past, such as Quantum Accelerator Success System, IM Profit Multiplier and Commission Alpha.

And just like the previous reviews, the developers of these links of rehashed programs were not disclosed. It kind of feels like they’re a syndicate that changes the name of the domain whenever their audience starts to suspect that it’s a scam.

In fact, I tried to open the old link of Quantum Accelerators, and I found that the video sales letter was already replaced by the Fast Track Commission System video, even though the program has a separate domain name.

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Also, the testimonials appear to have been recycled repeatedly from other DFY systems that I suspect to be under the group running the Fast Track Commission System, as you see below—

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Also, they are using fake testimonials that supposedly boost their bogus DFY system. I will present this in a little while as we progress.

From the looks of it, you can already surmise that there’s something fishy about the operation of the program. But if you’re still interested in how the DFY system works, then let’s continue with my Fast Track Commission System review and learn more about them…

What is the Fast Track Commission System?

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Fast Track Commission System is a classic example of a DFY system that is repeatedly rehashed. It is a common practice in the industry that is supposed to clean off their tracks, so to speak.

Once their members are already suspecting that the program is a scam and perhaps request a refund, they would modify the structure of their site in order to get away from potentially running into troubles.

This also explains why they are not disclosing their founders, owners, or even place of business.

Anyway, a DFY or done-for-you system that provides its members premade materials like a poorly made landing page, existing email funnel, and PLR (private label rights) content.

So the idea is basically to have an online business that takes away the challenges of the initial phases.

As enticing as it may appear, it is not as effective as some may have thought.

Now, you also have to remember that the items you’re going to receive from the DFY program are the same materials as the other members.

You have to take note that prominent search engine sites like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Yandex and social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram have a strict policy on spam or duplicating content.

Spams are essentially content that is deemed by a platform system as potentially dangerous.

These sites are filtered, which means that it would be really difficult for you to generate any traffic to your landing pages and produce sales.

If you’re looking for a better alternative than DFY systems that can deliver financial stability, then you have to refer to my best work-from-home recommendation!

How Does Fast Track Commission System Work?

And just like the previous rehashed systems, it is basically your typical DFY system. All you have to do is to advertise the very same program you have purchased.

Although they may advertise it like affiliate marketing, this isn’t quite so because the platform is more of a referral marketing. First and foremost, you have to remember that affiliate marketing allows you to create content according to your passion and promote the products that best represent your niche and advocacies.

In simpler terms, referral marketing rewards current members through invitations and successful purchases of the business’ products by prospective recruits. On the other hand, affiliate marketing is focused on promoting a number of third-party products through their existing audience.

Again, the problem with DFYs is that prominent search engine sites and social media platforms penalize spam, such as duplicating content by filtering them.

With this being said—their promise of high returns in their video sales letters is just hyped because it is extremely challenging to generate leads and convert sales using the substandard system.

I also have reviewed several DFY systems in the past that you can read about if you are interested—MYIGGA, Infinity Processing System, Mastering Online Income, and Freedom Launchpad, just to name a few of them. Spoiler alert, though, all of them are scams.

Anyway, if you want to check out the full list of reviews and see if we have a review of a program you’re prospecting, then all you have to do is engage with the link provided.

How Much is the Program?

The cost of the Fast Track Commission System is $47. However, there’s an immediate upsell of $50 for the “Quick to Profit” training program. So that’s a total of $97.

There’s another weird thing about the Fast Track Commission System that further validates that the program is a chain of rehashed DFYs.

Once you are at their fake checkout counter, you will be redirected to another domain name called “I’m Success Methods,” which is an apparent red flag.

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At the bottom, they say that they offer full refunds if you are not satisfied with their DFY program. However, it was not indicated if there are conditions before you can request a refund or if there’s a specific period where you can ask for their money back.

Also, you have to be prepared for the ensuing multiple upsells. Although $97 might seem a reasonable amount, you may end up incurring higher expenses due to the upsells involved.

If you’re looking for a better alternative that can help you produce a higher and more reliable source of income online, then you better try my best work-from-home recommendation!

Is Fast Track Commission System a Scam?

In my opinion, Fast Track Commission System is a DFY scam considering the unwillingness of the owners to share a part of their identities and suspicious business operation such as continuous rehashing of their programs.

Again, they’re much better and superior options that can give you the financial independence you’re looking for.

What I LIKE about the Fast Track Commission System

I did not find any positive traits that could lead me to recommend the DFY system in any way. I believe that it is a scam that you have to refrain from engaging in.

What I DON’T LIKE about the Fast Track Commission System

Now, here are the red flags of the program that you have to take note of—

Rehash Programs

Fast Track Commission System is just a recycled program from the previous programs that didn’t work.

Owners Were Not Disclosed

The founders and current owners of the programs were not shared with the public. The thing here is that if you are a legitimate business, then you shouldn’t hesitate to share parts of your business information.

However, from the previous reviews I did, I know for a fact that in the IM Profit Multiplier review, I had revealed the real owners and they are Reg Gusman and Anastasia Hodge.

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They are part of a bigger system called The Super Affiliate Network (not to be confused with The Super Affiliate System) and they use these so-called DFY systems to get people in the Super Affiliate Network.

A Scam?

Considering the low-quality program, chain of rehash programs, and unwillingness to share corporate info with the public, it makes their intentions a little suspicious.

Is it a Pyramid Scheme?

Fast Track Commission System is more focused on recruiting new members to the program.

Fake Testimonials

Some of the video testimonials are made by paid actors—

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Final Thoughts on My Fast Track Commission System Review and A Better Alternative to a Done-for-You System

I hope my Fast Track Commission System review has provided you with the insights you need as to why the program is not the right for you. And as I repeatedly emphasize all throughout, the program is likely to be your typical DFY scam and will redirect you to a bigger system called The Super Affiliate Network.

If you’re looking for a more legitimate program that is less risky and cost-effective, then I have something to offer to you that can help you build an eCommerce business from scratch.

And if you’re interested, consider slightly tickling the highlighted description below and learn how you can create a site that’s generating leads and converting sales—


I believe that’s just about it in today’s discussion!

And to show you my appreciation just by reading my Fast Track Commission System review, I’m also giving away my book to help you kickstart your eComm endeavor.

4 step-method



Denis Signature 2022

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